Santa Fe Institute

Inside a real genius club: the Santa Fe Institute Big Think 208,818 1 год назад
Santa Fe Institute Emergent Political Economies 2024 Santa Fe Institute 1,452 1 год назад
Ceci n'est pas SFI. A documentary about the Santa Fe Institute Karol Jalochowski 1,606 4 месяца назад
My SFI: Cormac McCarthy describes the Santa Fe Institute Santa Fe Institute 71,031 9 лет назад
Santa Fe Institute REU Program - Apply Now! Santa Fe Institute 4,143 9 лет назад
Searching For Order in the Complexity of Evolving Worlds Santa Fe Institute 44,608 9 лет назад
Why and how we ask Big Questions at the Santa Fe Institute Santa Fe Institute 1,384 12 лет назад
Complexity Explorer Lecture: David Krakauer • What is Complexity? Santa Fe Institute 26,944 2 года назад
"The Brotherhood of the Bell" and University Secret Societies Professor Hamamoto 7,560 1 год назад
Complexity Science and the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 - Dan Stein Santa Fe Institute 2,896 3 года назад
Why is Time a One-Way Street? Santa Fe Institute 1,698,082 11 лет назад
Complexity: Life, Scale, & Civilization Santa Fe Institute 37,356 12 лет назад
Cities, Scaling and Sustainability Santa Fe Institute 21,380 13 лет назад
2015 - A statistical physicist looks at some complex systems Santa Fe Institute 3,905 9 лет назад
Origins of Life - Santa Fe Institute's New Online Course Complexity Explorer 16,092 5 лет назад
Raissa D'Souza - The Collapse of Networks Santa Fe Institute 3,590 5 лет назад
Copying vs. Transforming Information Santa Fe Institute 2,794 5 лет назад
Is The Santa Fe Institute A FORCE For GOOD? TARTLE 54 55 лет назад
James Holehouse - SFI Complexity PostDoc Santa Fe Institute 860 6 месяцев назад
University of Michigan Campus Tour 2024 (UMICH) Fizz 17,674 5 месяцев назад
1 Tag als Harvard Student laserluca 1,607,523 2 месяца назад
Anna Guerrero - SFI Complexity PostDoc Santa Fe Institute 726 5 месяцев назад