Smart Materials

What are Smart Materials Cricut 24,244 3 года назад
Smart Materials Overview 3 H G 24,165 8 лет назад
What are Smart Materials Cricut 38,824 3 года назад
Smart materials explained: What are smart materials and how do they work? Imperial Materials 1,099 2 месяца назад
smart materials overview H G 3,489 8 лет назад
Smart Materials | Anna Ploszajski | TEDxYouth@Manchester TEDx Talks 46,163 7 лет назад
Smart Materials of the Future - with Anna Ploszajski The Royal Institution 58,863 6 лет назад
SMART materials Paula Langley 122,129 12 лет назад
smart Classroom furniture Smart Indota 468 2 дня назад
What are smart materials and why are they important? Imperial Materials 5,446 3 года назад
Smart Materials: The Future of Innovation Hüseyin AYTUMUR 1,301 7 месяцев назад
What Can Intelligent Materials Do? - with Skylar Tibbits The Royal Institution 63,454 3 года назад
Cricut Joy™ - What are Smart Materials™? Cricut 22,237 5 лет назад
Smart Materials Design and Technology Makewell with Miss Markwell 15,715 5 лет назад
Modern and Smart Materials GCSE DT DTtoolbox 23,787 4 года назад
Slipknot - Psychosocial [OFFICIAL VIDEO] [HD] Slipknot 571,219,959 15 лет назад
The Incredible Properties of Composite Materials The Efficient Engineer 346,356 1 год назад
Thermoplastics vs Thermosetting Plastics Iron Rocks 62,607 6 лет назад
3D printing a fast-morphing smart material nature video 243,364 6 лет назад
Smart Materials KS3-5 Design & Technology 30,661 9 лет назад
Smart Materials in Cricut Explore Air 2 and Cricut Maker Angie Holden 57,678 3 года назад
4D Printing: Smart Materials based Additive Manufacturing Gizmos & Boffin 693 2 года назад