
More introduction to Sobolev space and introduction to weak convergence Calculus is pictures. 305 3 года назад
Thierry Bodineau: Log-Sobolev inequality for the continuum sine-Gordon model (Sep 17, 2020) Analyis, Quantum Fields, and Probability 266 4 года назад
Lecture05 Sobolev spaces Reconstructing Mathematics 2,218 1 год назад
PDE, Sobolev spaces: Lecture of Sobolev inequalities. Yifu Wang 1,220 4 года назад
Korn's inequality and intro to Sobolev space Calculus is pictures. 237 3 года назад
Taylor Approximations and Sobolev Spaces Part 1 of 2 SIU Math 1,603 8 лет назад
Sobolev Space SolFinder Research 964 3 года назад
Global well-posedness and scattering...Sobolev norm - Benjamin Dodson Institute for Advanced Study 1,339 6 лет назад
PDE. Lecture #29. Introduction to Sobolev Spaces. Part III Partial Education 299 2 года назад
Newtonian-Sobolev Functions - Lecture 1 Young Measures 222 1 год назад
Sobolev Preconditioning Michael Nef 464 2 года назад
Interpolation of Data by C^m and Sobolev Functions - Charles Fefferman Stony Brook Mathematics 178 4 года назад
Euclidean Sobolev Functions—Key Properties Young Measures 200 1 год назад
PDE. Lecture #30. Introduction to Sobolev Spaces. Part IV Partial Education 305 2 года назад