Tal Baron

Tal Baron Checkmates Magnus Carlsen with a Pawn! agadmator's Chess Channel 331,817 7 лет назад
Live Blitz Chess: GM Tal Baron vs. IM Bartholomew [Game 1] John Bartholomew 47,409 9 лет назад
When Tal and 50.Qh6 mate for the first time Tal Baron 9,700 8 лет назад
Grandmaster Tal Baron Interview (Chess Shorts Ep. 13) Adam Whitaker Presents 313 1 год назад
GM Tal Baron Plays Blitz with Commentary | Game 1 Tal Baron 804 7 лет назад
Live Blitz Chess: GM Tal Baron vs. IM Bartholomew [Game 3] John Bartholomew 8,583 9 лет назад
Did I CHEAT on Chess.com??? | The Ugly Truth Tal Baron 71,241 7 лет назад
GM Tal Baron and GM Thal Abergel playing funky Tal Baron 1,966 8 лет назад
Match vs. GM Tal Baron [Dual Commentary] John Bartholomew 49,602 8 лет назад