The Baseball Professor

Baseball's first unhittable pitcher The Baseball Professor 134,745 2 года назад
Worst of all time in MLB The Baseball Professor 4,941 1 год назад
The worst decade in MLB history The Baseball Professor 19,804 2 года назад
Speed, power, spitballs, and the greatness of 1920s baseball (Part I) The Baseball Professor 121,777 7 месяцев назад
Why Study Baseball History - Lecture 1 The Baseball Professor 11,585 3 года назад
Why I’m Playing Baseball In Switzerland Trevor Bauer 253,176 12 дней назад
Barehanded baseball The Baseball Professor 96,294 2 года назад
Hair's history in baseball The Baseball Professor 7,998 2 года назад
MLB Weirdest Pitching Styles Sporting Videos 12,574,079 8 лет назад
Babe Ruth, elite athlete who looked ordinary The Baseball Professor 155,909 2 года назад
A friendly game of baseball, 1861 style The Day 5,660,731 9 лет назад
The FASTEST pitch in LLWS history. Guess how the hitters did. MJH-Baseball 1,930,796 3 года назад
The Origins of Baseball - Lecture 2 The Baseball Professor 42,647 3 года назад
Baseball's spread to Japan and Cuba The Baseball Professor 17,815 2 года назад
When did baseball become baseball? The Baseball Professor 115,956 2 года назад
The Live-Ball Era, 1920-1945 - Lecture 5 The Baseball Professor 69,712 3 года назад
Baseball during the dead-ball era, 1901-1920 - Lecture 4 The Baseball Professor 52,576 3 года назад
Beer at the ballpark, a brief history The Baseball Professor 38,656 11 месяцев назад
The Professor #baseball Adam Arroyo 1,950,294 1 месяц назад
Why Bob Uecker was Baseball’s renaissance man The Baseball Professor 782 1 месяц назад
Satchel Paige, a man you could not take your eyes off The Baseball Professor 105,382 2 года назад
Power pitchers compared The Baseball Professor 919 2 месяца назад
Underdog story, the 1924 World Series (Part II) The Baseball Professor 12,593 7 месяцев назад
Baseball during the Gilded Age, 1865-1900 - Lecture 3 The Baseball Professor 48,769 3 года назад
The deadly pitch that changed baseball The Baseball Professor 1,951,014 2 года назад
What baseball cost in New York during the 1920s The Baseball Professor 197,557 2 года назад
The oven mitt era must end The Baseball Professor 3,408 2 месяца назад
Why Hall of Famers fade away faster than others The Baseball Professor 11,752 1 месяц назад
Base stealing efficiency and the 90+ stolen bases club The Baseball Professor 703 1 месяц назад