The Bespectacled Librarian

Nonfiction Text Features The Bespectacled Librarian 2,009,799 9 лет назад
What is a Graphic Novel? The Bespectacled Librarian 124,658 3 года назад
How Books Are Made / Parts of a Book The Bespectacled Librarian 90,480 8 лет назад
Fiction vs Nonfiction The Bespectacled Librarian 390,108 4 года назад
Taking Care of Your Chromebook The Bespectacled Librarian 307,510 9 лет назад
Being A Librarian 101: A Day In the Life of a Librarian Bookish Realm 53,483 5 лет назад
Day in the Life of a Library Assistant | Hospital Library The Due-Downies 33,536 5 лет назад
Working In A Library: Day in the Life. A Very Casual Librarian 22,947 2 года назад
How to Become a Librarian : tips, tricks, and MLIS advice! randomlibrarian 39,143 5 лет назад
The Power of School Librarians Capstone 98,989 10 лет назад
A Day in the Life of - Librarians City of PAE 35,926 7 лет назад
What Librarians do all day (ft. wholesome stories) Cereal 4,336 3 года назад
What do librarians actually do? Caitlin Greener 30,581 10 лет назад
Google Drawings Basics The Bespectacled Librarian 104,174 4 года назад
Before you become a librarian, some things to keep in mind. Stacks & Facts 161,325 4 года назад
How Do You See the Role of Librarians Changing? JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) 752 7 лет назад
What does a research librarian do? researchLibrarian 733 12 лет назад
Librarians as Navigators | Jaclyn McKewan | TEDxBuffalo TEDx Talks 2,760 7 лет назад
Investigating the question what do librarians do? CityNews 535 3 года назад
What is Cataloging at the Library? cmplib 17,984 4 года назад