The Lore Master

The Best General of the Galactic Empire [Legends] The Lore Master 117,790 2 года назад
Who knew Palpatine was a Sith Lord? [Canon] - Star Wars Explained The Lore Master 167,479 6 лет назад
Lore Master's Deck—all the lore prompts you'll ever need! The Story Engine Deck 3,231 1 год назад
What Palpatine Did in His Free Time [Legends] The Lore Master 4,761,585 7 лет назад
The Most Pathetic Republic Commander of the Clone Wars [Legends] The Lore Master 269,861 4 года назад
40K LORE - THE LEGEND OF ELDANESH Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer 2,842 13 часов назад
What the Empire did with the Refugees of the Clone Wars [Legends] The Lore Master 102,701 5 лет назад
Darth Vader Meets His Childhood Friends After 30 Years [Canon] The Lore Master 1,047,869 1 год назад
When Darth Vader Tried to Flex on Palpatine [Canon] The Lore Master 920,723 3 года назад
What Grievous did with a Group of Jedi Younglings he Captured [Legends] The Lore Master 3,095,623 5 лет назад
When Darth Vader Stopped Thinking with his Lightsaber [Legends] The Lore Master 340,458 2 года назад
5 Jedi That Joined the Galactic Empire [Legends] The Lore Master 1,933,460 7 лет назад
All Sith Ranks and Titles The Lore Master 1,882,423 8 лет назад
The Most Powerful Ship in Star Wars - The Eclipse [Legends] The Lore Master 825,810 7 лет назад
The Stormtrooper Cadet who Insulted Clones in front of Rex [Canon] The Lore Master 76,917 2 месяца назад
Wookiee Jedi Youngling Bullies his Friend for being Trandoshan [Canon] The Lore Master 50,851 5 месяцев назад