Tolkien Lore

The History of Morgoth [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 2,206,845 1 год назад
The History of Sauron [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 2,834,027 1 год назад
The History of Gundabad | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 840,151 1 год назад
The History of Númenor | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 2,197,959 3 года назад
Details Peter Jackson Got Right in "Return of the King," Part 1 Tolkien Lore 2,108 54 года назад
The Life of Tom Bombadil | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 847,632 1 год назад
The Complete Travels of Gandalf | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 4,484,884 4 года назад
Lord of the Rings Mythology Explained CGP Grey 11,071,616 9 лет назад
Gandalf's First Mission (as Olórin) | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 332,467 2 месяца назад
Rhûn, Khand, & the Unknown East of Middle-earth Tolkien Untangled 101,498 3 месяца назад
The COMPLETE History of Gondor | Tolkien Explained (Compilation) Nerd of the Rings 1,011,970 10 месяцев назад
The Full Story of GANDALF! | Middle Earth Lore The Broken Sword 3,228,987 3 года назад
The Elf Life Cycle | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 376,907 5 месяцев назад
Why Tolkien Didn't Like Dune magnify 6,333,638 8 месяцев назад
The Silmarils | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 520,058 1 год назад

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