Update Rose

Rosé Hasn’t Changed This in YEARS?! Keipab 441,970 3 дня назад
ROSÉ - 3am (live performance) ROSÉ 5,778,420 1 месяц назад
Rosé Thought Bruno Mars Would Get Canceled? Keipab 1,528,564 3 месяца назад
OMG!! Rosé. #rosé #blackpink #shortsbeta #fypviralシ @roses_are_rosie Miss _aj68 8,283,841 10 месяцев назад
The Truth Behind Rosé’s Concert Incidents! Keipab 735,537 2 месяца назад
We got Juice!! RoseRed 352 2 часа назад
剪完帅炸!这款超显脸小的锁骨发太种草了 今日髮型@hairstyle today 0 22 часа назад
Update on how things went at the Rose Bowl flea market  Stormy Kelly 8,772 1 день назад
iOS 18.3.2 update is here - This is what you need to know! Apfelwelt 85,406 1 день назад
Hardwood Rose Propagation: Soilless Method Update #1 Fraser Valley Rose Farm 37,127 6 лет назад
Rose Hardwood Cuttings: Spring Update Fraser Valley Rose Farm 20,847 6 лет назад
Did Jungkook Ignore Rosé with APT? Keipab 1,004,487 2 месяца назад
Bruno vs. Evan Battling for Rosé?! Keipab 1,271,585 3 месяца назад
The history repeat again #Lisa #jisoo #jennie #rosé ELLA OFFICIAL 3,634,602 7 месяцев назад
Rosé and Bruno mars front and back edit 🫶 #rose #brunomars #apt ELLA OFFICIAL 258,206 4 месяца назад
BLACKPINK's Rosé and Jaden Smith are dating, Jaden Smith is Rosé ex? KPOP NEWS TODAY 02 19,634 3 месяца назад
Rosé from Terrible Singer to Main Vocalist? Keipab 308,045 4 месяца назад