Wax Cylinder

Edison Wax Recording, Guitar & Vocals County College Of Morris 133,181 12 лет назад
Met Opera Stars Record on Wax Cylinder Equipment Metropolitan Opera 49,397 6 лет назад
One of a kind Wax Cylinder breaks on camera jessieawebb 671,188 16 лет назад
How the Cylinder Phonograph Works EdisonTechCenter TechCenter 142,705 9 лет назад
Edison Museum Wax Cylinder Recording Session (HD) phonophan 293,682 15 лет назад
edison black wax cylinders just arrived THEVICTROLAGUY 400 8 лет назад
Releasing Music Exclusively on WAX CYLINDER! - Unboxing! GandalfsFist 607 5 лет назад
ANCIENT WAX CYLINDER MUSIC! Vinyl Eyezz 189,487 8 лет назад
1903 Edison Phonograph Recording Demo | Maker Faire Detroit The Henry Ford 397,798 6 лет назад
Wax Cylinder Production EdisonTechCenter TechCenter 22,711 9 лет назад
Opening a Vintage Edison Wax Cylinder Box Xiaowen Zhu 194 12 лет назад
Phonograph cylinders being played on an Edison wax cylinder phonograph! #MusicHistory #Library Special Collections & Archives, UIowa Libraries 18,995 1 год назад
Wax cylinder recordings: Preservation and discovery through digitization UITS at Indiana University 4,998 7 лет назад
Edison Wax Cylinder Shavers Part 1 Phonoguy 998 1 месяц назад
Recording Metal on 100-Year-Old Equipment Rob Scallon 1,674,833 7 лет назад
Wax cylinder recordings: Preservation and discovery through digitization UITS at Indiana University 8,574 7 лет назад
Edison's Impression: Laying Sound into a Groove Technology Connections 383,587 9 лет назад