Yaml Openapi Specification

How to build an OpenAPI Specification using YAML? CodeWithPraveen 46,253 3 года назад
REST API and OpenAPI: It’s Not an Either/Or Question IBM Technology 231,402 4 года назад
What is the difference between Swagger and OpenAPI? CodeWithPraveen 72,649 4 года назад
OpenAPI - Create your first Open API specification document in YAML H4 Mindful Thinking 39 11 месяцев назад
YAML vs JSON for OpenAPI CodeWithPraveen 3,406 4 года назад
Generate OpenAPI 3.0 YAML or HTML with Proxyman Proxyman Support 66 2 месяца назад
Building an API with OpenAPI YAML in 10 minutes. By Joshua Peper pyGrunn and aiGrunn Conferences 3,142 3 года назад
Adopting an API First Approach with OpenAPI 3.0 SmartBear 8,251 7 лет назад
API Design and What's new with Open API? (Google Cloud Next '17) Google Cloud Tech 15,711 8 лет назад
Practical OpenAPI in Go package main 2,706 10 дней назад
OAuth 2.0: An Overview InterSystems Learning Services 1,227,210 8 лет назад
API First Design | Open API Specification | Tech Primers Tech Primers 27,565 6 лет назад
What is a REST API? IBM Technology 1,704,219 4 года назад
Understand OpenAPI in 5 Minutes With Examples api-first 2,194 4 месяца назад
Swagger - Design, Build, Consume and Document RESTful APIs SoftYor Solutions 10,119 8 лет назад
Introduction to OpenAPI Specification FOSDEM 10,576 6 лет назад
LectureIntro to the OpenAPI Spec LiveLifeAsItIs 62 5 лет назад
Overview of OpenAPI Specification CodeWithPraveen 18,174 4 года назад
Better API Design with OpenAPI (Cloud Next '18) Google Cloud Tech 30,327 6 лет назад
What is OpenAPI? Kin Lane, The API Evangelist 77,407 4 года назад
Make Your OpenAPI and AsyncAPI Definitions Dynamic with Geneva OpenAPI Initiative 371 4 года назад