Деревенский Волк

I unpacked the BELMASH P2200M THEYSMUS and used it to make a hay PRESS. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 14,655 4 месяца назад
I harvested 6 acres of land, so much that I had nowhere to put it. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 5,287 2 недели назад
I harvested buckwheat. I bring out the harvest in cartloads. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 7,148 1 месяц назад
Смолотил гречку с первыми морозами... А как сушить? ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 4,269 3 недели назад
I repaired the combine and am milking BUCKWHEAT. I am harvesting carrots. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 4,931 4 недели назад
I'm done with the bees - I summed it up and continue to work on the gardens. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 5,291 1 месяц назад
Finished harvesting. How much grain? How much HONEY? How much hay did you sell? ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 6,464 2 месяца назад
I'm restoring equipment. I shortened the bees' nests and "squeezed" some honey from them. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 6,116 2 месяца назад
The hurricane caused trouble... left cut off from civilization. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 5,926 3 месяца назад
Village businessman: he was a MONOPOLYIST, but became a PEDESTRIAN. ДЕРЕВЕНСКИЙ ВОЛК 7,844 4 месяца назад