Молитвы Отца Евгения

THIS PRAYER CURES 98% OF DISEASES! A 103-year-old hermit monk told this rare secret! Молитвы Отца Евгения 1,546,980 1 год назад
THIS Prayer works 100%. Thanks to her, even at the age of 80, you will feel 18! Молитвы Отца Евгения 310,722 1 год назад
Listen to this prayer once a day and all troubles will go away! Молитвы Отца Евгения 153,744 1 год назад
Punish the offenders! All evil and corruption will go back to the enemy! Strong Orthodox Prayer Молитвы Отца Евгения 1,629,648 2 года назад
On THIS DAY the pain will disappear and even cancer will be healed! Prayer helps once a year! Молитвы Отца Евгения 68,855 4 месяца назад
Today! MIRACLES WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR SON! Just listen to this prayer! Молитвы Отца Евгения 681,825 1 год назад
8 марта В ВЕЛИКОМ ПОСТУ УСОПШИЕ ОСОБЕННО ЖДУТ И НУЖДАЮТСЯ В МОЛИТВЕ Тайна Молитвы: Защита и Исцеление. 375 1 день назад
Today, ALL SORES WILL DISAPPEAR AND EVEN CANCER WILL DISAPPEAR! This prayer is recited ONCE A YEAR! Молитвы Отца Евгения 1,045,277 1 год назад
REMOVES PEOPLE WHO STEAL YOUR HEALTH AND ENERGY! Молитвы Отца Евгения 52,263 4 месяца назад
Punish those who have offended you! All the negativity and harm will return to the abuser! Prayer Молитвы Отца Евгения 268,292 9 месяцев назад
FOR THE DECEASED IS IMPORTANT - PRAY! THE WHOLE FAMILY IS WAITING! Молитвы Отца Евгения 28,501 8 месяцев назад
GET BACK TO HEALTH AND CLEAN THE HOUSE! This prayer is a real miracle! Молитвы Отца Евгения 130,949 8 месяцев назад
This is an ancient but very powerful prayer. You will be amazed by its fast action! Молитвы Отца Евгения 125,516 1 год назад
This prayer will heal even the most neglected disease! Listen every day and the Lord will help you! Молитвы Отца Евгения 1,721,475 1 год назад
You Will Have EVERYTHING! When Will You Listen To This Prayer! Молитвы Отца Евгения 77,435 1 год назад