And these people were all sober!?!!?!
I don't think drug addicts would have done that to each other
So . . . will Part 3 disclose trump's and musk's connection to synanon? (lower case intentional because there is nothing proper about these nouns!)
ОтветитьI was sent to Synanon in the 80"s lived at the Badger location. I was in charge of the new-comer department. I left with the title "Tribe leader". I was there when (Joe Musico} was moved from the {home place} where Chuck lived to the Badger property. Charles Dederich coined the phrase, " today is the first day of the rest of your life". Synanon was like it is out in the world, if you chose to hang around those who do wrong that's your choice. But you also have the choice of hanging around good people and doing what's right. I stayed up many nights with those young and old throwing up on me as they were kicking the drug habit cold turkey. There was no violence or threats of physical violence allowed. I witness anger but never any violence. If something had to be delt with it was taken care of in {the game} a form where we sat in a circle and was able to say whatever needed to be said. I was exposed to the top leadership daily, so a lot of what you said is surprising to me. Perhaps by the time I arrived in Synanon they had gotten good at hiding the dark side or maybe got burned out. Your report was informative and inspired me to do some research. It would be an honor to speak with you i am left with questions after watching your documentary.
ОтветитьFlavoraid, not koolaid
ОтветитьI appreciate your videos so much!! Thank you!!!
ОтветитьThis cult was crazy 😭
ОтветитьWrong pictures of firearms. Love ya videos but do better.
ОтветитьI remember Synanon, was in the SF bay area, and also Santa Monica while this scenario was evolving, especially in the earlier days. I never became involved with any of them, but was acquainted with someone who did become a member. Other cults were also evolving, stories started filtering out in the mid 70s . . . the eventual outcomes were not surprising.
ОтветитьI’m glad I didn’t hear about sexual abuse against children in this episode.
Ответитьwow. I didn't know the connection between Synanon and jonestown. I was 13 in 1978 and I remember it very well.
ОтветитьSo they went from a dependency support group to a pseudo-hippy commune to forced vasectomies, beating and confiscating children, buying a massive amount of guns, to a paramilitary group via general violence and degeneracy? That's quite the evolution through diverse portfolios! Most cults just start out as one thing and then just get worse at that. Chuck's cult sounds like the fever dream of someone who had brain damage from alcohol abuse and just went through EVERYTHING cults do.
ОтветитьReady for part 2. ❤thanks for your presentation
ОтветитьThe fact that Synanon didn’t make their own legal document to protect themselves and then let a lawyer whom they KNEW was against them just freehand whatever he wanted on the spot is mindblowing but also hilarious and makes total sense. They were so cocky that they didn’t bother to worry about how laws and legal documents work or even prepare to protect themselves ahead of time. Paul wiped the floor with them and they knew it. Incredible man.
ОтветитьThis man really reminds me of our upcoming president. How scary!!!
ОтветитьI pray for protection over Sommer and her channel, and all who watch. With all the Evil involved with these cases, I asked that you protect her from all forces of darkness. In Jesus' name
ОтветитьI can't believe I've never heard of this. I was a kid at that time, and my single mom was such a follower. Feeling grateful she didn't. But we went with our during the Jim and Tammy Faye years because my mom sent all of her possessions. 🙂↕️
ОтветитьI’m from lake Havasu that’s fucking crazy 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьGood grief! This man’s makes up names for everything. The vocabulary just to get through this clip is ridiculous
ОтветитьI grew up not far from the Badger compound. The members would come into our little town to get groceries once in a while. We were taught from a young age to avoid the group of people with shaved heads that had the kidnapper van. You knew their van because it had their symbol on the side and no windows.
After Synanon fell apart, a lot of the members came down to live in the area. I knew several members. To this day, they refuse to admit it was a cult. It is creepy.
I grew up not far from the Badger compound. The members would come into our little town to get groceries once in a while. We were taught from a young age to avoid the group of people with shaved heads that had the kidnapper van. You knew their van because it had their symbol on the side and no windows.
After Synanon fell apart, a lot of the members came down to live in the area. I knew several members. To this day, they refuse to admit it was a cult. It is creepy.
I keep hearing Cinnabon. Lol
ОтветитьI have family in Marshall which is on Tamales Bay, it was spooky when they were there. Everyone thought their kids were going to get kidnapped. They also were putting snakes in mailboxes and allegedly poisoning people.
ОтветитьI do remember news stories about Synanon from the '70s. The rattlesnake incident really jogged my memory.
ОтветитьChuck gives me big kamala vibes.
ОтветитьWhat the Gambininis (sorry if the spelling is wrong) went through in trying to get help for these kids reminds me of the power Scientology has over local police and judges. I'm glad the Gambininis were able to help some of those kids. It's just sad they weren't able to help more due to corruption in the local justice system, the governor's office apparently ignoring pleas for help, and the brainwashed ignorance of parents who didn't protect their kids like they should.
Ответитьcan we all give Paul Maranta a standing ovation. RIP Paul.
ОтветитьWow!! Just wow
ОтветитьI binge watched all your videos lol cant wait for new upload!!!! ❤❤❤
ОтветитьYou deserve millions of followers
Ответить@TheBlackCuldron how do I give you my story?? I have a crazy one from Omaha. And I know for a fact it was REAL
ОтветитьMan, I feel bad for the snake.
ОтветитьSo my daycare centre growing up was abruptly shut down by the government due to widespread complaints about abuse. And uhh... this video filled in a lot of gaps vis a vis their pedagogic influences.
ОтветитьChuck sounds like Big Brother with how he had The Wire playing everywhere!
ОтветитьSynanon sounds a lot like the MAGA cult.
ОтветитьI freakin' love The Airborne Toxic Event, such a great band. Dang.
ОтветитьListen. If you know a young kid who needs treatment, WATCH OUT for any program that identifies as a “TC” or Theraputic Community. That is a “break you down and build you up model & it’s EXTREMELY damaging especially for female addicts who are already vulnerable & broken. I can’t believe we still allow these people to operate. And Jody Hildebrand??? How was she a licensed practitioner for ANYTHING & getting away with what she did?!?! It’s insane. We need task forces for this kind of exploitation
ОтветитьWow, Paul rescued Synanon's victims, helped bring them down, AND saved his dogs??? I didn't think true heroes existed, but he is definitely one!!
ОтветитьBeen bingewatching your vids. Keep up the good work ❤
ОтветитьHave chills listening to the part about Paul and his wife’s experience with the cult. I can’t imagine being forced into those conditions…every victim deserves every bit of justice. I hope we all will choose to be more like Paul and fight for those who can’t fight for themselves when we see wrong being done in the world ❤️
ОтветитьHe sounds like Jim Jones.
ОтветитьThis part 2 was a real hum dinger! I don't know what made you decide to become a story teller but I'm so glad you did. I can understand everything you say.. My eyes and ears aren't good and the only thing I have to get you on is my phone so your clear pronunciation is important. I think Mr. Ballen is King and you are Queen. I'm so thrilled to have found you. God bless. Keep them coming!
ОтветитьUgh. Can you imagine being the poor bastard that had to listen to all of those recordings? Definition of not getting paid enough… but shoutout to the many heroes of this story: the gambanino family, Paul, phill, any other unnamed persons who helped the victims.
ОтветитьIt's just like scientology
ОтветитьI was in one of the offshoots of this cult in nyc 30 years ago called Aurora Concept Inc. Everything ypu mentioned in this video was the same. Bald Heads, encounter groups, troubled teens (that was me) give up your possessions, gi parties, vigorous physical training, and much more.
ОтветитьI love you so much, Sommer.
ОтветитьFrom all the it to Biden/Obamas "they are everybody's kids". Biden is attempting yo make a national cult with violence. Im goad o saw this. So scary that it's so similar.
ОтветитьYou probably have panic attacks and anxiety because of all those sad stories you tell.