TYLOO surprise & FURIA disappoint at EPL (ft. Pimp) | HLTV Confirmed S7E18

TYLOO surprise & FURIA disappoint at EPL (ft. Pimp) | HLTV Confirmed S7E18


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@triv1970 - 07.03.2025 22:11

as a brazilian fan, for real, I just want chelo out. gonna watch the whole episode and come back here.

@DonutFlameFPS - 07.03.2025 23:11

Cache only has like w notable change which is the mid window and squeaky breaking. Otherwise there's only very niche minor changes

@pelloo3627 - 08.03.2025 03:00

I will take cache over dust 2 anyday of the week

@EurovisionESC - 08.03.2025 03:49

I hate cache, I always hated it. The only map I hate more than cache is mirage. I puke whenever I see mirage.

@VitalCS2 - 08.03.2025 03:51

Don’t let Fmpone watch this

@mosscow8307 - 08.03.2025 03:53

Strange anti cache propaganda honestly. I think if you were to poll casual and pro players you would see overwhelming support to add cache and maybe even replace a current map from the pool. - Anubis + Cache doesn't seem that far fetched to me. (obviously they have to improve the performance and some minor tweaks)

@blayson6169 - 08.03.2025 04:16

For information, Gentle mates are one of the 3 big french club (next to vitality and Karmine Corp).
They are really big and Gotaga and Brawks are cofounders of vitality. So you can trust the fact they know the price of a cs team and are concious of the state of the sceane. One of their sports director was the director of the 2014 LDLC major winning roaster. So they are not that clueless and have the Money and Viewership.

@tech4172 - 08.03.2025 04:47

I just don't get why Valve keep reusing the same old shit maps and even if they're good why not make or use new maps to make the competitive scene way better and more fresh, this old reuse shit like Hollywood does is for the birds man

@Iuahsd82dhs - 08.03.2025 05:04

i love Jacob bro, i once went to denmark and he broke both my legs and said "keep the change" Then he scooted away on a bicycle. As i was calling an ambulance i got a notification that he signed my steam profile. Such a nice guy❤❤

@enigmabis. - 08.03.2025 05:14

Hogging my glorp

@t0fer - 08.03.2025 06:25


@tech4172 - 08.03.2025 06:48

With the pgl invite issue why not just stick to the fair way and allow the original 4 teams who said yes to play and say to the 4 teams who said NO that they cannot play because they said NO ez as that if not than yes 99% this will happen again and others will get screwed over.. its not like any of the 4 teams who said NO are even good so fuck it let the other try and will probably be better 😂. It's not about caring for a team but it should 100% be for fairness and competitiveness

@fel4enn1 - 08.03.2025 08:21

lol why does the 4 eyes cripple PIMP has a right to talk ? like who tf is he ?

@yessire444 - 08.03.2025 10:02

Tumbnail not doin any favors for viewership

@SUPERBRATANCS2 - 08.03.2025 12:07

Can you little monkeys get 1 pair of balls all together and speak about cheaters in game and issues that are actually issue

@0Adnin - 08.03.2025 18:18

Spunj is like Karl Urban of CS.

@bazzakrak - 08.03.2025 23:32

One thing that you need to keep reminding people as well about Pimp is that he is being paid by Vitality, and he should declare that when he is commenting on them playing, just like you see in the normal media, that commentators/pundents have to declare if they could have some sort of conflict of interest.
And yes, even if he is only an ambassador, he still recieves €€ from them, and that can be percieved as a conflict, but I am guessing none of you will care, maybe even Richard Lewis wouldnt care even if he is all about things like that.

@x.nihilo - 09.03.2025 01:00

Who is the clown that said cache is unexciting???

@miguelfrancisco7325 - 09.03.2025 01:36

The SAW comment was me Spunj, although i do understand they were comments about the “dead roster” it felt like everybody just took that as gospel and swept a great club performance under the rug, bashing the teams saw beat instead of giving the Portuguese their deserved credit that’s all. I had a feeling this new roster would be great and im glad it’s proving me right, home country proud!

@igorcosta832 - 09.03.2025 14:31

Get inferno out of the map pool ASAP. Anything is better than this map, no way cache is more boring than inferno

@hateyouall1555 - 09.03.2025 15:35


@Mento__ - 09.03.2025 16:11

After how long do points for an event expire 6 months, 1 year? This is important cause if it expires after 6 months Flyquest will lose their Dreamhack Atlanta points the day before the major VRS cutoff

@unknownunknown4696 - 09.03.2025 19:37

what is this mr. beast type of sh*t changing thumbnails every day, u're not mr. beast lil bros calm down
