Concrete Blonde - Caroline

Concrete Blonde - Caroline


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@ocster2568 - 20.06.2024 09:59

Fans, all of you. I grew up with this band in my ear and Hearing and seeing these comments like "Success isn't measured in record sales or in money, but rather in how well something has been done. With that in mind, Concrete Blonde was a huge success." reassures me I was not wrong in how much impact this band had on the times.

@JasonLehto-x4r - 22.06.2024 19:08

Yo Dre, give me a funky ass bass line

@EverettShaw-ob7vt - 26.06.2024 05:54

60 yrs old i listen d0nt need Viagra 😊

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 28.06.2024 20:13

Saying a Mouthful "Big Brother and Propaganda"
Paranoia. Having a political strategy in music writing and storytelling makes perfect sense. Political strategy is what drives most successful songs and stories and it is well within the accepted norms of the vast traditions. People become confused at the prospect of political strategy in media because it is a slightly different issue when media is run by a governance in a controlled informational environment, which it is obviously not. These lines become blurred, however, the more one pays attention and does research. Information warfare is a lost art, though, perhaps a cheap definition of rhetorical techniques and grammar. Media only becomes controversial when its artistry is successful because it challenges political viewpoints. Religion is a political landscape and becomes challenged by not only storytelling but scientific papers. It is also wielded in storytelling for its techniques and effects. Some say religion itself is nothing but information warfare. Religion is, in a sense, the sacred storytelling that achieved the clarity of the spiritual handed down from an ancient past. Misinformation is nothing but cheap storytelling wielded for its effects. Paranoia about media is only a prospect for the uninformed. What is a Devil, but a proprietor of the best of information, dressed in a simplified rhetoric, and reincarnated over time? The Devil himself is nothing but a proprietor of ancient secret corridors of metalsmithing and Occultism worshipped for information and clarity of the spirit. That he taught men how to form and shape metals is of only a Prometheus-like endeavor. It's not that religion is all-encompassing but that it is the best of rhetorical strategy. People become paranoid simply because it is a form of mathematical anxiety. Information and storytelling are really more like a bomb in their purest form because people strive for effect. The best of them can crash an Empire, such as with Galileo and Copernicus, or inspire a Renaissance such as with the books of historical antiquity.
-F. Blake

@jakelee7639 - 29.06.2024 03:58

Great song, from a fantastic album,….

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 01.07.2024 06:59

The Devil’s Apocalypse “Comedy”
Why did the Germans invent the automobile? They needed a place to read after inventing the printing press.
What did the Devil say to the Lyft (R) driver? Let me get my ancient balance. One for the nobleman, two for the market…take me to your leaders!
Why is Yoo Hoo (R) brown? It’s secretly made by Fanta (R) which was invented in Nazi Germany.
Why is the McChicken not a bestseller at McDonald’s? Because of the Druid conspiracy, man. It’s white skeleton meat in the middle.
Why did Lucifer have yellow hair? Because not all conquistadors are brown and he needed to run the Inquisitors.
Why is Dracula called “The Count?” Because of the Medieval clockmaker conspiracy. He’s like the White Rabbit of Medieval Times.
Haha haha
Why are vampires associated with umbrellas? Because then everyone gets a huge complex about it.
Why is the Devil a mathematician? Because then you perform the miracles and magic and he just gets the numbers and angles.
Why did Pac Man run from ghosts? Because he was wired like a train but on the city streets after a bad drug deal, man. Read between the lines!
-William Blake the Alchemist, not affiliated with Blake’s Lotaburger or the Mad Hatter ride at Disneyland (R)
Six fingers under my throat.
Why were the yellow pages yellow? Because for the Spanish it’s all about money now and they’re known for old news.
Why did Pearl Jam make a song about Jeremy? Because I’m Jeremy, also, and it was my eighteenth birthday party in 1991. He thought he saw the Devil because I had long bangs like Peter Pan.
Why does God own a canary? Because of the Bennu birds. He likes to watch it ring the little bell.
Hahaha haha
Ringmakers ho! I bringeth thee a Prometheus fire!
Why did Jesus pick his nose with his finger? Because he couldn’t pick it with a reed.
Why did Oppenheimer inflate the bomb with photographs? Because two miles looks more like a little boy and everyone knows little boys wear platform shoes.
Why did crusaders chase the Holy Grail? I don’t know. Ask Peter the Hermit. Phew.
Why does the Devil smoke Lucky Strikes? It’s the only way to keep the Nazis from giving him a complex.
Why do they call it Ovalteen? Because I always forget to do my math homework and planets revolve elliptically.
Why did Pennywise hand out balloons? The same reason vampires carry umbrellas. C’mon. Pay attention. There’s cotton candy and rides and all sorts of surprises down here.
I’m getting smaller!!!!
Thank you very much!

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 02.07.2024 06:05

How Does One Achieve Knowledge? "The Secrets of Ancient Constructs"
Contrary to popular beliefs, knowledge is not achieved by reading. It does not require expensive tools. Knowledge does not need to be gathered by a poorly defined scientific method, but must usually precede using it then reapplied for presentations sake by using forms and constructs like hypothesis and results. Books contain knowledge and record others achievement of knowledge, but reading is an inactive form of analysis whereby one simply gathers. The ancient gods and religions were created with lists that weighed results in real world attributes, then these results were applied in communication with vast results. These were not phantasms in the forest but highly articulate arguments. Where else would philosophers such as Aristotle get their techniques? Knowledge is active not passive. Though some advanced arguments argue it must contain both active and passive means. True knowledge is achieved through, first defining the subject matter, applying logical construct to the subject, defining lists of relative relations to the subject, weighing it on mathematical scales and applying filters or other relations, and weighing or testing real world results. These are then gathered and applied to communications, arts, sciences, engineering, etc. Knowledge imparts clarity of mind and give one power over others and the world. This is why it is defined as evil in the Bible. Come and be like the gods, instead.
-Francis Blake

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 05.07.2024 07:34

The Flattened Triangle “Books are Guns”
“The door swings both ways. We’ll reverse the flow through the gate…” - Ghostbusters
Basically, the Hollywood and media agenda is so complex, not only for each individual artist or writer but on a whole, that people started using it like an office paper weight to drive away unwanted people, break up bad relationships, give people a complex, and drive them into debt. Add into it religious proofs, scientific arguments, historical evidence and paperwork, legality and noble causes and history. It’s better to use a book as a weapon because it’s more useful that way. What? Then I actually buy the candy bar? No thanks. The media agenda may as well be unexplained night lights from aliens. Fire up that old tube set!
“All work and no play…” - The Shining

@AnngenieMaytwayashing - 06.07.2024 04:41

Always my favourite

@AnngenieMaytwayashing - 06.07.2024 04:42

They should have got some kind of recognition !

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 15.07.2024 09:22

Secret Confusion in Spirituality “The Destructive Aspect of Wit and Wordplay”
It is mankind’s ability to measure and reason that separates it from the animals. This is expressed by its languages. A lesser person becomes confused by the measurements and expressions of a greater one, and that confusion is their triumph in battle. The greatest a person can measure and express is the grasp of a higher power because this means they are aware of the next level of their triumph. For many this is an expression of God or the spiritual or the Celestial. A person of scientific reasoning begs ultimately to the philosopher, he discovers Aristotle, Archimedes, and Pythagoras at the inception of their journey, and caters to the engineer who is only worried about the basic necessities of the observable world. Physics is a little smarter but draws its inspiration from science fiction writers mostly such as with black holes. However, these men carried with them a grasp of a higher possibility. Therefore, some may not have yet developed a grasp of a higher possibility. Others are followers and grasp a higher power only because it exists in the observable truth of the world, but would ultimately lose that grasp if it were to disappear from common sight. A greater person measures a greater thing and that expression becomes enduring. Their expressions are also dangerous to the layman because that is their triumph. The highest of all measurements are Celestial Beings (who aligned the planets and starts) and the consciousness of stars and matter, or the Celestial birth of the spirit that gave its DNA unto mankind over billions of years and split the matter of male and female into separate parts. This makes the proprietors of the Occult and Esoteric principles the highest of all authority on Earth and many have paid the price for the dangers of their expressions. Unfortunately, nobody in their right mind would want notoriety or a position of authority, especially because of the annoying aspects of presentation and formality involved and the constant watchful eye of a dangerous and ignorant public. It is here that the Devil becomes like a hero for truths about repression though many still go off like a bomb.
WARNING: Confusion caused by wit and wordplay may cause perverse animal-like sexual perversity and violence in others.
-Horus I. Milborn

@stormyweather9917 - 18.07.2024 07:11

If only I had a penny for everytime some amateur keyboard rock critic typed the word "underrated" lol. Please try to be original kiddies.

@oscarlopez8890 - 02.08.2024 02:17

¡Qué guapa esta Johnette en este clip!

@DanOConnell-p9o - 02.08.2024 07:13

One of the most recognized guitar work ever, only one band has ever sounded like this, ever !

@Peter-j1m5j - 04.08.2024 15:00

This song absolutely RIPS as it did 35 years ago......!!!!!!

@Androx-murdok34 - 09.08.2024 20:48

Songs good but I don’t like their bass or guitar instruments in the first part.the black guitar is cool though.

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 12.08.2024 06:07

The Awful Truth About Adam and Eve "Reflections of the Sun and the Moon"

WARNING: The Following Contains a Controversial Conjecture Based on Religious Ideology

Intelligent men see the danger in everything, but informed people know the truth of it.
it is the wise mans greatest proof the understand the feminine, but sadly he cannot measure the danger because it is against his nature so he resigns to a measure of complexity and labels her a companion. Everything is a danger. If the female is a danger it is immeasurable. When male and female were separated in spiritual form they removed most of the danger from the man and gave it to the female except a small bit in each to make them attracted. it's really no big deal to understand. In the hierarchy of humanity therefore a man or woman is as great a threat as the danger of their soul mate. A man's sense of danger provides security in nature as does his feminine aspect. Sadly this was removed for your own better sake of judgment by unknown entities probably even before cell division would do the same because consciousness drives the form of the body. You simply are not going to enact your feminine aspects. You'd end up like werewolves feeding on animals in a dark forest. WWII? The Atomic Bomb? I'm telling you those are nothing. You cannot realize that sort of power. It's an absolute perversity. This is a secret tactic, knowledge of the soul mate, for those men who cannot stop tasting the danger of other men's counterparts. Typically people see God or the Devil as the most dangerous entities, but are they aware of their counterparts in a vast knotted web of separation and are they really the most dangerous entities? How far would they go in order to tap into their true selves and acquire their powers? There is no way to prove this, of course, except for as a skilled conjecture, like most honest proofs and it would probably soon be lost to the wind. In Greek mythology which would have been carried by word and leftover from the previous eras and predating the Bible, women appeared after men were already established. I also believe it is written somewhere that Celestial Beings in heaven are all male and in the spirit form. The feminine hides the labor of other men and without this shadow it is a little perverse, but one cannot see the truth with her in the way. In other religions and mythos, there may be analogies such as spirit walkers hidden from the general eye, but I've encountered very few. God Himself, of course, has no counterpart. Go figure. It may be a natural process of a spirits reflex action to birth a counterpart. That's about as far as I can see. Maybe, they'll tap into an army of werewolves tapped from the feminine chemical makeup? That could be you out there.
-Horace I. Milborn

@DeathMortarion - 14.08.2024 12:28

Really Lynchian, reminds me of Twin Peaks.

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 16.08.2024 17:37

If it's not Ares it's Jesus. You go!

@xcitement5000 - 19.08.2024 02:32

Bloodletting was their peak, every song is great.

@Maria-n6t2d - 20.08.2024 20:16

8/24 🙌🏼☮️🩷🌸

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 23.08.2024 05:44

PROJECT FEMININE COMPLEXITY, "Creating a superfemale to drive society"
Speeding Down the Highway With the Goblins “^?#%~#^€”
When something is more complex than you it doesn’t turn you into Gollum. It drives you to compete. Gollum weakness comes from transcendental understandings that makes a person greater than millions of others. This is for setting the wise man straight. Blessed be!
Less is more? Less is a bore. Poor IBM. lol
Complexity is the horse whip of economics. Like the feminine aspect it drives ambition.
Note* B & W psychologically communicates telling the truth. White on black, however, communicates a lie. Violence most likely comes from a communication of inequality which is a two way road. If you want to attract attention, think ambulance chasers. Tragedy and perversity always work miracles. Ambition is disarmed with the truth of the world. The faster you travel the more complex you become, like a light particle. Eventually, humanity becomes a chain reaction.
AA -Graphic Design, Scribe of Thoth
-Strategies of the Wise

@TuanaChong - 24.08.2024 09:32

I had this CD and listened to it endlessly

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 25.08.2024 19:34

Checks and Balances “Falling into Hell”
We don’t live in a world run by actual authority. We don’t live in a straightforward march to the top. We live in a world run by checks and balances. How else does one explain Freemasonry in education, the layers of good and evil in the media, or religious fervor? How else do we explain inherited wealth? How else do we explain genetics or Cain and Abel in bloodlines? Engineering versus nobility? Gunpowder over swordsmanship? Fashion and vanity? Love? Insanity? Why do you think authority is not straightforward? Because of information and the truth. They would be no progress. Actual authority would mark the end. Political boundaries? Illnesses? Size and stature? Perversity? Miracles? Spiritual telepathy? We’ll enact checks and balances for fun. We’ll sit and wait in a piñata party.

@tomcarroll6116 - 26.08.2024 05:33

One of thee most hauntingly beautiful and mesmerizing voices in the history of music.... not just rock music, but any music genre!

@AdamMorningstone - 30.08.2024 07:33

If this album had been released about five years earlier, it would have been a monster. By 1990, it sounded out of its time.

@terryannmaes5538 - 01.09.2024 00:57

Johnette is otherworldly

@theresalynn8406 - 01.09.2024 06:51

Agree 💯

@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism - 02.09.2024 02:12


@PhiThePentagramJoke - 02.09.2024 13:18

There will be truth in Jesus and science and a great meaning to life. I’ll resign to the Prince of Hell until the world is there suffering beneath me. The world is socially worthless. These are your kind of people, so rule over them. Every tragedy shall fill my cup.

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 07.09.2024 21:35

Hook you up, man. Keep you from milling.
-Cptn Hooky, Palisade Bells

@WilliamCollins-p5q - 09.09.2024 22:45

❤❤❤ concrete blonde❤the music so is the story....❤❤

@PhiThePentagramJoke - 10.09.2024 18:19

How does one know they are a witch or a warlock? "Muggle Wars"
Although witchcraft takes practice and consists of secret recipes and formulas, there is one way to understand if you are a true witch. This has to do with the viewpoint of whether one's thoughts are separate from their actions or whether their thoughts permeate into the outside world. A witch or warlock believes in both superstition and religion, but may have secret ways of avoiding their realities. A non-witch or "Muggle" cannot grasp the viewpoint that their thought permeate into the real world. Their thoughts exists only inside them like a private jungle. It takes a lot of practice to transcend the Material Plane and reach out with one's thoughts, whereby one can begin to affect the outside world and experience incantations, divination, transcendence, or magic.
-Will Phloam, The Mechanical Universe

@mikesherwood7022 - 11.09.2024 18:04

I definitely have to agree with the prior comments here singer has a awesome voice and stage presence very classy! Guitarist 🎸 has excellent chops and tasty riffs 😎

@mikesherwood7022 - 11.09.2024 18:13

People wonder why bands such as this one hadn't had bigger success, it boils down to the target market and not selling out for now the market group that's spending most money is 12-16 year old females who think hip-hop/rap rules as opposed to talented bands such as this one!! It isn't always the most talented!!! 😎

@wendyfrench8042 - 13.09.2024 07:46

The lead singer is drop dead gorgeous while seeming girl next door too.

@michaelanthony9068 - 14.09.2024 06:42

The MASTER of the perfectly crafted pop song.

@AmyMarie-k7f - 15.09.2024 11:58

Hi Caroline Maxie Shalton

@alejoh3179 - 18.09.2024 20:23


@guyincognito9919 - 22.09.2024 06:53

Damn she looks good with that classic appearance.

@karafogertey1764 - 23.09.2024 06:47

My favorite female voice ?

@veerchasm1 - 23.09.2024 08:20

Forget male or female: Johnette has one of the most powerful voices in all of rock

@ronaldgodfrey2942 - 27.09.2024 03:00

Love her Voice!!

@10toMidnight - 27.09.2024 09:25

That voice…

@tomschofield2586 - 30.09.2024 15:48

I know Caroline. She was from Erie pa.

@ronaldgodfrey2942 - 02.10.2024 02:20

Dressed up like the 20s & 30s that Lady is Beautiful!! Wow.

@DavidRuff-v5o - 04.10.2024 01:16

She is So Great ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

- 05.10.2024 04:45

Those two dwarf backing vocalists are so cute, especially the black one. I've tried finding out who they are to no avail
