Raid Shadow Legends Roshcard unkillable nightmare comp guide

Raid Shadow Legends Roshcard unkillable nightmare comp guide


4 года назад

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@GregoryCWW - 19.04.2020 14:25

Hey, thank you for the great video. I've been really trying to get this comp to work on NM as well (UNM is fine) and this sure does help. I do have a few questions though. Instead of Rhazin, I run Draco at 182, otherwise all same speeds. Works perfectly on UNM with a three-round setup with Tower starting off with UK and just before the first CB stun, SK uses his CA and Jarl puts block debuffs and then it's auto all the way. I would love to hear your logic behind the setup for NM - in my case, I tried the same setup as you (just by mimicking your actions) and Jarl ended up dying half-way through. Any advice?

@don2face - 25.04.2020 04:12

Hi, nice Video! Is Skullcrusher at 175 necessary? I run him at 171. Shouldnt that be enough to place unkillable just before the stun? And does Jarl have to be slower than SC?

@nedogw2 - 26.04.2020 23:43

Do we need skullcrusher? Or can this comp b made to work without CA

@TheMFOne - 01.05.2020 06:50

Can i put valk in for skullcrusher? I run kael, valk, sentinel, steelskull and roshcard. I get caught with no shield around round 20. could you help?

@oguzhankocak7923 - 09.05.2020 21:40

This is brilliant :) this comp is also applicable for UNM if you change rhazin with anyone else that has 182 speed :) the speed of the rest of the team is the same :)

@edgarpascua6837 - 10.05.2020 20:23

So I'm doing Nightmare and I got the speeds exact but I randomly have Grizzled Jarl dying more often than not. I say more often than not, because I'll have some runs that go fine, but I'd say 80% of the time he dies randomly. The last run he died at like ~turn 45. On him he's going down the offense tree and defense tree, so I don't have any of the speed boost from the support masteries. Just curious if you experienced this? Comp: Rosh: 251, Draco: 167, SC: 175, FB: 176, GJ: 174. No turn manipulation masteries, so I'm stumped. Thanks in advance.

@cogglews - 17.05.2020 23:02

Are you sure on Nightmare you run 251 speed on Rosch? My speeds are the same but my turns are different than yours in the video.

@edoardopersichetti1320 - 18.05.2020 05:36

Hi! I'm loving the comp but don't have a Skullcrusher, sadly. Is there any other champ that works, to suck up that stun? I have a Paragon...?
Thank you so much for the help.

@kadircelik9952 - 25.05.2020 06:16

Can i do the same comp. But my roschard at 255 speed and valkyrie 171 ?

@zbykuk7904 - 13.06.2020 12:41

this is great stuff, i am able to 1 key nm, and then i swap rhazin for martyr to run unm with the same comp

@MathildaFurneaux - 19.10.2020 18:10

for this vid did you have GJ fully booked?

@joshnelson6548 - 09.11.2020 23:25

wait is asparagus gone :(

@rostomar - 01.09.2022 20:01

i have everyone except Jarl, any substitute possible?
