Battle of Franklin (NTW)

Battle of Franklin (NTW)

Seth Chiaro Productions

6 лет назад

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@sameshohei - 27.11.2018 07:30

How about battle of Vicksburg or Petersburg??
Or maybe els such as Wilderness, Cold Harbor.

@sethchiaroproductions2171 - 30.11.2018 08:29

Today mark's the 154th year anniversary of the battle. This is one battle that has been forgotten and paved over.

@TameImpala521 - 21.01.2019 08:25

Excellent! As a Tennessean, I hate how our battles are always overlooked for the ones in Virginia, but we had the second most battles of any state after them! I live in West TN and have had the opportunity to see Shiloh many times, as well as Franklin, Stones River, and Chattanooga-Chickamauga. My suggestion is Shiloh, it’s my favorite and in my opinion, the most underrated battle of the war. I think it was the largest battle of the war up until that time, being April 1862

@quesadillatortilla8394 - 15.03.2019 01:40

u know most of the battle was taken place at night right. Also u forget about the massive fight at the carter house where most of the battle took place also the southern soliders did not retreat at the end of the battle the united states soilders was the ones who left franklin for the rebels as they made there why towards nashville. but the south still lost the battle.

@jebstuart4004 - 13.12.2019 21:16

nov 30 ? seems more like june 30🤣

@BellaetHistoria - 25.12.2019 13:52

Personally, I prefer the ACW mod for ETW and some scenes could be cut but this video is nice. Great job for the night effet.

@shootface3222 - 04.05.2020 10:12

Wait there were no confederate batteries at Franklin
Also there is a scenario for franklin that displays the rights units date and time
And accurately has no confederate batteries

@stanleywong58 - 24.08.2020 07:17

Union Gen. Schofield was not " in full retreat" as stated in the introductory para. From what I've read, he was moving to join Gen. Thomas and he succeeded.
Thomas at Nashville was under extreme pressure from "butcher" Grant to attack Hood's well entrenched army. Thomas handled it well by using enveloping flank attacks, so unlike Grant in his 70,000 casualty Wilderness debacle. And yet Grant had sent a staff officer with a letter, ready to relieve Thomas of his command.

@HistoryBoy - 30.10.2020 05:25

Fantastic video my fine sir! This was the Battle in which Francis Cleburne, a fantastic General, and a Confederate Irishman was killed! The quality of your shots and the magnitude of the forces shown is simply incredible. Very pleased to be collaborating with you!

@sunnybeach4837 - 16.12.2020 08:23

Whoever made this thank you

@angrydoge1466 - 29.12.2020 21:08

