X3 Bar is a Scam- Here is Why! John Jaquish is a charlatan!

X3 Bar is a Scam- Here is Why! John Jaquish is a charlatan!

Maik Wiedenbach, New York City

3 года назад

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@BrianWright-t7k - 30.01.2025 05:34

Any recommendations I want something for work but travel. I stay in a camper.

@curdledmayonnaise - 26.01.2025 00:23

As a person experienced with all styles of lifting . The x3 bar is one of the greatest pieces of equipment I have ever used . It is very very intense if you push to failure with it , and muscle mass packs on extremely fast (at least for me) this guy has never used it properly, never stuck to a program with it , and is a defensive gym owner . As someone who still likes regular stuff at gym , this is just as good and even better if you want to save time and not compromise joints in the weaker range .

@woodlandbiker - 01.01.2025 23:45

It may be well overpriced but that doesn't mean its not effective. The same workout with any bar, bands and foot plate will give you the same results though.

@larryparadis9728 - 09.12.2024 22:43

I work out with a combination of resistance bands, and dumbbells. I just find it Ludacris that X3 makes the claims that it does. I mean resistance bands are great but if they were everything, he said it was why wouldn’t Mr. Olympia be working out with bands or professional bodybuilders or whatever I mean, they have their place, but they certainly don’t replace weights. Not to mention the guy is obviousl obviously not natural probably high doses of TRT.

@RTB_1234 - 03.11.2024 16:09

Alright, after using the X3 bar and plate for a few months I can definitely say it isn't a scam.

I actually bought mine very cheap from a local seller.

If you use it correctly, the results will come. The chest exercise is a little lacking but the deadlift, front squat, overhead press are great.

This only band method is nothing compared to a bar and plate system.

@Nessfitcoach - 22.10.2024 21:21

Those bands did not make that gorilla Dr Jaquish that body. Massive amounts of gear and heavy lifting of actual weights did

@RockyEscajadillo-lw3ur - 06.10.2024 04:00

This has been one of the best health investments I have ever made! I am stronger, leaner, and I stay injury free. .Stop hating and get to work! Dr. Jaquish is a beast both intellectually and physically. I will
Never go back to the waste of time of conventional training. - Recode Doc

@johnnywlittle - 29.06.2024 16:32

Anyone know a good replacement for the X3 that’s let’s say, more cost effective yet still very functional?

@johnnywlittle - 29.06.2024 16:17

Oooh, a little controversy - seems like someone’s hit a button

@matthewnichols8049 - 09.05.2024 00:54

It’s far superior if you do it correctly. You absolutely must push or pull until you can’t do full reps. Then do the partials in the mid range as Dr. J suggests. Most people I’ve seen do not go until absolute failure and that’s where some get disappointed in results. Can you get great results with weights? Absolutely. It’s simply a waste of time though. That’s the entire point. I can get a better work out in less than 20 mins with the X3 bar. I have had it since 2018. What most people forget to look at is their diet. DIET is most important.

@barrett5229 - 12.04.2024 02:32

I don’t think scam is the right word. I think overpriced definitely. It’s well made and it’s a fantastic travel system. The worst thing about it is the creator and his ridiculous claims

@GlobalStevie - 27.03.2024 15:52

Truth! 💪

@SayCheeseAndDie01 - 10.02.2024 01:04

So many bought comments on here

@toddtomarelli5316 - 30.01.2024 20:42

You don't even have the product and your comparison with loose bands is total BS.

@jimfoley8014 - 30.01.2024 00:39


@fjorddenierbear4832 - 21.01.2024 21:21

Considering the price of dumb bells, X3 is not that expensive.

@lauragaldikaite4317 - 21.01.2024 11:04

It’s a great thing to buy ! Since I don’t like gyms queing for a tools at gym , people at a gym taking pics sitting on tools for half hr and etc and at a price of gym membership to do waiting ? F*k that . Yes x3 got a price , however I can use whenever I want( actually brother bought it ) :) I don’t need to travel to and from a gym, we both are not professionals but using it to tone up the bodies , as little as 10mins a day it’s dang GOOD !

@Johnl1800 - 28.12.2023 00:07

The X3 has been out for 4 years now. If it legitimately built muscle 3x faster than weight training as claimed then we should be seeing countless examples of guys who put on 40-60lbs. of solid muscle over that time (as Jaquish claims to have done) and yet we clearly haven't seen that.

Here's another whopper from "Dr." J. He claims that you are 7x stronger at lockout. That would mean that someone who could only get 100lbs. off of their chest doing a bench press should be able to support 700lbs. at lockout. Does that even sound remotely reasonable or plausible?

@shanebaird543 - 18.12.2023 07:23

But it works.

@WalkDisneyWorld - 14.12.2023 16:37

You sir just earned a subscriber off of one short. Never seen you before but damn thank you for being honest

@bobbygregory1007 - 22.11.2023 18:51

Simple weights and walking, will do the job. SCAM

@yojohnny5 - 20.11.2023 06:34

Hmm. It's 400 bucks. Not that expensive. I will NEVER stop lifting weights at a gym, but I was thinking about this X3 or Harambe system to TRAVEL with. Seems like it's good for that no, @maikcwiedenbach? I'm open to suggestions for better travel systems.

@jacoblynch9862 - 14.11.2023 23:43

I’m not going to deny that the X3 system is expensive for what it is having said that his argument in the beginning of the video of the bands getting harder as you push further out is the point of the bands it is a progressive pool where you progressively get stronger the further out you reach that is the point of using bands as I’m sure many people will point out in this comment section People who have switched to using bands actually tend to see better and more gains than simply using weights because they are working out the muscle in a different way and it tends to work better so his argument in the beginning that well, you’re not stressing the muscle at the early part is kind of Nolan void. Once again that’s the point of the bands to gain weight progressively.

@geartweaker8518 - 07.11.2023 13:10

What's the source on him lying about his PhD?

@BionicBoom88 - 07.11.2023 02:44

My X3 bar is completely over priced and there are other alternatives. Thank you for your truth!

@driftx2 - 07.11.2023 01:29

Well said. You cant get buff from bands.

@Exposetheluciferianagenda - 06.11.2023 15:48

I love the X3

@BigstickNick - 01.11.2023 22:31

Weight until everyone finds out about Mike Mentzers approach in not only working out more intensely, and taking more time off. I agree, resistance bands have been around a long time before x3. They do work, but what’s the most important concept is you train to failure. No matter if it’s free weights, machines, bands, body weight. You have to push yourself to failure so your body is forced to adapt. Now complete failure is exhausting concentric, static, eccentric. I find machines are better at exhausting all. (Arthur jones, the original variable resistance trainer) championed them as such.

@canejuicemaui4355 - 26.10.2023 21:00

Lol nice!

@stpaulphillip - 26.10.2023 00:57

All I can say is that the X.3 bar system has worked excellently for me

@RoidfreeSenior - 20.10.2023 21:21

I don't think it is everything the maker claims it to be, but the bands & bar thing I think has a place.. working on a cheap DIY one myself... good for training in a limited space

@williamjenkins5438 - 11.10.2023 23:29

Funny thing is, is he is not even using it properly, he’s stepping on a single ply with his shoes and using it in a single ply fashion, that is not how to use it.

@Allan8080 - 01.10.2023 23:10

Jeg er så enig

@seehongkongsea - 17.09.2023 07:05

Brother I hear you. For a dude who used to be a gym rat recently went to resistance band training only. I used to think resistance band training was only for women, sorry I’m really not sexist. Oh boy was I totally wrong, if you are dedicated to resistance band training, it’s just as effective, if not, even more effective if you ask me. I feel that resistance band training is more more functional and less strain on your joints, for example training my front flexors. Im 5’6 @ 150lb, 14%bf, 16 inch guns etc.
as for the price, it’s pricey BUT it lasts for a life time. I have a China made brand called Calliven, it was good for the first-second months, I’ll have to keep buying new sets.
You just haven’t given it a real chance yet.

@timothyvukich6173 - 15.09.2023 08:26

He didn't do his research before he made this he doesn't even have the bar or the platform and the easier part at the start is better for your joints

@coderlicious6565 - 07.09.2023 23:53

Why the clickbait title though. Very weak.

@johnpaullu4844 - 25.08.2023 16:26

I reckon you need to try it properly, footplate, deadlifts til failure with the heavy band. I guarantee you would buy a bunch for your gym, however I sense its more being pissed at the X3 founder more than anything else. Scam, it's notttt.

@CarlTheTacticalHoser - 15.08.2023 19:40

Band bars arent a scam but "X3" is just overpriced. Products like "The Band Bar" are much more fairly priced and have realistic training programs.

@_K_W - 08.08.2023 13:29

So yes it works since it’s training with bands based on your point. You don’t even have a bar in there to say it’s not effective just a prop band. Give me a break. That’s like saying a car is an overpriced piece of shit that gets you from A to B when you can walk instead

@mpenna02 - 04.08.2023 06:41

I own an X-3 bar and it's definitely not a scam. I liked it so much I stopped going to a gym and just use this for strength training. Try it out yourself instead of listening to someone who's never used it and is threatened that it will take away his customers.

@joedixon3472 - 27.07.2023 04:29

You don’t understand the variable resistance my friend! 😉

@jeffmoore7945 - 11.07.2023 20:21

The bar and plate is kinda important jeez did you even look at the program?

@Darkdusk87 - 06.07.2023 18:26

Its hilarious how everyone claiming it's a scam has never actually used it.

@Darkdusk87 - 06.07.2023 18:21

X3 bar is fantastic. Never going back from it. You've never even used it. And the biggest con that describe is actually a massive pro for muscle growth, which is fully explained is the program.

Typical gym owner who doesnt want to lose his customers to home equipment that can produce the same or better results.

@stever8827 - 29.06.2023 23:58

You are really right! He lies and selectively puts studies in comments that do not validate what he says. Lies about an entire SEAL team of over 300 using it.

@leroyjenkins1964 - 27.06.2023 22:57

It's definitely not a scam. I have had life changing results from mine in the last 5 months. I don't follow the carnivore diet either.

@warpath6717 - 22.06.2023 18:13

Someone sounds jealous...

@warpath6717 - 22.06.2023 18:13

I have the X3 and love it. Great gains, no injuries...

@rickjahndom - 22.06.2023 03:57

we love our x3. I saw better gains in 2 months of the x3 when compared to 1 yr in the gym. the x3 "scam" works great.

@ecclairmayo4153 - 18.06.2023 18:55

Thank you for letting us know. I recently saw fitness magazine articles about this and at the end, they made sure to out the disclaimer that they didnt even write thr article. Its a lot of covert marketing/advertising out there! Looks like it is in the comment section too. They even sound like ads. Bands are great and weights are great. Lets not act like its a miracle in 10 minutes though. Everyone has to work hard no matter what equipment they are using.
