Is Airbnb Dying?

Is Airbnb Dying?

Two Cents

1 год назад

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@valeriekeefe8898 - 23.04.2024 19:11

Air BnB is a testament to how much business taxes and regulations kill... Their only edge was the (bad, distortive) law hadn't caught up to them yet. Didn't take long.

@quanyenwashere - 24.04.2024 14:20

I’ve had just as many bad experiences in hotels as I’ve had in airbnbs. I still prefer airbnb 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’ve come to accept that you get what you pay for regardless of whether it’s an airbnb or hotel. I also don’t think regular people buying a couple of properties to offer short term rentals are the real problem. It’s the corporations being greedy a-holes but the small players are getting caught up in the blame game as usual. Your inability to find affordable housing has little to do with the small fish in the middle class who are trying to earn income with Airbnb.

@nld8985 - 25.04.2024 17:38

I remember the first time i stayed at one.... i saw the list of rules for the house... was paranoid about the littlest things.... went around taking pictures of everything... found a buncha cobwebs 😂 .... then when i saw that id have to clean up before (sheets and everything😮) ..... never again

@billbombshiggy9254 - 25.04.2024 19:22

I hate Airbnb. They are why long term renters cant find a place to rent. I live in a nerd tourist area, and for the past few years, you couldnt find a place to rent at all. Everything got bought up and turned into Airbnb.
But now i see a ton of listings for long term rentals, but the price is too high. It makes me happy to see the people who did this, losing money.

@cmair77 - 25.04.2024 23:54

Nothing against it, but I'm a hotel guy. I stay at decent quality places and if I have any issues it's taken care of.

@OkraPlutonium - 26.04.2024 21:58

Bro wtf I didn't recognize you in the thumbnail it's been too long since I saw one of y'all's videos!

@jayfloramusic - 26.04.2024 23:49

I travel a lot. Stopped using Airbnb long time ago. They're no longer cheaper than hotels so no point.

@jayfloramusic - 26.04.2024 23:54

Can there be a Federal law that a single SSN can only have 1 home and that too after the age of 18. Maximum 2 homes per married couple, and can't buy a 3rd home until a child turns 18.

@rashadreddsent.8453 - 27.04.2024 01:33

Hotels are far superior and end up being the same price after all the ridiculous fees

@BarderBetterFasterStronger - 28.04.2024 03:41

$600 cleaning fee, please take out trash, do the dishes, vacuum, clean the windows, mop the floors, wipe the blinds, do the laundry, or you will charged an additional fee! Also we have cameras on the property!!!

Meanwhile a hotel is cheaper.

We need government intervention to end business ownership of housing that was built for individuals and families.

@candacebex4370 - 30.04.2024 23:35

I love renting from them. It is so much more accommodating for a large family

@prettypic444 - 01.05.2024 08:07

As an Angeleno, I’ve always had a negative view of Airbnb. There have been SO MANY news stories about landlords kicking out permeant tenants to rent short term. Housing prices here are already INSANE and this is just making the problem worse!

@buckiemohawk3643 - 01.05.2024 16:39

its going to bust so bad its not funny, a lot communities are banning them

@MeTheOneth - 02.05.2024 19:13

Maybe the commodification of housing is a bad thing.

@user33housecats - 09.05.2024 02:06

you don't have to feel bad for the Air BnB'ers all they have to do is sell that cute little property they made $$ on, even if they sell at a loss (no tax consequences) they already made plenty of money. Sell it to a renter, there's a housing shortage right now. . .

@user33housecats - 09.05.2024 02:10

people. who used to stay in hotels started renting whole houses, why not turn the hotels into homes for the homeless? It might be hard to live as a family in one hotel room but it has GOT to beat living out of a car

@Beezy_Crypto - 09.05.2024 02:39

I don't make guests clean, and I charge them exactly what it costs to get it cleaned.

@JosephCatrambone - 10.05.2024 04:51

I'm more enthusiastic about the NY approach than the CA approach. We here on the west coast don't have a great record when it comes to using funds intended to alleviating housing stress.

@buckskin64 - 13.05.2024 22:46

Biden has destroyed the economy!

@stage51manager - 14.05.2024 10:55

AIRBNB sounds like a hit or miss.

I’m from California, I’m going on vacation to New York. I just booked a AIRBNB in New York (The Bronx) will see what happens? 🤷🏽‍♂️

However I did save $700 booking a AIRBNB instead of getting a hotel in the Bronx. 🤷🏽‍♂️

@kegeng5580 - 04.06.2024 08:38

Airbnb posted my house without my permission and refused to remove it!!! They are sending strangers to my door and refused to take the post off from their website!

@memoirmystery - 05.06.2024 06:05

It’s amazing to read the collective entitled way of thinking you should have a say in what someone does with their own money or home.

I guarantee that if you all spent more time learning about money and investments, you would have more money to provide for those who are in need and make a real impact towards your argument vs spending time on the internet bashing other people for what they do with their own money.

@hbnkasflik3202 - 17.06.2024 13:28

cleaning fee of 90 foot apt 100 $ is a un logical.

@RandomGamerCory - 17.06.2024 18:26

Ah yes. Things only get better when the government gets involved

@the5stacys - 18.06.2024 16:23

I am a 20+yr resident in my town. Raised kids, supported this community and have loved living where I do. Until Mr. E arbitraged the large house near me.
It has been nearly 2 years of problems and our quality of life, safety of my family, and our well being have declined to the point that I don't want to live here anymore. It feels like a battleground and my county has NO STR policies in place..NONE.

Buncombe County NC- get your stuff together!

@iirekm - 23.06.2024 21:22

And very well that some countries started doing something with this airbnb madness. While airbnb is great for travelers and property owners, it's terrible for local communities: crowds near elevators, noise, garbage, alcohol, crime increase (because airbnb customers typically are on their vacation and it's hard to blame them for noising or polluting). This all happens in homes or condo buildings that totally weren't designed for short-term rental. Some locations (e.g. Barcelona) even have problems with lack of water due to overturism. Costs of buying or long-term rental of condos or homes goes up (because many people now add competion by buying not for themselves, but for airbnb). Airbnb is the major reason of process called "gentrification" - old inhabitants of centers of cities leave them because of all the inconveniences causes by their noisy and problematic airbnb neighbors, new local inhabitants simply can't afford buying or renting anything in those areas. Many practices practices of airbnb or the property owners are debatable or straight illegal.
Airbnb should be banned everywhere, ASAP! For short-term rentals there are hotels, hostels, guesthouses, but not regular homes or condos!!!

@martingo2680 - 30.06.2024 19:18

Got to love how the government has the power to keep you from profiting off your own land or property.

@adambrunett8731 - 13.07.2024 01:32

The housing crisis is caused by quantitative easing and inflation over COVID and not Airbnb. Shot term rentals are just a symptom of a lack of housing not a cause. If you believe that you Must trust your government a lot.

@chrism3784 - 24.07.2024 21:27

I can't say I feel bad to airbnb hosts myself. Jumped on a get rich scheme to be handed right back to them. How bout selling their failed bnb ventures to people who actually need a home

@Pickleman2008 - 25.07.2024 16:22

Wait wtf PBS get sponsors

@Jose04537 - 26.07.2024 04:29

It's always like that. First a "tech" company offers a good product at a lost. And when they finally have a monopoly, then the enshitification kicks in. Airbnb is now worse than a hotel in every sense: is not cheaper anymore, you have a bunch of rules or suffer fines, you have to do shores, and there's weaker legal/sanitary/consumer save guards and protections. Ever time a tech company "disrupts" a market, they are actually just trying to reinvent the wheel with corners.

@BP-ke5qs - 29.07.2024 23:05

Living and working in Palm springs, CA here. Can confirm like 85% of the houses in the nice neighborhood I bike through are either short term rentals or unoccupied second homes for snowbirds. The neighborhoods are mostly empty, especially in the summer. I don't feel bad for these landlords but I don't blame them for trying to make a buck.

@chris2790 - 01.08.2024 16:03

Whats with the hair swap?

@richrichy2961 - 07.08.2024 17:29

To you in the comments section. Do you support capitalism?

@-k5703 - 11.08.2024 15:46

No one should be allowed to post more than one Airbnb and it should only be individuals hosts and not businessess

@homelessguy4143 - 13.08.2024 21:25

Why is housing considered an investment? If you want to be an entrepreneur, start a real business instead of leeching off people.

@jarrodbarkley7573 - 15.08.2024 05:38

get a haircut nerd

@bushwriter - 16.08.2024 15:18

This is a poorly researched piece with inherent biases. You can do better.

@ManInTheBigHat - 20.08.2024 15:56

My dozen stays were mostly bad experiences and I've quit Airbnb.

@Erikkurilla01 - 22.08.2024 17:02

Investing in the stock market & crypto market is the best option to make a passive income. Virtually all the markets are crazy, most people pay more attention to the shiniest position on the graph, I'm keeping a diversified portfolio. !!

@toasgreece - 30.08.2024 07:52

Housing is unaffordable for most so let's turn the limited supply into hotels driving up rents and prices, thanks greedy turds

@ThePeterDislikeShow - 08.09.2024 14:36

You forgot, guests sometimes do wacky things. I know someone who would rent Airbnbs for 2 days to do heavy-duty computing (he did some sort of AI research) and run up a huge electric bill. To avoid having to pay for it at his own apartment.

@unasperanza9803 - 03.10.2024 16:30

Aibnb treat hosts so badly now. We are suspended due to judge jury and executioner after many messages and calls-- its a disgruntled guest. We have a small cute cabin only suitable for couple no one could live there full time. we aren't in america and they believe guests not hosts.

@blacksuite1 - 20.10.2024 08:44

Cry me a river 🎶

@thomascharlton7325 - 22.11.2024 19:47

As you said, Airbnb was doing just fine. These state governments couldn’t stop licking their lips and therefore began regulating them. This didn’t affect Airbnb directly but their tenants and landlords were gonna get screwed. The regulations that were forced on landlords have twisted the markets for these services and by the way that is hurting tenants and bringing up prices even more. Airbnb used to be the cheapest option because it was the most innovative compared to legacy hotels. Government needs to put out because their regulation always have the opposite effect

@Iiiojhfdfg - 23.12.2024 06:24

I just bought a rv🎉😅

@erich84502a - 03.01.2025 00:53


@Bob-B-. - 21.03.2025 00:36

I was a move out cleaner during the craze. I have seen people's homes destroyed with tens of thousands in property damage from wild parties.
