Dave Takes A Tumble

Dave Takes A Tumble

Dave and Chuck the Freak

3 месяца назад

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@charlestonw801st - 03.12.2024 23:31

Daves gonna have the gnarliest falls when he's older hahaha he's high up it's gonna be weird falls.

@GeneralTsoz - 03.12.2024 23:53

Can someone untangle Andy’s headphone wire?? Cmonnnnnn

@ryanford9705 - 04.12.2024 01:07

Chuck and Dave!!!!
God dammit, we all need you guys during these crazy times. We don’t need you breaking a hips

@TinyDancer-wz5br - 04.12.2024 01:42

I was listening this morning hahaha so glad to see it 😅

@tylerdaniels7692 - 04.12.2024 04:14

Im watching this and everytime chuck talks my candle flames moves flickers

@kylenovak3410 - 07.12.2024 18:20

I was listening to this live, and I hoped that they would make a peep show of it, and dave barely slipped adjusting and seat and chuck's like, take a fumble.

@BurnDem101 - 11.12.2024 05:07

Chucks determination to perform physical comedy on a RADIO show is so beautifully ironic
