$300 Opening For Our Friend In Israel

$300 Opening For Our Friend In Israel

MTG Attitude

2 месяца назад

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@KrisPSouls9258 - 24.06.2024 15:01

Hope all is good bud and everyone has a great day.

@tedhr392 - 24.06.2024 15:16

morning dave and crew i hope you guys are well, i try and stay clear of politics as it can be a salty subject

@mordox1895 - 24.06.2024 15:31

I get plenty political chatting with my friends and family, because you've got to be able to discuss things that impact us all freely and fairly with your people. I don't mind calling folks out when I hear uninformed crap, or being called out myself when I step in it. Gotta have that open discourse and friendly accountability or we all just end up in our own echo chambers, and man alive it doesn't take much effort to look around these days and see how poorly that goes.

Beyond my friend and family circles though, I make it a point to generally keep my opinions to myself at work and on social media. Working in public higher ed, it is way too easy for any opinions I put out there to end up reflecting on my office, my team, and the whole campus, and I just don't need to be a source of drama or conflict in that arena. I also just don't need a bunch of drama and assholean BS from randos on socials. As one of my mentors used to say, if there's no upside to getting into something in public, hold your cards tight to your chest and let 'em guess all they want.

Had to edit in a 'Hell Yeah!' when I heard you make the point that our rights end when we try and take away somebody else's. As far as I'm concerned that understanding has to be the foundation for any sort of half decent society we want to have. None of us is so special that we get to negate somebody else's rights just because we find it convenient.

@PawzBrownMTG - 24.06.2024 15:33

Love the SkitZ with BackDoor Barbie. GOOD LUCK ON THE PULLS.


@76girard - 24.06.2024 15:33

I think that the anonymity of the Internet has ruined people's ability to have real conversations. So many are now used to being able to say whatever they want without repercussions. We need to be able to discuss difficult topics without becoming upset, and relearn the ability to agree to disagree without hate or malice.

@mordox1895 - 24.06.2024 15:40

Sheesh that MH3 pack at the end was absolute fire

@7Alberto7 - 24.06.2024 15:45

Amazing opening and cause! Thanks guys!!!! Spread that love!❤

@timlotter7891 - 24.06.2024 15:48

BagHead for President!!🥳🎉💪💪🧌🦏🦏 I get political with my friends and family but never on the Internet because it's not allowed...😱🤔🤔

@briangilesmtg5632 - 24.06.2024 15:54

Amazing Opening! I hope this gives him the Greatest of Joy. I am not one to get very political, as I don't vote(I don't believe that the election procedure is fair and honest). I will voice my opinion when needed, because I believe in America and what our founding fathers wanted it to stand for.

@savannahlion3081 - 24.06.2024 16:02

My opinion differs from most .... 🤘🦁🤘

@Mark_Reed8298 - 24.06.2024 16:06

Thanks for doing this for your friend Dave. I dont get too political. I just watch the show. 😎

@benburger7195 - 24.06.2024 16:19

I try not to get political, but I do have strong political beliefs. I just figure everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not everyone needs to hear it.

@crisgroom3857 - 24.06.2024 16:57

I spent time in Israel in the early '90's and had some of the best times of my life there. The tension was there then also, strangest feeling, peaceful, happy people fully strapped walking around in public, ready to drop in a moments notice. I'm definitely not political, but I do know my history and watching idiots repeat mistakes that crumbled empires is kinda scary. All you can really do is hope to raise your kids right and informed and hope for the best.

@willendicott3590 - 24.06.2024 17:25

I don’t like the way our country is being run. I hope that President Trump can get back in and straighten everything up. I appreciate you fighting for us, Dave and all the other men and women that have fought. I just don’t want it to be for nothing. My dad was in the army for 25 years. He passed away two years ago. Magic is my escape. I build commander decks to take my mind off of everything that’s going on. Thanks Dave

@MintyMagicMTG - 24.06.2024 17:29

Let’s goooo

@MTGAttitude - 24.06.2024 17:35

Hey all...I'm currently away. I'll pick the winner today, but can't get the winnings out until next week. Enjoy all!

@jasonjacobsen2519 - 24.06.2024 17:45

❤🎉 great way to start this week off🎉❤

Send love an prayers to the world...

Politics may be a touchy subject for most but in the end we all have only One Life to live and one goal is to do the best that we can for humanity in our families so way this old truck driver looks at things.

As an American citizen not only do I thank you sir Dave but all of our military for giving us freedoms all of the freedoms


@yomobannett4244 - 24.06.2024 17:50

personally, I try not to get political but being from Israel when uneducated people protest purely because they are antisemitic and know nothing its hard not to.

@joshuafornelli8673 - 24.06.2024 17:55

I absolutely get political. I ask that especially anyone that thinks they know something to look into the views of opposing people and their situations. The situation you allude to in this video is super complex from historical and political perspectives and I will disagree with you you on protest, Dave. Your founders definitely used violence and destrucrion, for example. So, trying to keep it tactful and dodging the algorithm, there is a dearth of discussion historically in this country about the other people in that area of the world and it is quite appropriate that the most idealistic among us are attempting to raise that view. That said, I would have no disagreement that many trying to argue about this, on the myriad sides, find themselves aligning with some very odiious people and groups and saying reprehensible thinga and should consider those actions and statments. Anyway, this is likely unclear because this is a very bad venue for such conversations especially one where there are so many problems with both major positions.

Have a good one, Dave.

@rickstanley8449 - 24.06.2024 18:44

Awesome opening Dave

@TDeck1 - 24.06.2024 19:02

Hot take Monday

@aka_rook - 24.06.2024 19:25

Dude I have friends who are the polar opposite of me politically, but if I broke down at 3am in the rain 100 miles away, they'd be there. I do like to get political as I have strong convictions, but only when it's invited and only when I want to. I won't be browbeat into taking a side or coerced into an argument. All my friends respect this and just because they believe something doesn't make them any less of a person. Everyone has reasons, right? I will however stomp on asshats when it's necessary!

EDIT: I had to add a bit more to this as it's something I feel strongly about. People don't talk enough. Sure they 'talk', but they talk at each other. We seem to be living in an age where you're either fully one way or fully the other and the people in the middle ground get ignored because they're 'fence sitters'. My politics are a little like that, I agree with some of what both 'sides' say. My opinions are reasoned because I read, I watch and I make the effort to try and understand why someone else thinks the way they do. I'm not out there to change hearts and minds, I just want to understand, empathise even. We're all a product of our environments and experiences and I think that we can very quickly become blinkered if we don't listen, because that's just as important as talking.

My 2c.

As always no mooch and thanks for the sweet opening and I hope Elon enjoys it. Much love to the whole crew👍

@aka_rook - 24.06.2024 19:29

Also... "War is Hell" was William Sherman of civil war fame. I believe they named the tank after him. 👍

@thelargebadger - 24.06.2024 20:03

Without getting too political, I really detest both political parties because they just pander to those that provide the most money. At voting time, they suddenly want to pay attention to rest of us and kiss a baby. The best advice I have been given is that just because it's true doesn't mean you have to say it out loud. Yet here we are. . .

@MartyTheGatheringPlace - 24.06.2024 20:06

Dave BD Soon July 13

@MartyTheGatheringPlace - 24.06.2024 20:08

I live in Canada our country is doomed

@elonborowski24 - 25.06.2024 00:31

Thank you so much BBD you are a legend, politics can get toxic, especially here 🙃 so your video really hits home with me, and the things you said are so true and meaningful...
Your the G.O.A.T
Keep up the MTG content, and again thx for everything 🤩🔥

@rjlee2499 - 25.06.2024 01:42

Dude you gained a viewer for your candor! Honestly it’s a breathe of fresh air! Thank you for your service. 😎

@fourkeepsgaming - 25.06.2024 01:44

Whats up fella's, hope your week started well and Jay i hope your leg is getting better bro. I dont get political because I dont feel like arguing lol, opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one and some stink worse than others

@sevrnce9802 - 25.06.2024 02:27

Free palestine 🇵🇸

@JoshuaCutsya - 25.06.2024 02:50

Dave dropping the awesomeness ❤😊

@carter-bp5ud - 25.06.2024 07:01

I try to avoid politics at all cost but I’m a huge history buff and 1947 Palestine speaks for itself. Free Palestine

@crowgaming1013 - 26.06.2024 15:13

Yo, I’m Elon’s friend from school. That’s awesome that you opened this for him. I’ll be sure to help him make a deck or two and I am for sure trading with him lol😂

@benjaminkaye5119 - 28.06.2024 12:29

I love debates. I learn from them , but we have to keep them factual.
Nice opening and way to spread a little love and fun to brighten someone’s day and life. Bbd always with the good karma.

@benjaminkaye5119 - 28.06.2024 12:33

Love the Roxanne jam !
The true magic is the gathering , you are correct there! It has saved me from some dark times and helped in the sad times.
Last pack magic is back !!!

@MintyMagicMTG - 24.06.2024 21:29

Well said man. As soon as someone gets violent, their opinion will be ignored, whether it’s right or wrong. That’s just the way it is. Being peaceful infuriates the opposition and only makes your case stronger. Be the bigger person and your actions will speak for themselves

The whole violence towards Israelis, or Chinese during Covid, or recent Japanese hate just makes zero sense. I highly doubt anyone in America who comes from those backgrounds have anything to do with those countries actions.
