11.0.7 Gearing and THE NEW SUPER RING!

11.0.7 Gearing and THE NEW SUPER RING!


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@anders8461 - 09.12.2024 13:01

Another mechagon?

@82guitarman - 09.12.2024 13:01

I unsubscribed like 2 weeks ago. It expires on the 10th. It’s just boring again and dailies.

@SantaClausthereal - 09.12.2024 13:43

A piece of advice to everyone
Shove ur opinions deep ,you know where
Go play an other game
And let us enjoy it
You are snakes among flowers .
Specially this shitty content creator that destroyed the game many times

@StefanKostka137 - 09.12.2024 13:48

I'm tired of unexciting loot chase

@rmvanravesteijn - 09.12.2024 14:59

Great, didnt want to do anything for a stupid ring anyway so im just gonna ignore this content and do dungeons with my current gear.

@strossen.materials - 09.12.2024 15:02

I loved TWW launch, the campaign and the raid was pretty easy yet fun to play. Delves are a fun side activity too. The anniversary event is pretty much the only thing I'm playing now tho, and just to level up alts. It's pretty boring not gonna lie. I really enjoy the solo aspect of the game but when it comes to competitive content you can see how the class imbalance has killed some of the joy. Tbh I'm happy I was able to get more classes to 80 because it helped me realize what I really want to main this expansion 😁

@RealmRunner94 - 09.12.2024 15:24

These .07 patches are fine. Just a boost item for people to kill queen. And gives us time to farm for mogs ect... haven't got to deep it that much.

@markuslc1888 - 09.12.2024 15:24

i hope the ring will be for open world gamers and alts, hopefully not going to be BiS. Blizzard needs to fix crests and VP on alts...yes it has been worse, but we are still not there

@sealcaptn - 09.12.2024 15:32

The Bore Within is litterally just Dragonflight patch 10.5.

@lisaleone2296 - 09.12.2024 15:48

I don't like that every patch has a new thing you have to grind on all of the characters you want to move forward. It's like you're constantly playing catch-up and not being allowed to work on things you want. The game seems to be designed for people who don't have jobs/families and can spend 8-10 hours a day farming and grinding and working on their alts. I don't have that kind of time. I'll probably sit this out completely since I don't raid/M+ and just focus on gearing my alts through delve chests.

@DanielTorres-lb6hs - 09.12.2024 16:06

the only thing am exitted about this patch is the new quest chain and the ground mount new stuff, i will probably do the same thing with the DF ''big ring'', just skip it and keep playing around M+ and raid gear, am not gonna put hours of work on one item that dosent make any true change

@Palisis - 09.12.2024 16:37

When did they state this would ring was meant to last the rest expansion? First time I hear of this. Can't really say I agree with the analysis when you compare it to other rings. The ring doesn't "suck", it's a stack stick mostly as all rings are, except you get to choose what stats/procs you get to apply to it. If you don't like it, you can still get other rings. You don't need a guide either, that's some 1% level thinking. I recall all the heavy sweating over the last ring and it blew over. We were fine with or without it. All this doomsaying is rather exhausting.

@blackvenom7476 - 09.12.2024 18:03

People like you suck 🤷🏾‍♂️ stop bitching and enjoy the game

@MrHuntervad - 09.12.2024 18:40

What a nightmare for blizzard to not be able to make the only thing they want to do, a good end game.

@mathiashellberg1153 - 09.12.2024 18:41

Tbh blizz make sec stats on the Ring/finger besked the socket

@mathiashellberg1153 - 09.12.2024 18:44

Or let os get a ring from a vender whit What stats we nees from a vender and then add the gems to it

@sonhadvar6832 - 09.12.2024 19:51

Giving us a random cute battle pet for anniversary instead of the event and skipping 11.0.7. in exchange for 11.1 coming out at least a week earlier would be a better deal. This is unacceptably bad content.

@celexcelex2310 - 09.12.2024 20:16

Its just lazy content, as usual. Its a copy paste of previous stuff they've done with a different name.

There's barely any effort in this, they are just farming people's money at this point.

The game is amazing, the world, the name, the immersive feeling. But the way they are handling it is just wrong. Ive cancelled my sub like a month ago and I see no interest in coming back for this type of content. Its just bad.

@TT-Litokranius - 09.12.2024 20:27

game is dead !

@thelastspectre8141 - 09.12.2024 20:44

The mariner's hallowed citrine depending on proc chance and if 5 members in your group use them can really help pull off a 1 tank 4 dps comp

@alexjones519 - 09.12.2024 21:04

I love that you call it like it is so eloquently.

@chend2217 - 09.12.2024 23:00

Okay. What is wrong making us feel like gods sometimes? They should make it so with those rings ffs. They are so scared of balancing, giving a bit more damage here and there. We want to feel powerful in a meaningful way. I dont give a shit getting 132 more passive stats that will do nothing.

@hexb4ne964 - 09.12.2024 23:03

That’s what you get when everyone is crying „we don’t want borrowed power“. Now you get half as shit and a gearing system which is kinda boring.

@swiftyfun88 - 09.12.2024 23:25

they will buff them on thursday due to backlash 100%

@SleepyJoin - 10.12.2024 01:47

Expo is okay, 7 or 7.5/10. That being said, anything below 8.5 to me is a failure in a significant way. I would not reccommend to any of my friends who used to play to come back.
Why? Because Blizzard should have done a better job in BFA, in Shadowlands. Listen to our feedback more ? Make changes in a non glacial sliding over the continent pace. Why are problems in M+ still not adresssed ? I've been back for a month and I;m already thinking of was this even worth. I don't see the passsion in the game just pretend for sales, if there was passsion why is not better than legion, wrath, tbc, mists ?

@lolsa123 - 10.12.2024 02:10

I came back from not playing WoW since MoP. What's offputting for me with the m+ is that it's expensive AF, and the rewards are few.
30 min runs, 1 death costs 150g+, flask 150g, pots 10g/each. and at the end of it you get 50g, feeling like you get 1 item/6runs. took about 14 runs in Ara Kara to get the trinket, did another 14 runs in Stonevault for a belt.
does not feel rewarding when you join a group that bricks the key, wipes 3 times and leaves. 800g repair, flask, and pots and you get nothing for it.
And that's just for 1 run.
playing only m+ is a net loss every run, the only time you come out on top is when you run an m+, don't use pots, don't die. even then it's 50g you get - 5-10g repair.

@Lunchbox739 - 10.12.2024 02:30

Unsubbed and just watching to see what they do next. They took any progress made with Dragonflight and chucked it into the toilet with this M+ season and now this patch. Very disapointing...

@magstalkswarcraft - 10.12.2024 06:49

This is how excited I am. When this video popped up in my feed I was 💯 sure the title said NEW STUPID RING

@wojciechpiosik302 - 10.12.2024 13:04

I have already 639 rings

@xsardes336 - 10.12.2024 16:05

Wait...what? Veteran gear in good catch up for alts? My friend, are you insane? It's COMPLEATLY useless, you can easily get a fresh character to 619ilvl in 48h ... and veteran max upgrade is 606, it's LAUGHABLY bad catch up

@S3Ri0usOG - 10.12.2024 16:16

Just wait for PoE 2. WoW is turned into a milker game.

@Kaybris - 10.12.2024 16:27

Sub running out in 2 days. Not going to sub until TWW Season2. Not interested in grinds that will be obsolete in 2 months time. And I am not 100% sure I will come back for season2.

I only play M+, and I feel like the old M+ formula aged like milk. They need to overhaul the whole system. We should have at least 20-30 dungeons to choose from to run each season not 8!!! And rating based on your best 10 different dungeon runs. No timer or no key depletion - one or the another not both! End of dungeon chest always rewarding an item for everyone, and on top of that 15 crests, 100 valorstones, and at least 500 gold scaling higher with higher M+ level. They also need to add solo queue with additional rewards if you queue as a tank or a healer. More crests, gold and valorstones should be enticing enough.

Plenty of other games to play while waiting for WoW to level up their gameplay experience. "Path of Exile 2" one of them. Git gud Blizzard. No more sub money for your company unless you bring WoW to a whole new level.

@ic3t3ap3ach - 10.12.2024 16:51

weekly timegating for a piece of ring :) i dont know if i can play more 6-7 weeks to upgrade it. and that you have to grind to get your stats back is a joke xD

@Shakalowski - 10.12.2024 17:38


@MC-vv3uc - 10.12.2024 18:03

Man... I'm a casual player and even I'm sitting on bis 619 rings at this point in the season, I'm not sure i give enough of a ** about a 35k overshield when my healer has 7 mil hp at this point, what is blizz actually smoking with these numbers,

@DTWD16 - 10.12.2024 18:16

The entire expansion has been overall dogshit. The m+ season is the worst it’s been in years. PvP participation is absolute barebones with even less dev communication. Hero talents and warband stuff are amazing. Those two things alone is not enough for an expansion at full price let alone a monthly sub. I had more fun in WoD and Shadowlands by far.

@christopherdaffron8115 - 10.12.2024 19:17

Clearly, the B-team at Blizzard is in charge of patch content like 11.0.7 while the A-team is working on the next expansion.

@lSirCumference - 10.12.2024 21:23

Women game designers are the issue.

@tylerlance6456 - 11.12.2024 19:41

they need to simplify the game. Skyriding has basically killed the feel of the zones for me because I just zoom at mach 30 over everything to my destination. Take it away and force us to use our ground mounts they we earned and never use lol

@j3rando53 - 12.12.2024 00:09

Its a no from me dog. Sitting this one out

@yaserzarei-h3v - 12.12.2024 19:01

they should have make a ring with stat + special gems not only s.gems thats kinda sucks

@markusm6653 - 13.12.2024 15:30

i am missing the legendary cloak from MoP.
More stats, buff and good style. It feels like, that the ring is useless and not the ULTIMATE META ring
There should be also +2000 mainstat

@Tuuut_Tuuut - 16.12.2024 16:44

I hope blizz sees this video before releasing the patch 😮😮

@WladcaPodziemia - 17.12.2024 08:51

Poorly made system.
Lame choices
Fun already optimzied out of the game and devs cant event catch up with some crazy ideas and mechanics.
Not even casuals will have fun, since this ring will not explode/be visible with its effects.

@marcolopeslez - 21.12.2024 02:46

What’s the point in getting a ring that anyone can have in 5 min quests… I remember the good old days that it was normal people have bad gear because it was hard to get good gear. Now it’s the opposite, all have the same easy gear.

@nicowins - 21.12.2024 08:11

I am still playing the war within but I never play more than 1 -2 hours since it is so boring

@MaximilianJPaul - 22.12.2024 18:17

it would only be cool if it would be a 3rd ring i can wear...

@francischabot1412 - 28.12.2024 01:14

Super ring? The heroic queen ring is probably better .... [edit] in fact just simed it and the 645 "super" ring is a dps loss versus my 626 ring i would need to re-gem/re-enchant/re-craft for it to be a stamina sidegrade man what a flop it's crazy i guess it's good for the alts but still it's crazy how blizzard and ion are afraid to give players upgrade. They probably don't want to offend streamers and the glorious 1%. All hail the 1% ....

@Liofa73 - 18.01.2025 18:18

Time to take this video down. It’s just clickbait now. It’s BIS now.

@joshuaclifford-murkyttv2544 - 19.01.2025 13:22

Thank you poggo
