Finland Hosts Huge Artillery exercises - A clear message to Putin

Finland Hosts Huge Artillery exercises - A clear message to Putin

OFF TRACK PLACES - Military Aircraft

1 месяц назад

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@TarjaElg-k8h - 06.12.2024 09:21

Ja siel oli mamman KULTAI tippas , lauleli kaikki hyvi😊❤

@TarjaElg-k8h - 06.12.2024 09:20

Ihana kuulla ku kone käy, kehrää hienosti😊

@jonlee5283 - 05.12.2024 13:05

Finland understand

@didiercoret561 - 04.12.2024 20:47

Poutine se croît invincible ? Ce n est pas par ce que la Russie est grande en superficie qu' elle est forte ! Le moyen âge ont à connus ! L otan sait où sont les missiles à Poutine et depuis 3ans l otan est prête à les detruires ! Je dit ça mais j en sait rien ! L otan sait très bien ce qu' elle fait la Russie a toujours été une menace pour le monde , il serait temp d en finir avec la Russie mais ne pas toucher aux civils russes qui sont persécuter pas les diables du Kremlin ! Après , il faut virer macron de France ! Nuremberg 2 et Poutine et ses sbires avec et l autre abruti de la Corée du Nord !

@katuboycn8817 - 04.12.2024 12:07

Puppets American​ they want to be like Ukraine 😅😅😅

@heaven4Now26 - 04.12.2024 09:59

New meat made in finland

@titinpionir - 04.12.2024 09:33

Finčeki ne čačkajte Medu dok spava da se ne probudi

@ukrainevictory-j4u - 04.12.2024 00:59

Putin says he wants to punish Finland for joining NATO. Finland better get your military ready and dig in.

@OTAN-m1q - 03.12.2024 22:13


@TappıoLopullinen - 03.12.2024 19:54

Naurettavaa! Kääpiö suomi ja nato aikoo hyökätä venäjälle.

@lianlengchew7325 - 03.12.2024 05:16


@lianlengchew7325 - 03.12.2024 05:16


@dejantadic5030 - 03.12.2024 02:40

ha ha ha ha ..are you a normal mind////mucm lower of heroin ....are you so stupid///transdzenders ....questinon one///don you have a halters and woman schoes with a hi .....hahahahah what a fucking a great army you are..////

@universalsoldier6155 - 03.12.2024 02:19

Die Menschen heutzutage sind komplett verblödet nur scheise im Gehirn labert nur scheise was habt ihr gemacht corona zeiten nichts ihr seit alle am arsch Deutschland Europa ihr habt zugelassen das Flüchtlinge kriminellen nach Deutschland Europa gekommen sind vergewaltigen töten und was habt ihr gemacht nichts die Politiker veraschen euch und ihr glaubt an jeden scheiß die Menschen die in Deutschland Europa leben dennen geht's zu gut wie lange noch keiner kuckt auf sein Land die usa Amerikaner nutzen Deutschland Europa aus damit die später leichtes Spiel haben und weil jeder hosen voll hat alleine gegen Russland zu kämpfen großen maul sonst nichts oder denkt ihr Polen Rumänen Bulgaren Slowaken und andere Nato Staaten werden alleine kämpfen es gibt überall Verräter und die Nato Staaten werden euch im stich lassen bei euch sind alle schuld nur usa Nato Staaten Deutschland Europa ihr seit heiligen bei demos werdet ihr von polizei verprügelt und habt ihr schon was erreicht oder wenn krieg kommt haben Politiker für Bürger schon alles vorbereitet die scheisen auf bürger ihr arbeitet ihr finanziert krieg Lebensmittel alles wird teurer wo Städte dörfer über flutet waren was habt ihr bekommen ihr sitzt vor handy Fernsehen und wartet bis andere für euch alles erledigen dann wünsche ich euch alles Gute

@universalsoldier6155 - 03.12.2024 01:58

Wow eine klare Botschaft jeder zitiert schon die Nato kommt

@miikapaananen1363 - 03.12.2024 01:49

Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum.

@Bragi-s9u - 02.12.2024 11:34

ryska toxinerna är ett gift för våra folket! vi ska skydda våra landet. rascha=parascha! putin kaputt!

@scanpolar - 01.12.2024 18:43

Karelian brigade boys know what to do . They are carrying genes to keep home land safe for their children and women. Eastern Finland forest area is the biggest open air cemetary for the Russian Bolshevik army . Look Raatteentie Battle place .

@nicoledorion-w1f - 01.12.2024 16:59

🔥✨️🌬SPIRIT 🔯DÉITÉ 🕊✨️🔥

@lazakidimopoulos - 01.12.2024 15:07

What can they do? I tell you what,they can do nothing at all ,Finland is a small and not so weathly country,Finland is a country try full of wussies,so it's better to keep your temperature down and everything will be okay

@AnteroHeikkiTimonen-cw4sd - 30.11.2024 17:37

Oh no we goin on the point of the end of the world.....!!!!!

@ntak8262 - 30.11.2024 17:19

Hyvä on valmiina olla, mutta haastamisen kanssa tarkkana ja minkä puolesta valmistaudutaan taistoon.

@knockonrock7013 - 30.11.2024 04:24

We are used to problem for us

@GregAcer - 30.11.2024 00:40


@reekwind1294 - 29.11.2024 22:28

The archer is amazing, hits very accurate.

@ramapriyarama4617 - 29.11.2024 20:06

Listen, morons, why does Russia need poor Finland???🤣🤣🤣🤣 Let Nazism and globalists be damned. You will shit your pants, you do everything out of fear, morons who believe you will win. Remember - Russia is invincible. May God bless us, who know what is happening and who is at war with whom.

@bothornberg255 - 29.11.2024 17:53

Why should Putin care about 10-15 cannons in northern Finland that fire 25-30 shots. The French were the only ones who seemed to know what they were there for .. ;O)
Childish post..

@milerale5286 - 29.11.2024 17:34

Feel sorry for Finland and Sweden for being manipulated in to this terrorist organisation called nato

@rossnolan2883 - 29.11.2024 17:22

NATO 👍👍👍👍

@alexandres.5250 - 29.11.2024 15:36

Красивые боевые машины! Надеюсь, что их работу проверят и при температуре -17 градусов цельсия. Пусть укрепляется боевое содружество стран НАТО! Рядом с путинской Россией иначе нельзя.
En: Beautiful combat vehicles! I hope that their work will be tested at -17 degrees Celsius. Let the military partnership of NATO countries be strengthened! It cannot be otherwise next to Putin's Russia.

@user-ce6iy2nw5o - 29.11.2024 15:24

These have been hosted for decades

@ioanbota9397 - 29.11.2024 15:01

Its interestyng

@petermclelland278 - 29.11.2024 14:34

Finlands safe from invasion, miserable depressing, grey people & a language only 'Klingons' understand, They could disarm & still be safe 😅

@arcsolomon6360 - 29.11.2024 14:31


@glacieractivity - 29.11.2024 14:24

Just a friendly reminder, it is Russia that has a tradition of putting together hasty "exercises" without hardly any planning to provoke neighbours, not NATO. These exercises are scheduled and informed more than a year in advance (also because they cost a lot of money and those involved want to maximise the training and interoperability effects instead of just "travelling around" for reasons defined by internal propaganda.

As far as I know, Finland hosted the first annual multi-national Lightning Strike exercise in 2019 - years before considering joining NATO. As such it is fair to point out that this is not childish sable-rattling, but NATO doing business-as-usual NATO stuff. This is something that we who defend democracy should be proud of.

As such we have next year mapped out (pointing out the larger exercises:

Bulgaria and Romania will host STEADFAST DART 25 (training to deploy Allied Reaction Force Elements to their sectors (Jan-Feb)
Norway will host Dynamic Guard (Electronic Warfare and Anti-Ship Missile Defence for Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (Feb)
Romania will host DACIA 25 (joint training exercise) (Feb)
Germany host FELDBERG 25 exercising the Franco-German Brigade (Feb)
DYNAMIC MANTA 25 and DYNAMIC MARINER 25 will take place in the Mediterranean exercising anti-submarine warfare and live naval warfare (March)
JOINT PROJECT OPTIC WINDMILL 2025 is a Dutch-led exercise series conducted every other year since 1996, training Allied Integrated Air and Missile Defence efforts. (Mar)
JOINT VIKING 25 is the traditional Norwegian-hosted bi-annual winter training exercise (March)
SEA SHEILD 25 is hosted by Romania, a maritime live exercise designed to improve operational and tactical interoperability (April)
GRIFFIN LIGHTNING 25 will take place in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (Apr-Jun)

Iceland will host DYNAMIC MONGOOSE (anti-submarine tracking and warfare in the North Atlantic (Apr-May)
From April, NATO will go into air combat training mode for two months with FRISIAN FLAG 25 (over the North Sea) and ARCTIC CHALLENGE 25 (over the Nordic nations)
FORMIDABLE SHIELD is hosted by the UK to do live-fire is a multinational live-fire integrated air and missile defence (May)
SABER GUARDIAN (hosted by Bulgaria, Hungary, North Macedonia and Romania) is a multidomain exercise linked to the following exercises: IMMEDIATE RESPONSE, SEA BREEZE, AGILE SPRINT, TROJAN FOOTPRINT-SOUTH, DEFENDER EUROPE. (May)
HEDGEHOG 25 is a traditional multinational and full-domain exercise in Estonia
DEFENDER EUROPE 25 is this year's North American allied deployment/arrival exercise (Jun)
POLARIS 25 hosted by France - preparing forces in all maritime domains for high-intensity engagements
BALTOPS 25 has a history going back to 1971, training operations in the Baltic (hosted by Germany)

Finally, but perhaps most interestingly

SEA BREEZE 25 is the first NATO exercise formally hosted by Ukraine under the "Partnership for Peace" and the "Maritime Capability Coalition," with a focus on interoperability, maritime and littoral security, safety, and stability operations.

This is NATO doing normal things. If there has been a change it is that the alliance seems to have been given a renewed focus and awareness in the 32 national politicians of the members.

As such it is interesting to note that 3-4 exercises come with a clear Black Sea security focus and 3-4 exercises come with a Baltic area focus while the rest are universal capacity and mobility training (winter warfare, naval subsurface and surface operations, missile defence and electronic warfare and other things you may not want to exercise too close to enemy surveillance).

Again - these are old-school exercises being announced well in advance - all being based in the traditional NATO charter for 75 years of collective defence - and everyone saying this is an escalation or sabre rattling must consider if they really want to be paid in Rubles these days since I hear the value of it is questionable.

@peterjaniceforan3080 - 29.11.2024 13:29


@fedi1335 - 29.11.2024 12:52


@SirCammlott-xq5tf - 29.11.2024 12:19

Wirklich gestört das Russland mit seinen lächerlichen 130 Millionen so viel land haben darf und dann noch mehr annektieren will siehe Ukraine oder Georgien etc oder eben Finnland Moldau etc usw
Das doch Wahnsinn
Das sieht doch ein blinder mit dem Krückstock

@TappioLopullinen-us8dx - 29.11.2024 11:10

Washington keskittää kalustoa ja valmistautuu hyökkäämään Venäjälle. Natolla ja kääpiö suomella ei ole mitään mahdollisuutta Venäjää & Kiinaa vastaan.

@MisterLindqvist - 29.11.2024 08:17

Finland sviker som vanligt sitt grannland Sverige när de oftast väljer att handla stridsfordon m.m från andra länder.

@BorderGuardJaegerFinlandia - 29.11.2024 06:04

So where are the electric scooters and all these motorcycles to the military to attack with 🤔

@BorderGuardJaegerFinlandia - 29.11.2024 06:02

Things have really changed, since my time in the Finnish military.
We had no woman at all in our military back then, and that was not even something anybody thought would be needed.
Maybe serving coffee and selling some candy's in the military cafés, at the most.
Well, this is the new world we are living in today.

@Kondasnaker - 29.11.2024 06:02

