Should You Play Protection Paladin in TBC Classic?

Should You Play Protection Paladin in TBC Classic?


3 года назад

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@daethmer7834 - 08.07.2022 02:45

Damn Witcher 1 music

@BarokaiRein - 16.04.2022 00:48

Off tanking is probably the chillest role to play in the game so not being main tank all the time in raids is nothing but a bonus.

@greedfox7842 - 09.11.2021 21:54

no, take it from me, its a nightmare...
pre-raid bis is the longest, most expensive, and most annoying grind... and half of them are from classic 40 mans
the BIS list is complete fucking bullshit... good luck.
and if you don't have the best gear... you are fucking worthless and will die and can't maintain aggro.

@dornan786 - 15.10.2021 21:55

Music from Witcher 1.
My respects.

@danniheggie9956 - 04.07.2021 05:23

Yes you should this post has been brought to you by the prot palli gang.

@Mentico - 02.07.2021 02:29

Man I need this UI Just like that for me sooooo badly =/

@alimardani4994 - 29.06.2021 14:24


@mattkreais8240 - 18.06.2021 16:39

I played prot pally on horde through to pandaria and plan on boosting and playing pne again

@Myr3390 - 12.06.2021 16:56

/cast [noharm] [noharm,target=targettarget] [] Righteous Defence Change the Defence to Defense with an S

@alexishosie100 - 03.06.2021 23:23

Ugh I can't get that agro macro to work

@badwolfxd3593 - 02.06.2021 22:23

As if right now my belf prot pally is 56 and I'm soooo damn torn between him or my Spriest for my main 🥲🥲

@brandonneifert3199 - 31.05.2021 21:16

bro that macro doesnt make sense at all

@michaelcate5298 - 29.05.2021 05:43

can you really make 200g/hr doing sm gy?

@goosegaming9720 - 25.05.2021 19:51

What is the UI used by Ravenshield? I know it's an Elvui Edit.

@Scrumpchwrap - 20.05.2021 00:57

Bis professions?

@MrSmith223 - 19.05.2021 13:14

/cast [noharm] [noharm,target=targettarget] [] Righteous Defence macro doesn't seem to work on live

@randylahey2660 - 19.05.2021 02:08

Subscribed due to how informational and relevant your videos have been. I rarely subscribe lol good job.

@jakey........ - 18.05.2021 08:32

not sure im here for the wow info or the asmr

@prodigy15222 - 14.05.2021 07:16

Like the subtle Oblivion music lol

@MrTimonSemplar - 13.05.2021 23:55

oblivion music <3

@auca3473 - 13.05.2021 09:07

I just watched a video that pretty much said prot pally is boring in TBC and its the more casual class. But if your seal weaving like you say then there's heaps of things to track and buttons to push. I play ret pally in retail right now and lemme tell ya there is never a moment where I'm not in a rotation. So this sounds great

@nickelodeann - 11.05.2021 04:55

I'm so torn right now and I'd love any input. I absolutely love the gameplay and fantasy of ret pally in tbc. However, I've seen how good prot is, and would also love to get into groups fast and tank and farm; I'd like to be more of a commodity. But ret will always be my overall priority. Obviously we don't have dual spec, what would you guys recommend I do? Should I tank at the start of tbc as I get gold and gear for ret?

@Smidztv - 08.05.2021 06:18

I enjoy your videos, also your voice helps me poop if im struggling that day.

@prototype9904 - 08.05.2021 06:16

I do have an observation about the seal twisting, Because I played Horde, I didn't have access to that particular seal, so I'm thinking if it's an aggro issue, this is not the solution for sure, there is more fundamental issues to tackle first, but I'm thinking if you want to to be a "try hard" and go for max dps, I suppose if you've mastered every other aspect of paladin tanking then sure, experiment and have fun with it. ~ There is a lot of other things to pay attention to as a tank that should keep you plenty busy besides your dps/e-peen meter score. If you're dps is low, you're probably not pulling enough mobs, and the same goes for low mana issues. (also it may be due to too much avoidance) Blocking gives you threat, if you dodge and parry everything..... it's not win. gearing for a raid is different than gearing for a dungeon or aoe farming, I hope to see all my paladin brothers in TBC Classic soon, Don't let the Warrior tank Prince at the top of Kara either, that's a fight MADE for a pally tank ;p ~ and If you have trouble on Gruul, let the Druid with high avoidance and health do it until you have better gear at least haha
/Cheers guys

@prototype9904 - 08.05.2021 05:55

my main was a prot pally since the TBC, I made him as soon as it came out and never looked back \m/

@TheNewton - 02.05.2021 10:01

It's pretty satisfying the first time one pulling all of HFC.

@TheNewton - 02.05.2021 09:59

Nothing like being able to stall out pretty much every melee fight either 1v1 pvp or Nv1 pve.

A notable exception is hemorrhage rogues for some damn reason.

@rickyhowl2134 - 01.05.2021 01:14

Priest or pally hmm

@Zllew - 30.04.2021 20:04

To tank heroics Prot pallys are the best, but if you think a prot paladin can tank "Brutallus" like a warrior or druid can, well... you might wanna curb your expectations.
(From someone who mained a prot pally in vanilla TBC)

@enriquemasyrubi5876 - 30.04.2021 03:10

best professions for paladins prot for gold farming?

@onlygravity - 29.04.2021 23:30

Delete the video so everyone doesn't switch to paladin in TBC

@gary6631 - 28.04.2021 20:31

I like that everyone is talking about prot pally in raid environment when realistically we're all going to level and quit at like 30-40 just like in classic

@cajintexas7751 - 27.04.2021 08:18

I remember the first time I saw a prot pally tie down an entire roomful of ads in the original TBC. It was a thing of beauty. I rolled one of my own as soon as I could, and I still play it in Shadowlands.

@loki1300 - 27.04.2021 07:15

I thought Seal of Veng did a small amount of dmg once the stacks were 5/5? Smaller than SoR still if memory serves

@thegrip6589 - 27.04.2021 06:50

I played a prot pally during TBC and loved it as it was my first max level class. Its very slow to level solo play questing and the dmg output doesnt pickup until you get geared but overall im considering reactivating my account to do it all again thanks to these nostalgic videos.

@Sinomis - 27.04.2021 01:25


@PaulSman123 - 26.04.2021 19:57


@tectons8371 - 26.04.2021 16:49

Its funny how tables have turned,I was playing in original tbc and I was in the best alliance guild of the server at the time clearing BT every week,nobody would invite a paladin tank they used to be meme class,same goes for hunters,when I joined the guild the 2 main hunters of the raid they were marksmanship,when I made some research and found the famous one button macro I toped the damage meters and everybody was mind blown how a hunter could make this damage,tbc is going to be a joke people will clear every raid within a week the raid release,people used to be so bad back in the time.

@SwarmAM - 26.04.2021 15:43

Just waiting for APES to hit 70 in 4 hours and clear all raids within 7 hours of launch 🚀

@_faythene - 26.04.2021 03:37

Unfortunately I agree with alot of the comments, most of our holy paladins have expressed they are respeccing to prot or ret next expansion, prot pally is going to become the classic mage in population density. Good luck to those hoping to come back to the game and try to get this raid slot without being asked to respec holy.

@amedaius8492 - 26.04.2021 02:19

Short answer: no. Long answer: I don't want my class flooded with nubs.

@GrandPrimus - 25.04.2021 23:18

Best tank for most bosses will be a druid.

@d0k0night - 25.04.2021 20:50

Macros in the description please

@jorgerios1473 - 25.04.2021 18:34

Yeah why not, your personal gold maker you don’t need ppl to run stuff with is just going to be a gold mine

@abfutrell - 25.04.2021 17:56

I leveled a pally as an alt in TBC. I wasn't worried about a raid spot as I knew I would make it as either Prot or Holy. We always had a need for healers. My biggest pet peeve with TBC was the lack of dual-spec. Daily Quests were insult to injury for those with non-viable dps specs.

@ThePontificius - 25.04.2021 16:49

If playing prot paladin in endless taught me anything is that there are way too many and you wont get a raid spot at all.
I had to re roll 😔
