The Candida Die Off Effect

The Candida Die Off Effect

IBS Treatment Center

1 год назад

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@austinmeyers1703 - 25.07.2024 00:50

i wonder if a two week water fast will work.

@samuelho3289 - 28.07.2024 08:54

When you spring clean, the house gets messier before it gets cleaner

@lovetofly32 - 06.08.2024 18:17

Wish they were in our area.. ive been dealing with this for over ten years now. 😪

@esmelopez7417 - 12.08.2024 22:26

Man i had diarrhea for a week straight . This was soo hard. But im exited to see the results of getting better

@deecee901 - 12.08.2024 22:52

Die off because of????

@theirishworker4793 - 13.08.2024 22:10

Anyone in the United Kingdom or on the island of Ireland you work with Doctor??

@kathleendillon1572 - 16.08.2024 00:25

Is muscle aches a part of it?

@nathanhoy2130 - 27.08.2024 14:56

The medication triggered a reactive arthritis attack for me in both knees, lasted over 2 months eventually had to take a course of RINVOQ to stop the arthritis attack.

@criticalthinker7822 - 29.08.2024 01:06

Thank you. Though I made a mistake but learned Im on the right track

@geewik3709 - 09.09.2024 21:15

what is the treatment?

@michelita2704 - 19.09.2024 03:13

Anyone also have a little out of breath moments? Or is that like flu like symptoms?

@thaisfranca3006 - 25.09.2024 17:57

Hi! I'm from Brazil. I have SIFO, but the doctors here don't know too much about this illness. I took Fluconazole por 3 weeks( 21 days), but the candida die off effect was terrible! My abdominal pain and náusea got worse. Só I don't know if I'm cured because I achived of fluconazole treatment of 3 weeks, and my abdominal pain continues. Só I'm thinking in taking probiotics. But I'm afraid tô take probiotics and my candida die off effect (abdominal pain) gets worse. Só I have a doubt: Does probiotics causes candida die effect? Like abdominal pain?

@healthyinformation - 28.09.2024 21:18

Die off can be controlled by regulating the rate of detox. Plenty of water get rest and use oxygen increasing supplements which can mitigate die off

@aprilsaavedra2727 - 02.10.2024 04:57

You do not need a prescription to induce a die off phase.

@freakyflow - 10.10.2024 03:22

Years ago i had a small cut from a electric razor on the back of my head ..Took a long time to heal however it started scabbing even without the cut there..Later i found the same thing on my elbow Then on my eyebrow .. I have sleep apena And suffered with nasal conguestion And ringing in the ear Lately ear infections One even had a hole in the ear drum ...I get pressure in the face..Fatigue only hours after waking up Brain fog

@NickiUn - 15.10.2024 23:16

I don’t get a treatment since doc doesn’t have interest in this. Got one pill and it didn’t work. So I diet and as a menopausal ADHD migraine patient… lot of Zomig pills in my system to not lose my job. 2 weeks with Sinus and headache and as a call centre advisor, sometimes I what to say I cannot speak and listen anymore. Well, live in Ireland and have to go through it

@kon4898 - 17.10.2024 23:42

Is it possible when you are going thru the treatment to see a candida die off in your urine?

@phantom.wreath - 20.10.2024 08:35

I am 23 years old and relatively healthy, but I have a lot of stress and anxiety. The more I learn about this candida overgrowth, the more stressed and anxious I get. But I also know that will make it worse for me and harder to heal. I hope I don't get severe symptoms on this diet. Pray for me doctor.

@tarot-karma-online - 21.10.2024 15:14

Same with carb detox

@Littles13579 - 24.10.2024 01:32

I started taking apple cider vinegar today. 1 tbsp mixed with water witb a meal. It made my symtoms flare up 10 minutes later. Any insight? Symtpms that flare up are burning tingling in hands and feet and hot flashes. It also made me very bloated.

@jaytimsim3225 - 24.10.2024 17:27

Ive been on high dose of medication for 3 months now and i just started feeling the die off affect 2 days ago, and i hate it... i had to reasearch this because its absolute torture but im hopeful for recovery

@Sabsab-aby - 18.11.2024 05:26

Im actually on anti Candida diet… I really thought I had covid… 😮 but no Nothing. 4 days after I started anti fungals and diet I thought it was over for me … now I understand everything

@brendamiranda2940 - 29.11.2024 19:25

This is my first week of die-off. My sinus is terrible. I hope feel better

@ayenifabusuyi8293 - 29.11.2024 20:25

Doctor, I'd like to ask if candida causes epididymitis - epididymal candidiasis.

Anyway, I started candida treatment with ketoconazole which gave me athletes foot fews days after. I was later told ketoconazole will not be effective on candida so I switched to Fluconazole 200. Three days into treatment, I have fatigue, migraine, diarrhea and so on. I'm scared of the die off reaction because the candida is in the bloodstream and even the organs.

@Love0fWisdom - 01.12.2024 19:24

Use cold pressed blackseed oil. 10ml on empty stomach and another 10ml before bed. It kills it like no other imo. To speed getting over the die off effect; avoid carbs, drink plenty of water and consider doing sauna to sweat out some of the toxic chemicals. (replenishing electrolytes is vital while doing sauna, so get an electrolyte powder that is sugar free). Try to take a boron supplement or a tiny amount of borax in water will supply boric acid which also helps. Take a probiotic and eat plenty of fiber. Try to sleep with the natural circadian rhythm and get sunlight on your skin throughout the day. All these measures require no prescription at all. Fasting also helps. Goodluck to all of you…. and pray 🙏

@Dustinlampp - 05.12.2024 13:33

I think I’m in the middle of the first die off.

@jurgen129 - 07.12.2024 07:22

can that die off effect also show in 3+ weeks of bad cold with lots of mucus, therefore exzessive caughing?

@dublindublin748 - 16.12.2024 20:47

What about constipation? When I stop fruits I am horrible constipated cause me reflux breathing diffuculties

@WolfLivin - 19.12.2024 19:34


@soofu - 25.12.2024 04:28

My candida journey started when I got the birth control arm implant (nexplanon) after my first period on it my vaginal microbiome was completely off. Was diagnosed with BV and yeast infections and even though I took antibiotics it kept coming back, especially after intercourse. It was so painful, its been 8 months and now the antibiotics just stopped working this week. I got off birth control 2 months ago when I started getting psoriasis, arthritis, tight chest, breathing became difficult, my tongue was white every morning and Ive had athletes foot that hasnt fully gone away, I knew there was more too it since my immune system was suffering already, and just learned yesterday that Estrogen can feed candida (go figure) Ive just started to cut out sugar and carbs today. I’m determined to keep this diet for a few months. I’m vegetarian but going to stop so I can include salmon in my diet. I’m taking probiotics and a pre/probiotic supplement from the company Happy V. I’d like to share an update within a few weeks to a month on how it goes. Started today on Dec 24, 2024

@nimsayaniaable - 25.12.2024 04:31

i got fever

@misfittoytower - 25.12.2024 20:29

Every time I fast, the Herxheimer reaction makes me feel like crap with back pain, inflammation and diarrhea. It sucks.

@ryanwdavies1 - 28.12.2024 08:21

Hero ❤

@StevenMitchell-gb3yp - 02.01.2025 15:22

Have been off sugar and treating with yogurt, kefit and antifungal. Feel awful. Knee pain, chills, fatigue, depression, stomach issues. Feel like this could go on for weeks. Hope it eases soon. Hate feeling like crap every day...

@elizabethmesser2412 - 04.01.2025 23:32

My die off phase was extremely difficult and lasted approx a month. I feel like a new person on the other side- if you’re thinking about testing and treatment just do it, your quality of life will instantly improve. ❤

@davidrobinson9528 - 13.01.2025 21:24

Clod shivers, flu like symptoms, bones ache, sleepy, headache… idc what it’s suppose to do I’m pouring this crap out and never trying that crap ever again. Had to call off work and in bed all day. Don’t do it if you got 💩 going on

@bobGmitter - 16.01.2025 18:26

Just use activated charcoal to absorb the toxins and teh herx reaction is much less

@SongBillong - 20.01.2025 14:03

Such a helpful video, thanks! I started my candida cleanse a few days ago and the symptoms of die-off started last night. Nothing too horrendous so far, though. I'm prepared for anything as long as it finally gets rid of this problem!

@nataleeleon2869 - 20.01.2025 20:51

Mine is more so emotional. I started because I was getting severe panic attacks, derealization and anxiety and all the time I thought I had anxiety in the past felt like I was so wrong😂 the anxiety I had on a parasite/ candida cleanse was severe I was crying. It felt like I couldn’t function to take care of my son.. it broke my heart. I had a bad stomach pain in my tummy and it went away. Only a month in and still feel panic and some derealization and anxiety but I came out of my panic mode.

@Siti-dz9dw - 06.02.2025 10:56

It is painful during menses times.... Especially I got fungal infection

@savingpeace8452 - 07.02.2025 01:18

Oh maybe this is why I’m so tired and feel brain fog I’m waking up feeling exhausted and my stomach is in knots I was given fluconazole and high dose probiotics and oregano oil I stopped the oregano incase that was causing the digestive problems but no stopping it hasn’t helped. The fluconazole cream and the nystatin liquid which I’m on also don’t seem to do this but the fluconazole tablets and the high dose probiotics both seem to do this. I had a similar reaction possibly worse when I tried horipito tablets a Nz herb that is a potent antifungal but I wasn’t aware of the die off effect so I stopped those tablets because it seemed they made me feel awful I got headaches felt sick my candida symptoms got worse and my glands all swelled up it was awful. I do notice that the first day I take the fluconazole tablet I also get swollen glands and similar symptoms. I didn’t expect this effect with high dose probiotics and the clomazole cream and the nystatin mouth liquid I thought it was only systemic antifungals that could do this but I’m getting it with probiotics is that odd?

@savingpeace8452 - 07.02.2025 01:34

I don’t get these symptoms with nystatin or clomazole cream but I am getting it with high dose probiotics is this possible? I get this reaction with fluconazole tablets and I got it terrible with horipito capsules Nz herb antifungal but did not expect it with probiotics I can’t find research to show that probiotics can cause this effect which I can find research on for the fluconazole and the horipito

@BurbankTvReactions - 12.02.2025 23:29

I bought yeast relief oral pills from Walmart day 3 damn near all the symptoms hit me. I also add a garlic supplement and apple cider vinegar before I eat. Funny thing is my sinuses cleared up.

@NganNguyen-jd1hu - 18.02.2025 01:11

I'm eating two cloves a day before bed, and I've been fasting, only eat 1 meal a day. I'm getting a lot of hives and feeling terrible right now. Before knowing this, I ate L Reuteri yogurt, but whenever I ate it, I got rashes, so now i understand why. I think the yogurt bacteria is fighting the candida, and it gives me rashes and bloating feelings.

@FÆRDIVÆRSJEGOD - 25.02.2025 15:39

Sorry if my my english is bad)
My biggest problem is my tounge, bloating , brain fog and constepation.

My tounge is coated in white cottage cheeze one week and better the next. It has been like this for some months now.
After i found out it might be candida in the gut i did some research.
Now i started my prosess of getting rid of this demon(candida) in my body by starving it.

I went on a 30 hour fast and quit all sugar, and only drink water.
jumped on the carnevoire diet.

After 3 days my tounge was pretty amazing. Looks Pink and healthy.

But i didnt stop there and then i intruduce som veggies and tryed a sugar free redbull before my workout.
The next day i started seeing som white on my tounge getting back.

Now its white again….
So i think i should stick longer to the carnevoire..

Im healthy. I work out. Why me
Thanks for all the information doc

This white tounge makes mad🙂‍↕️

@tiffanyshadleyhaulkindagir7378 - 09.03.2025 08:39

Help i have candida krusei and candida krusei for over a year and a half. I got them both from the hospital. I feel so horrible all day everyday. There's no medication or cure. Is there anything you know that cam help me please?

@vanessarenae5169 - 13.03.2025 03:05

Anyone here have high histamines because of their candida?

@1Samuel1524 - 19.03.2025 01:21

Within an hour, abdominal pain starts. Dizziness and intracranial hypertension starts io soon after a d gets so bad i lose my vision periodically.
