Into the American Southwest, The Coronado Expedition, Part 1

Into the American Southwest, The Coronado Expedition, Part 1

Historical Context

4 года назад

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@eddiekulp1241 - 10.04.2021 05:15

You do a good recreation of desoto expedition and Coronados , watched all of them

@budgreenjeans - 11.07.2021 01:32

Absolutely top notch! Thank you well done

@gratefuloldperson - 07.12.2021 04:02

Awesome video! I’m working on my family genealogy, and one horseman that accompanied Coronado maybe a relative, or at least we share the same surname. Been reading about this all afternoon, so I recommend the following: A Most Splendid Company by Shirley and Richard Flint’s analytical history, and Spanish Explorations of the Southwest by H. E. Bolton, both are free downloads. Thanks for your video! : )

@robertlawton3443 - 28.04.2022 05:14

i would like to know how you came up with the date of 1540 .. i have found a rock wall painting of what i believe is Coronado or Cortez it has two dates in front of the painting . 1536 and 1537....? this painting was found in the Superstition Mountains in AZ .i found the site in 2004 and i believe the site to be Cibola ...home of the seven caves ...

@matthewreyes2401 - 11.05.2022 18:46

Prickly pear is called tuna in my native tongue. The stuff the Spanish are is good for you, but when you eat the amount they did you will not be able to shit and get all the other symptoms lol

@MrDahrens - 14.05.2022 23:57

When you refer to "writings" what documents or books are you referring to?

@salvadorgarcia4327 - 20.05.2022 16:46


@Kobewankenobiofficial - 22.10.2022 16:00

What do you think of the legend of treasure mountain?

@315NY - 29.12.2022 11:13

Fun fact: the reason foreigners thought the tribes had gold, was because the adobe huts were made out of mud and yellow straw. When the sun sets to the West, the reflection bounces off the sides of the adobe straws, creating an optical illusion of shimmering gold

@Idrinklight44 - 27.08.2023 14:44

I'm not aware of a Tribe that doesn't give great respect and power to the Elders.
Kinda what is broken in modern culture

@AlleyCatMob - 15.09.2023 19:34

Francisco is my 15th great grandfather. My 15th great grandmother is Beatriz Estrada de La Caballeria

@fleadoggreen9062 - 28.12.2023 01:24

Why would the villagers let them take the 2 leaders in chains???
Couldn’t they spread the word to the other villagers in other areas ??? This same scenario played out time n time again, I’m sorry but Indians just seem like a bunch of dopes

@alexl5660 - 31.03.2024 02:40

❤ Spain my precious Brothers. May Jesus rest their souls

@ausetsmaat - 22.04.2024 03:27

Yes! wonderful coincidences. We all are our great grands descendants. Although we were not there then, here we are now. My 15th Great Grandfather is told of in another video series regarding Desoto and Alabama.

@BANN763 - 16.12.2024 20:42

your not slow at all. dont listen to that fella.hes just used to getting his info in 5 mins or less. then the tik tok attention span kicks in.

@williamh3823 - 21.12.2024 20:03

I read of Spanish explorer just west of California sultansea 1539

@tomasneel1980 - 24.01.2025 12:23

Wait till you read the diaries of the explorers that went with EL TOVAR , one said a Hopi priest performed the whole Masonic ceremony, then shook his head ‘’ no ‘’ and said to the chief at awatobi, ‘’ these men are not the Promised White God returning. ‘’ Go figure, chapter 29 Isaiah kinda talks about this ,
