Tommy's Sarcastic "Bon Voyage" to Peter | The Crown (Ben Miles, Pip Torrens)

Tommy's Sarcastic "Bon Voyage" to Peter | The Crown (Ben Miles, Pip Torrens)

Moving Pictures

1 год назад

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@jonathaneugene2582 - 05.03.2024 20:37

Awesome. Keep it coming with the crown videos.

@DanielSadjadian - 05.03.2024 22:48

The actor who plays Tommy Lascelles is so good.

@jimmymarsh44 - 05.03.2024 23:32

If one more bot finds the nerve to write "keep it coming with the crown videos" I will personally acquaint them with a fury that will make them wish Tommy Lascelles was their manager at a Walmart on Black Friday during Hurricane Katrina, the Great Smog of London and COVID combined. Try me.

@RoseRedd-k4b - 08.03.2024 06:55

Oooh that Lascelles guy would make the devil shudder. Tick Tick Tick. Wow. That was cold blooded man. And I feel that Peter should have fought more for Margaret, I mean they were in love with each other.

@bananaman7545 - 21.03.2024 01:18

the guy right of tommy looks like he's a Monty Python actor

@marcokite - 15.07.2024 05:54

Keep it coming with the Crown videos.

@MartyMcFlyer - 07.08.2024 16:42

The precise weighting of the words used by Tommy, is a joy to listen to.

@KevinN-df8eo - 02.09.2024 23:42

Never threaten the likes of Tommy with public opinion, he cares not a jot for it or their "romance", such as it was. He is protecting his Queen and his monarchy and whilst being awfully polite about it he will do so ruthlessly. A true English gentleman.
