¿Alguien más las está escuchando para estudiar?
ОтветитьI was actually almost crying half the time
Story time!
Rises the moon-before/getting the hug
Evergreen-after the hug and going on adventures and bonding w the person who hugged u
This is Home-you found out one of yall is suicidal and u start to kinda like them like that..
Coffee Breath-comforting the suicidal one
Two birds on a wire- they get very close to doing it/do it
Roslyn-the one thats still alive becomes suicidal but moves on and gets better
Hey... When you gonna post again...
ОтветитьI'm just a left out friend, maybe my friends are better off without me.😢😢
ОтветитьMy anxienty and mental health just got destroyed by a guy in my class after mocking i was acting like a "robot" i cant control it,he kept mocking me until i didnt speak anymore idk what to do my friends just laughed it off,one of my friends that i see as a "backstabber" suddenly came up to me and comforted me the whole class time..while the others ignored me like i was pure air i didn't want to be like this...i just...hate dancing...i love drawing,..but they just keep mocking me...i hate it...sometimes i want to just switch schools and then slowly get used to it,its like a cycle that wont stop....
(sometimes i dont feel someone even loves me anymore...)
Like cho video quá hay
ОтветитьThis deserves more views! 🌈
ОтветитьTuyệt với quá đi
ОтветитьThis playlist is my go to for when I’m having an anxiety attack
ОтветитьQuá perfect rồi ✨
ОтветитьTuyệt vời admin ơi
ОтветитьHey kiddo!
Yes you, I though i'd tell you something.....
I love your smile
I love your laugh
I love your personality
I love your hair (or lack thereof)
I love your insecurities
I love your accomplishments
I love your failures
I love your eyes
I love your beauty
I love your handwriting (or the way you communicate)
I love the way you dance
I love you on your happy days
I love you on your sad days
I love you on the days you feel lonely
I love you on the days you feel helpless
I love you on the days you feel like no one cares
I love you on the days you feel forgotten
I love you on the days you feel unmotivated
I love you on the days you feel loved
I love you on the days you feel sick
I love you on the days you feel motivated
I love you on the days you feel depressed
I love you on the days you feel stresses
I love you on the days you feel crazy
I love you on the days you feel hopeful
I love you on the days you feel cuddly
I love you on the days you feel clingy
I love you on the days you feel amazing
I love you on the days you feel beautiful
I love you on the days you feel like a failure
I love you on the days you feel angry
I love you on the days you feel aggressive
I love you on the days you feel horrible
I love you on the days you feel safe
I love you on the days you feel unsafe
I love you on the days you feel vulnerable
I love you on the days you feel weird
I love you on the days you feel ok
I love you when you're healthy
I love how you sing (or hum or feel the music)
I love your taste in music
I love your taste in movies
I love your taste in tv shows
I love the way you move
I love the way you act
I love you when you cry
I love you when you're kind
I love you when you're mean
I love you when you're alone
I love you when you can't feel
I love you when you feel too much
I love you when you can't take life anymore
I love you when you feel like it's too much
I love you when you're asleep
I love you when you have nightmares
I love you when you have dreams
I love how you believe
I love you when you believe in yourself
I love you when you don't believe in yourself
I love you when you hate yourself
I love you when you love yourself
I love the way you think
I love you problems
I love your solutions
I love how you support
I love you when you're in pain
I love you when you're hurt
I love your promises
I love your secrets
I love your attitude
I love you sass
I love your creativity
I love your voice (or lack thereof)
I love you hand gestures
I love your stories
I love your wounds
I love your scars
I love your face
I love your past
I love your future
I love your present
I love your outfits
I love your style
I love your art
I love your honesty
I love you when you lie
I love you when you're tired
I love you when you're energetic
I love how you look
I love how you cook
I love you when you're adventurous
I love you when you're scared
I love your imperfections
I love your perfections
I love you when you worry
I love you when you talk (or communicate)
I love your opinions
I love you when you have a headache
I love you when you have a stomach ache
I love you when you help others
I love you when you need help
I love you when you're mature
I love you when you're immature
I love you in the hard times
I love you in the easy times
I love you when life is meh
I love you when you're responsible
I love you when you're irresponsible
I love you when you fight
I love you in your darkest moments
I love you in your brightest moments
I love your heart
I love you in the day
I love you in the night
I love you at midnight
I love you at 3 am
I love you at all times
I love you at your best
I love you at your worst
I love the little things you do
I love all of you
I love you when you're you
I love 𝙮𝙤𝙪.
From the stranger on the internet who loves you :)
(This isn't mine but feel free to spread the word!!! <3)
can you make more of these? this is literally my comfort playlist😊
ОтветитьSangat brilian! 👑
ОтветитьVideo quá đỉnh luôn đó
ОтветитьDenne er exceptionel! 🌟
ОтветитьThank you for just being you!
ОтветитьLike mạnh cho admin nha
ОтветитьQuá xuất sắc rồi nha
Ответить"first time in months"
nah it's been since summer 2023
To anybody who's reading this, may your day be as beautiful as the sun that shines above you. May your day be as amazing as the stars that twinkle in the sky. May your day be as wonderful as the love that surrounds you.
ОтветитьI haven't been touched in so long that I am actually afraid of it. I don't mean like a hug or anything, I mean like a real hug that's there to comfort you, a hug or a kiss or holding hands that is actually true and not just done because you want it to be. When I saw touched, I mean a comforting touch, not just a hug to greet someone.
ОтветитьQuá xuất sắc luôn ạ
ОтветитьI've used this a decent bit since i found it, then forgetting about it for a few months
It really shone when a few nights ago i was havint a panic attack, all my music is very panic inducing, so i eas trying to find something i could calm down to. Knowing the songs order already helped, i actually managed to get some sleep that nigjt because of you
Love every thing ahh song
Ответитьim suicidal- i wanna not live but- im scared of death...idk-
so much pressure- stress- i tried...drastic things...:)
Ответитьanyone here in 2025?
Ответитьty for this perfect hack :DD
ОтветитьI've been very sad because of a brekaup. I know it wa sfor the ebst but I just can't get over her, how she was so mean to me but asl o made me so happy. I know this apc is neceessary for tboh of us, maybe well be better and cie verisons of ourselves for eachother in the future, btu ti hurts tha maybe that future will never come, and people wont change. I'm not ove rher nor whats shes done to me but I' ogign to give her a last note, I wrtoe i nit hoping she would change and how I was sorry if I ever hurt he r without knowing. I hope she takes it and really reads it with care for every word. Sory guys I'm just ognna write this hera because I dont want to bother any of my friends anymore, I know its not bothering to them but I find it bothesome. I'm so so sad, but I hope whoever is reading this is happier than I am<3
Ответитьnooo why are you trying to hurt me with the title
tengo 18 años recien cumplidos y bueno, digamos que no soy la persona mas lista del mundo de echo soy muy torpe y despistado, pero no es por que no me importe ni nada las cosas que me dicen es solo que no se talvez para otras personas sea facil pensar en una sola cosa todo el dia, enfocarse y estar seguros de lo que quieren hacer pero para mi es dificil decidirme por una sola cosa y si se que no podemos tener todo en esta vida pero por que no podriamos? estoy cansado de oir gente diciendo "asi es la vida" y eso estoy arto de sentirme tan encacillado, solo quiero saber que alguien me nececita...solo quiero sentir que alguien en verdad me quiere sin tener que estar obligado por un lazo de sangre a hacerlo, estoy arto de no estar nisiquiera seguro de quien soy hay tantas cosas que me faltarian por contar para que entiendan lo que estoy diciendo pero es jodido saben? y si se que tengo varios errores en esta nota con mi ortografia pero a este punto ya no me importa, no tengo ni cabeza para pensar en eso recien estoy iniciando mi vida y sin embargo siento que me muero con cada dia que pasa y si eh pedido ayuda pero siento que siempre mi salud psicologica la dejan de lado por concentrase en cosas mas importantes, tengo miedo de cometer actos horribles y lo unico que resivo son palabras vacias y sin intenciones verdaderas, tratamientos dejados a la mitad y si se que talvez no hay dinero pero ya no se a quien culpar, acaso es mi culpa?
ОтветитьThe last time someone hugged me that wasn’t my family was 5 years ago
Ответитьi love you
Ответитьlistenign to this at 1 am hits hard
ОтветитьToday was my last working day at School..
ОтветитьI just miss the time that we spend together... like a family...
I really miss my friends... MY brothers
Are you ok
ОтветитьTo all of you who are here because you're going through something major or depressing in life, just know that somewhere in the world, there will always be someone wishing for your happiness! Because if there aren't any others, I'll be here hoping for you to feel happy and alive again! ❤ Don't give up! Keep going!
P.S: If you read this, share this with others! Everyone deserves to have someone caring for them, somewhere out there.
im racist and nobodt supports me
ОтветитьSlight vent:I got a much needed After my dad blamed me for crying and hit me with a wooden spoon til it broke and my eyes were black around the edge and I walked out of the house and my legs gave out so I Collapsed on the stairs and this stranger came up to me and helped me out and his name is calbe and I would never forget him
Ответитьi finally got together with a close friend who i had feelings for years but im afraid i might fucked the whole thing up and ruin our friendship. im afraid yet excited but we're still young so i hope things work out but knowing what i do im afraid i'll fuck it up again. im afraid
ОтветитьBro I was drawing to this because of I didn't want are block an I just love the songs ♡♥︎
Ответитьrises the moon is...comforting
ОтветитьYes ❤
Ответитьthank you for making this playlist. it helps me so much rn after my parent said those things. love y'all
ОтветитьIm playing this rn while my parents are arguing.