Experimental modal analysis EMA of spoke wheel by Laser Scanning Vibrometry and PolyWave | Tutorial

Experimental modal analysis EMA of spoke wheel by Laser Scanning Vibrometry and PolyWave | Tutorial

472 Просмотров

This tutorial video provides a clear insight into the experimental #modalanalysis of a spoked wheel. The vibration responses are measured at approx. 400 measuring points with a laser #scanningvibrometer. Even on the spokes, which are only 2.3 millimetres thick, #laservibrometer can measure precisely the vibration magnitudes. While measuring with laser light, there is no influence of additional masses, so no #massloading occurs. The wheel is reproducibly excited by an automatic #modalhammer.

The determined frequency transfer functions (FRF) are further processed with the modal analysis software #PolyWave to estimate the natural frequencies, natural modes and modal damping. These modal parameters can then be exported to common FEM-software packages (e.g. Ansys, Abaqus, FEMtools, ...) for model validation.

Finida Messtechnik offers professional measurements of vibrations and dynamics by service with state-of-the-art measurement equipment. The scope of services is individually adapted to your task and requirements. You determine place and time of the measurement service.

Finida Messtechnik specializes on custom vibration measurement services like:
- Operational deflection shape (#ODS) measurements
- Experimental modal analysis (#EMA)
- Full field vibration measurements
- Functional tests
- Feasibility studies
- Contract measurements
- Vibro-acoustic quality control for End-of-Line-Testing

For more information about the measurement services have a look on https://www.finida.de/en/ or send your request and specifications directly to https://www.finida.de/en/contact-us/.

#ExperimentalModalAnalysis #modalanalysis #EMA #simulation #modelvalidation #modeshape #EMAapplication


#Modal_analysis #modal_testing #scanning_vibrometer #laser_vibrometer #experimental_modal_analysis #experimental_modal_analysis_impact_hammer #modal_testing_and_analysis #modal_testing_impact_hammer #modal_testing_equipment #modal_testing_theory_practice_and_application #mode_shape #mode_shape_vibration #mode_shapes_in_modal_analysis #polytec #optomet #EMAapplications #vibration_measurement_using_laser_vibrometer #vibration_measurement_and_analysis
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