25 Minutes of Skull & Bones in 4K | E3 2018 Ship Battles

25 Minutes of Skull & Bones in 4K | E3 2018 Ship Battles


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@ValtroileIzolda - 25.09.2021 02:08

theres a part of just sailing from 5 to 10 mins approximately, and its way cooler than shooting and fighting.

@mattvmani - 02.07.2018 17:02

I think this is going to be a debatable flop. I agree with Ciaran Walder. Sea of Theives honestly just needs better missions/campaign, more ships would be lovely, more enemies, smaller, larger, bigger, huger, AI ships, and a single player mode, even if its that of what GTA V does, where you go invisible but still are in the game world with others.

I think a major issue for SOTs is that they probably already lost their player base at this point as I too once placed and I come back and its like ok wow, so someone can still rob all my s^*T I spent an hour just trying to get back to the base and oh look same missions...lovely.

@internetmeta - 15.06.2018 07:53

Please don't fuck this up Ubisoft..

@DillyVesper - 14.06.2018 15:12

I like how the cannons fire rate is like firing 20mm auto cannon ;)

@dxhelios7902 - 14.06.2018 14:24

4K is still processing but even in 1080p it is good.

@ciaranw128 - 14.06.2018 14:18

My problem with this game, as great as it looks is that it’s just going to be a jumped up battleships. Because it doesn’t look like we have any on foot exploration which is a big part of pirate stories.

@saturnascendz - 14.06.2018 13:57

My biggest concern with this game is the whole season model. Similar to For Honor they trickle in content, little by little.
