The Black Ninja Handbook

The Black Ninja Handbook

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@yisraelaker6696 - 01.10.2023 07:34

Great book very deep

@randallpetroelje3913 - 27.05.2023 16:41

OTO? I studied the Golden Dawn. Freemasonry became my key. Huh, never figured you for a OTO guy. I tried to study Crowley- not my thing or path either. Anyhow, any new scrolls you working on?? Love your work. Thanks 🙏

@shawnlewis1867 - 25.05.2023 18:37

Looks like a awesome book.

@OniWanShinobi000 - 25.05.2023 15:01

Also, I'd never seen Sakura killers before, shame on me. But it looks like the exact same building as was used in Ninja Warriors. This is going to be fantastic I can tell. Wonder if they were both filmed at the same time.

@OniWanShinobi000 - 25.05.2023 14:53

This sounds amazing. I will check this out.

@merlinambrosius4398 - 25.05.2023 11:44

You are mistaken about inverted pentacle. It is not evil. Several Keltic male deities fit perfectly. It's only a symbol of evil to modern Xtianity. And, it's unjustified! But that's a whole disparate video.
Great information again. I watch your channel every post.

@shadowscout - 25.05.2023 11:08

Thanks for the review, glad you liked the book (I'm affiliated with the authors).

@-RONNIE - 25.05.2023 10:22

Thanks for the video my fault I watch it so late

@RodCornholio - 25.05.2023 06:46

There's something cool about a book whose, essential idea, is how to best fit something legendary or fantasy into reality.

@Sondan1988 - 25.05.2023 05:13

The Dark Lords .... LMAO

@warrennass24 - 25.05.2023 04:54

Hi Antony, out of the cheesy 80s ninja films Revenge of the ninja would be my pick, they only needed to do the sword choreography better. I have always stated that if you wanted to do the 80s ninja image then go for it, but understand it didn't happen that way in history.

@ogarzabello - 25.05.2023 03:13

I tried to explain to my 4-year-old son that it's perfectly normal to accidentally poop your pants, but he's still making fun of me.

@bouamahichem6267 - 25.05.2023 00:13


@R.Merkhet - 24.05.2023 23:00

Very generous critique, Antony. Sounds like "how to start a cult".

@highchamp1 - 24.05.2023 22:18

Magic and Technology

@stevenlowe3245 - 24.05.2023 22:07

They are based on the Sith of the Star Wars movies and claim they are destined for world domination and enslavement. They refer to movie lines as if they were real, etc. There are Chaos Magicians who adopt the Sith persona to tap into that current, but they dont play with toy lightsabers and believe the Star Wars books are real. The videos I've seen of them pontificating appear to be fat mentally delusional men wearing a black Halloween costume robe in their mother's basement telling you that one day they will rule the Galaxy. I have also seen a former member interviewed who was a self sufficient serious LHP Magician. A lot of cringing here but some good stuff to. I don't know what to think of them .

@KLINGONASSASSIN - 24.05.2023 22:03

Ninja 3 The Domination is, and always sill be the best ninja film.

@scorpzgca - 24.05.2023 21:21

Wait why is there so much devililish themes associated with this book ?

@colterknebel - 24.05.2023 21:10

I do still think we kind of have to maintain the "masked-ninja costume" image for a while longer before the average person can fully accept the idea of an accurate ninja just dressing in normal clothing that's dark enough to blend into the background. It's just too iconic of an image that's been around for too long. It doesn't help that, as you've mentioned in previous videos, those in the know about authentic ninja don't have as much of a social media presence as those selling the "80's ninja boom/ninja martial arts" image.

It's still a matter of "babystepping" towards the truth. A truth that is so different to what a person knows, especially if they had invested considerable time/training in the previous version, is likely going to inspire pushback. Using the "masked-ninja costume" image to attract that crowd to the more authentic stuff might be dishonest, but people already have a hard enough time accepting truth in general.

@samuraibyrd - 24.05.2023 19:58

Evil spelled backwards is “Live”,and we all want to do that,right? LOL

@SeanteBrown - 24.05.2023 19:36

I gotta go look up Sakura killers now. I gotta check this out

@elshebactm6769 - 24.05.2023 19:32


@pietruspulchrafalco8745 - 24.05.2023 19:22

One of the most interesting videos in the last couple weeks, I must say. As a formerly thelemically associated person myself, I'm sure we world have some pretty interesting conversations.
By the way, what country borders between Upper Arm Athens and Forearm Sparta? Elbow Greece.

@Tifa_Batcheller - 24.05.2023 18:48

Antony, you mentioned Sakura Killers is your favorite ninja movie. I thought you would’ve mentioned Shinobi no Mono 😉

@TheShurikenZone - 24.05.2023 17:45

Hmm... These characters seem like an interesting lot. Though that talk of the black sun smacks of... unsavory things. heh

@signor_zuzzu - 24.05.2023 17:40

Lovely 🖤😂

@tochiro6902 - 24.05.2023 17:37

Thanks for the info, stay healthy. 👍
