Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs Doctor Doom - Rap Battle! (ANIMATION VS ANYTHING: CH. III)

Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs Doctor Doom - Rap Battle! (ANIMATION VS ANYTHING: CH. III)


55 лет назад

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THIS VIDEO IS NOT MADE FOR KIDS!!!! It contains references to innuendo and mature subject matter that is not appropriate for young children.

dr doofenshmirtz vs doctor doom - animation vs anything rap battle

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Welcome back to CHAPTER III of ANIMATION VS ANYTHING! This episode features the Phineas & Ferb mad scientist Dr. Doofenshmirtz against the supervillain Doctor Doom from Marvel Comics. If you enjoyed this battle, please like the video, comment what you thought and, most importantly, subscribe for more!

- CAST -
RecD as Dr. Doofenshmirtz // @recorderdude
True Evil Villain as Doctor Doom // @TrueEvilVillain

Eric the Audible as Norm // @EricTheAudible

Written and Directed by Eddiefrb
Doof Animated by Lew Kreerdun // ‪@lewkreerdun4011
Doom Art by kayjaysee // https://x.com/kayjaysee_
Edited by Eddiefrb, Shimario, SIR Rap Battles & DJTiki // ‪@ShimarioRapBattles @SIRRapBattles
Beat Produced by Bailey Daniel & David Arcade Beats // @baileydaniel @davidarcade
Beat Arranged by Eddiefrb
Additional Backgrounds by KennyUndrX & Warp // ‪@kennyundrx @warp2959
Mixed & Mastered by Freshy Kanal // ​⁠ @FreshyKanal
Doombot Art by Valonide // @valonide5155
Cover Art and Thumbnail Design by Eddiefrb
Special Thanks to JosiahGamesTV, Dennislikesjazz, Kevin Temmer, Daniel "Swampy" Marsh, Dan Povenmire, and MF DOOM

(Past this point is gobbledygook for search optimization - if you’re not a computer algorithm, don’t worry about this stuff!)

dr. heinz doofenshmirtz, the bumbling yet lovable antagonist from "phineas and ferb," created by dan povenmire and jeff “swampy” marsh, is the head of doofenshmirtz evil incorporated, a villainous organization mostly in name. residing in the tri-state area, doofenshmirtz spends his days concocting over-the-top and often poorly thought-out schemes, typically involving his various “-inators.” his ultimate goal? to take over the tri-state area and gain the respect he never received as a child in gimmelstump, druselstein. doofenshmirtz is constantly thwarted by perry the platypus, a secret agent posing as the pet of phineas and ferb, though the two share a strangely affectionate relationship. his interactions with his teenage daughter, vanessa, offer insight into his softer side, revealing a dad who's trying his best to balance villainy with fatherhood. doofenshmirtz’s catchphrases, like “curse you, perry the platypus!” and “behold, the [insert invention]-inator!” have cemented him as a fan-favorite character. despite his evil aspirations, dr. doofenshmirtz’s comical ineptitude and tragic backstory make him more endearing than fearsome, ensuring his place in animated television history.

doctor doom, one of the most iconic supervillains in marvel comics, was created by stan lee and jack kirby, debuting in fantastic four #5 in 1962. victor von doom, the ruler of the fictional european country latveria, is a brilliant scientist and sorcerer, wielding both advanced technology and dark magic. doom’s disfigured face, often hidden behind his menacing metal mask, and his imposing green cloak are instantly recognizable. as one of the primary antagonists of the fantastic four, doctor doom harbors a deep grudge against reed richards, also known as mr. fantastic, due to their shared past and doom’s failed experiment that left him scarred. his intelligence, ego, and quest for power lead him to clash with heroes like spider-man, iron man, and the avengers. despite his villainy, doom sees himself as a protector of his people, often showing more concern for latveria’s wellbeing than other villains do for their own goals. his iconic line, “doom does not kneel to anyone!” reflects his pride and determination to rule the world under his iron grip.

THIS VIDEO IS NOT F**KING MADE FOR KIDS!!!! It contains references to innuendo and mature subject matter that is not appropriate for young children.

dr doofenshmirtz vs doctor doom - animation vs anything rap battle


#rap_battle #phineas_and_ferb #mf_doom #epic_rap_battles_of_history #freshy_kanal #eddiefrb #animation_vs_anything #marvel #mcu #erb
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