Strategy For Marketing A Service Based Business

Strategy For Marketing A Service Based Business

Adam Erhart

5 лет назад

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@thetimegap7543 - 19.07.2024 19:19

Paying upfront for quality leads and marketing is just too expensive—I simply can't afford it. I really need a service where I can pay only for results, any help would be appreciated

@ruthchelliyn8053 - 21.06.2024 14:33

This video is super duper helpful. Thank you for the valuable content.

@robertorincon9362 - 16.06.2024 07:55

Great content

@goran-is6zr - 25.05.2024 20:18

could you give me few ideas or i can pay you to design me ad i have a truck driver recruiting agency. i need ad for finding more trucking companies to sell them drivers

@shauryaabhatia - 05.12.2023 07:26

How can i get my first 10 clients?

@movingforwardfco1587 - 07.10.2023 19:25

Absolutely great information!!

@Sssss2t - 06.10.2023 13:43

1- sell the end
Talk about what the business provides and what is the end state that your costumers will get to:
All the ways that will make their life better with your business
All the ways that will make your life be worse without your business
Present the state that they are now in : pain and problems and lack of things without your service
And the state of the dreams and goals they are trying to get to ( in just few statements)
State that your business is the bridge between their miseries and miracles
2- story structure: Use stories to build the facts in their imaginations : case studies of your business success and how you’ve helped costumers and so on
Share your philosophy on what you think about your business or the industry
Share what you think is right and wrong in the market
Show them some examples of people like them who gets the same the results as them
Talk about how your business started and make the story about them ( the costumers, their need , etc) and not about you
All marketing should be about them , less about you
3- nuture them
Show them you’re the best one for the job
Make sure they know you’re the best and that you worth paying for
Why you?
4- unleash the funnel
First they know about you from an ad
Second they are registered in your channel or email list then they know you and they will buy from you
5- avoid the wasteland
You don’t need to be everywhere and known by everyone
Know where your costumers are and focus on that channel
They are not everywhere but they are in particular places
Build an avatar of your most ideal costumer that you want to track and figure out:
Who they are
What they do
Don’t go everywhere just know where the ideal costumers are and ignore everything else to avoid exhaustion and being burned our
Good luck
That’s a summary for all the important points
Thank you so much for this amazing video

@markosunjka4827 - 21.07.2023 14:34

Sounds like you described an inbound marketing strategy..

@gregaboriginalximoor007 - 25.06.2023 04:59

Hey @adam erhart what services do you provide? I just started a new business and was trying to see what it is that you offer????

@Hunter-xc5ry - 10.06.2023 00:36

You’re the best man

@bluetimothyosadebe-bto - 28.05.2023 16:03


@amynosh6298 - 11.04.2023 16:04

Great video 🎉

@dave199010 - 03.03.2023 09:58

well. time to overhaul all my content. thanks. damnit lol

@sojournerbliss7015 - 12.02.2023 22:24

"Your customers don't really care about you, they care about them..." is my favorite part! Ya know, I need that reminder a lot. Let's just face it this is capitalism we're dealing with and while many people care at some level and want to see you succeed. It is business, and when it comes to down to it they really are mostly looking out for number one. Harsh or not it's a reality I've struggled with far too long.

@digital_scanner4174 - 04.01.2023 02:49

Too talkative and less helpful content

@bennycahn1854 - 07.12.2022 17:26

Can you still add services to your Facebook business page

@CoachMarkBenge - 15.11.2022 02:49

Thank you for sharing your wisdom! It is obvious you know what you're talking about. Do you offer one-on-one coaching?

Ответить - 07.11.2022 07:34


@jsbuilds434 - 20.10.2022 06:36

Great video. Thank you!

@wonderfullymade9903 - 06.10.2022 08:18

The analogy of proposing on the first day...

You nailed it.
I understand better now, and will work hard on my
Ad to sale" problems.

Thanks for your video.

@s8r647 - 06.10.2022 00:11

You spoke about automating the social selling system that you came up with. Can we get some info on that automation?

@lakiamarie9050 - 28.09.2022 19:59

Which tool do you use to track client's conversion?

@josephedgar3033 - 09.09.2022 20:49

How about older people are your target audience most of my work comes from the older demographics how would you suggest getting to them I’m already in their monthly newspapers a gas at the 55+ communities

@noblenotarylegaldocumentpr8229 - 18.08.2022 05:27

This IS great! Groupon, craigslist and trip valet will allow you to dramatically increase leads as well!

@tmayes - 19.07.2022 05:53

Can you make a video for lifestyle marketing?

@igenerationagency - 02.07.2022 23:22

Thank you for the video. I have a service, that helps interantional students who want to study in Bulgaria. Which type of goal shoud I choose as I am selling to them a service. Should I choose leads, trafic or sales?

@davidg5629 - 19.06.2022 00:06

So, match the desired demographic to social media they use? What about periodicals? Town and Country if you're looking for the affluent, AARP magazine if you're selling walk-in bathtubs? I'm not on FB. Maybe I should be.

@internationaljournalsmart111 - 16.06.2022 08:51

My name is Saba Malik and I am the founder of a publishing company (IJSmart Publishing), this company is providing more than 100 services on a single platform from publishing books, to journals for research to conferences and much more. We didn't start the marketing yet but we are learning and making plans. As you are a marketing legend so I am following your tactics. As per your instructions, benefits and outcomes are the best way. but I am using all of the 5 points you mentioned.

@prashil3k594 - 07.06.2022 05:45

Okay Adam, but if you keep exposing these amazing methods we'll have to come for your head.

@zainabmt4110 - 02.06.2022 17:11

This video is so helpful. Thank you

@azeenaaleem8579 - 26.05.2022 09:36

Hey, I had a quire regarding email marketing, pls lemme know where can I contact u besides this comment box

@Dragonsbaynn69 - 08.05.2022 00:51

Hi Adam, Just thought I'd say thanks for the great breakdown on this subject. I've had this music studio for about 2 years now and just started going at it full time. It would have been sooner but the pandemic made it non viable. I'm going to your other videos to search for the ones that will help me the best. Cheers bud!
Oh and was just curios, Do you really play the PRS & Mesa or is it just for the back ground. If it is you have great taste \m/

@leticiamb - 24.04.2022 12:50

What a fantastic video! This content was gold! Thank you so much for this.

@yourmomsfriedgravy - 01.04.2022 04:21

Constructive, nonjudgemental criticism: I'd like for your hair to be more square, instead of triangular. :D

@WeSanataniDude - 22.03.2022 10:55

How did you manage to reply evryone

@poonamgundecha952 - 16.03.2022 06:32

OMG! This video is GOLD. I run a small software services business and have been looking for marketing strategies for a long time now. Most of them are for Products which do not work(mostly, obviously). Thank you so much for this video! keep up the good work :)

@adeyemioluwatobi6977 - 05.03.2022 20:42

2 years down and this content is so relevant, thanks for this strategies, most especially the avoiding the marketing wasteland,

@gulshanarafath6816 - 04.03.2022 16:31

Benefita of what your service provides.

@homesolutions5275 - 01.03.2022 22:11

Hi, I am a consultant of financial product, am selling various types of Home Loan, Mortgage Loan and all types of insurance and mutual fund. My company name is Home Solutions. I want, you suggest me how can I marketing my product through any app or online.. and which app or medium is best for this kind of profile available in the market.

@homesolutions5275 - 01.03.2022 22:11

Hi, I am a consultant of financial product, am selling various types of Home Loan, Mortgage Loan and all types of insurance and mutual fund. My company name is Home Solutions. I want, you suggest me how can I marketing my product through any app or online.. and which app or medium is best for this kind of profile available in the market.

@a1junkremoval - 09.02.2022 03:24

Great video. After 7 years owning a Junk Removal business and thousands of dollars passed away in failed marketing attempts I'm back to step 1 and finding out what works in my sector. Will definitely be following you. Thank you

@balbalbalbal6083 - 08.02.2022 17:30

Just got addicted to ur videos

@Geekyavi1 - 31.01.2022 22:21

No business guide can be better than this. I have watched hundred of marketing videos. Did not find such a complete package of success pathways

@InsightLearners - 25.01.2022 04:20

I don't understand last one?

@dominik.szewior - 10.01.2022 19:03

Putting all eggs in one basket can be dangerous. I know a few businesses that got kicked out of Facebook, or ended up without the possibility to run ads.
Even if one relies heavily on fb or insta I'd suggest channeling the traffic to a website packed with different pixels: facebook, google, linked in, twitter, taboola and other ad networks and building an email lists.

@clarencemedrano8759 - 27.12.2021 07:43


@offbeatscotland - 18.12.2021 01:27

really useful info here for our audiobook production service business

@markjackson2924 - 16.12.2021 11:04

Nice mesa. Clicked cause of it lol. Want to start a music gear service

@ricopereriz210 - 05.12.2021 01:32

Reputation is the key!
