Batman: Arkham Asylum - Behind The Scenes Documentary

Batman: Arkham Asylum - Behind The Scenes Documentary

Batman Arkham Videos

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@RedArrowdagoat - 27.02.2025 15:17

RIP Kevin Conroy

@DorminatorX - 22.02.2025 01:20

AA actually have better graphics then AC and AO

@angiegonzalez7473 - 27.12.2024 10:17

Lo compre este año y lo juego por primera vez. No me arrepiento de la compra ❤😍

@Tranglerodgreedo26 - 17.11.2024 08:49

Favorite series of all time but this game right here is my favorite Batman game ever . I play it still every day and beat it every other day and collect the riddles. They made the perfect version of Batman for this game . Love the story , the graphics , the dark griddy atmosphere. Perfect game . The boss battles are great . Can’t ever get enough of this game . Can’t believe I still play it everyday since 2009 . Don’t care if that’s weird lol . But either way this whole series is amazing . I really hope the remake this even if no one wants that . I do . Hope they somehow remake Aslyum,city, and origins lol

@Tranglerodgreedo26 - 17.11.2024 08:47

Favorite series of all time but this game right here is my favorite Batman game ever . I play it still every day and beat it every other day and collect the riddles. They made the perfect version of Batman for this game . Love the story , the graphics , the dark griddy atmosphere. Perfect game . The boss battles are great . Can’t ever get enough of this game . Can’t believe I still play it everyday since 2009 . Don’t care if that’s weird lol

@pikachuckh - 09.11.2024 22:09

Asylum is best in the series.
You can feel how much preparation went into this game.
Next chapters are good, but they are sloppy compared to this one.

@robbwithbigdong - 02.11.2024 15:14

I still couldn't get past where Quinzel took Gordon and I have to grapple through the vent in the penitentiary. It sucks.

@Warui6t6k6 - 27.10.2024 09:18

when rocksteady is full of talented artist and creators.

@philipwalrus - 25.10.2024 22:58

No purple hair, no man wearing wigs, no sweet baby inc. Just devs looking like devs, and making an awesome, timeless game.

@travelerluke5748 - 11.10.2024 17:24

Ahhh back before the dark times. Before the sweet babies and the self centered woke agenda.. kinda makes ya want to cry.. seeing people who want to tell the best story they could.. just to end on a park bench shor in the head by a racist maniac.. 🤪 the good ol days.

@noneedtoknow-yv2tu - 16.09.2024 04:48

The fact that this came out the same year as the dark Knight. In 08 we were eating good.

@boredbitch666 - 16.09.2024 04:45

we all miss this rocksteady.

@arkhamgabiii - 29.08.2024 23:49

this was rocksteady as some would say "at the peak of their power" but we didn't see anything yet! the best was still to come, rocksteady and insomniac are truly one of the best if not the best in the superhero gaming market.

@PatrickWentzell-jd9gq - 22.08.2024 13:07

Arkham Asylum the gell can get
Batman into the secret office and inside you'll see Quincy Sharp has plans to build a prison city near Gotham .

there definitely is a good sequel game it's Arkham City in this are secrets too like Batman is able to glide out of this circle prison city in a strange way and another is this secret room where the Riddler broadcast messages to Batman somehow there is a way of saving this hostage girl without even going through that entire death trap of puzzles .

I miss Conroy a lot .

@stanleyharding7387 - 28.07.2024 21:25

That's the reason why I liked the year 2009. The UE3 is one of my favorite game engine, it's contain a very good quality graphics, and many possibility for the excellent gameplay. Plus: Batman is my favorite hero ever! So UE3 combined Batman: Legendary game! Arkham Asylum, is an unbroken successed game to this day. 🦇🗿🖤👑

@redxgabi - 25.07.2024 18:56

imagine if paul stayed throughout the whole quadtrilogy

@timothysondej516 - 18.07.2024 08:56

R.I.P Kevin Conroy❤️

@chetangupta5 - 12.07.2024 18:31

Batman asylum, city , origins and knight all are Masterpiece 💯💫⭐️⭐️⭐️.

@nine_tails137 - 21.06.2024 05:16

Ah! so I was right about the developers studying a lot of batman media when making this!
Cause this feels like a Batman game and not some cheap knock-off.
I wish I played these games sooner.

@karthickg4883 - 10.06.2024 09:43

who are the classical composers refered in the music section?

@nightslayer0989 - 20.05.2024 20:45

Why they didn't talk about scarecrow

@marcbelo7301 - 25.03.2024 23:46

RIP Kevin Conroy the true voice of The Dark Knight.

@monoasha - 07.03.2024 19:52

It is admirable the passion and effort the team put into the Arkham proyects, the heads went directly to the comics to study the character and the world to deliver a masterpiece. It is sad to see now that rocksteady its a death puppet controlled by a bunch of cross wanking pedo activist.

@ChrisB_-sj1xg - 07.03.2024 08:33

Rest in Peace, Kevin Conroy ❤

@kayz5428 - 26.02.2024 22:59

Good times with the OG Rocksteady team 🥲❤

@andresgn254 - 25.02.2024 06:51

Rest in peace Kevin Conroy Batman’s greatest voice

@alexandernash6609 - 22.02.2024 21:32

This behind the scenes doc did more for me than anything in SSKTJL. Long live Asylum.

@LookingTheBest - 19.02.2024 02:42

That’s cool and all, but not enough lootboxes.

@DeverHB - 12.02.2024 08:21

Full of soul that is lacking in modern Rocksteady sadly

@Mikhael366 - 08.02.2024 08:07

These guys were excited about making a great game for the fans AND the critics. Whether or not you are a comic book fan, they made this game for all of us❤

@betasector - 07.02.2024 22:01

Poor sods couldn't know what was coming for their franchise...

@soirema - 04.02.2024 14:28

Cleansing my eyes and ears after SS KTJL

@Chill_Guy247 - 03.02.2024 14:10

God, I wish that the OG team made all of the games, the bangers would be on another level!!

@musabutt7929 - 30.01.2024 17:27

Just came back after watching the clusterfuck Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League game. Wish they made a superman game or a flash game

@Firenight569 - 28.01.2024 13:13

I love this game so much. Its sequels also great. Bean a fan since 90s. Rest in peace Kevin Conroy best Batman.

@The_Gent - 13.01.2024 19:46

This game is over rated dog shit. Starfield & Bolders Gayte 3 blow this game out of the water.

@AllanScott28 - 25.10.2023 22:26

What a wholesome team!
Game changers would be an understatement

@logantocker4610 - 22.10.2023 22:39

Watching my big brother play these games, are one of the things that drew me to Batman, when I was a very little kid, and I am 16 years old I LOVE SUPER HEROES AND BATMAN IS MY #1 FAVOURITE OF ALL TIME!

@thetwistedrice7522 - 16.10.2023 23:25

I wish at that in Arkham knight we got to return to the Asylum get and have a final fight with Jason in the places he was kept and get to walk around the grounds as well.

@SpeedosAndTheGun - 15.10.2023 18:04

The team that worked on asylum and city understand what the Batman franchise is supposed to be
