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Solfeggio frequencies are responsible, among other things, for transformation and DNA repair. 9-tones scale or set of sounds that vibrate in exact frequencies needed for healing and transformation.
In ancient times, these frequencies were known as sacred, divine, leading to the Unity of God.
They help in getting rid of internal unrest
They improve memory and concentration
They affect the effectiveness of our creative and professional activity
Improve self-esteem and self-confidence
Accelerate the regeneration of the body
Cleanse the body and mind.
Take a part. listen, meditate and SUBSCRIBE.
Best Regards
Aquarius Era Team #meditation #mantra
#solfeggio_852_hz #852_hz #cleanse_overthinking #cleanse_worries #solfeggio #852hz #cleanse_fear #Solfeggio_frequency_852hz #cleanse_destructive_energy #852_hz_intuition #awakening_intuition #let_go_of_fear_overthinking #Meditation #cleanse_fear_overthinking #relaxing_music #cleanse_fear_worries #relaxation #let_go_of_fear_worries #cleanse_fear_destructive_energy #Healing #solfeggio_frequencies #miracle_tone #meditation_music #healing_music #852_tone #relax #music_for_relaxation