A Terrible Guide to League of Legends: Support

A Terrible Guide to League of Legends: Support


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@cosmicflamek3y183 - 20.09.2024 18:51

video is 100% accurate
i mostly play with friends (3 stack or 5 stack) and as a nautilus main i usually get no comms/even if i ask about something, and no credit for litteraly anything
after 3 matches i always consider ending my own life.

@famcamp3414 - 20.09.2024 16:10

Update: Senna no longer assassin

@Dzyntara - 11.09.2024 15:19

I'm a support main. I don't care about getting credit or being appreciated by my team. No - what I love is always being useful. My Rell CC is always going to start a fight well. My Leona Q is always going to be able to shut down an assassin in my backline. If my Janna ult fucks up even a single teamfight for the enemy team, I feel like Jesus Christ, Saviour of the Game. If I get to Soraka E on a Katarina, you just know I'm going to be cackling about it for the next 2 minutes.

Nah. It's being the silently ignored force that can disrupt the enemy's ability to win. It's not about protecting your team - it's about making everything go wrong for the enemy team. THAT'S Support, baby.

@MaryLong-f1b - 08.09.2024 20:41

Robinson Michael Williams Matthew Wilson Edward

@maydaynation3349 - 05.09.2024 01:05

Seraphine here. This is all true and real.

@similis1134 - 03.09.2024 14:46

I just pick Maokai and pretend to be a support while I'm just busying myself tossing potatoes at the enemy and/or starting a march on Isengard after Lvl 6

@attyart4785 - 23.08.2024 18:17

I swear, after the lining phase I switch to full AP and just go full blast, got tired of people always blaming the Supp for feeding, when you try to save the ADC and sacrifice yourself, so they don't loose their K/D ration.... Not to mention when you clearly get them many kills by hitting the enemy to last hit, basically serving them to your ADC that just takes it without single thanks and then insults you for not saving their ass when you need to go back to buy things.... If you try to help your team, you get hated, if you try to carry your team, you get hated.... can't win

@kintsuki99 - 20.08.2024 14:00

Sup metric for doing well or bad is not the same as other roles.

@DiabloDSO - 18.08.2024 16:12

as a senna main i always perfom well carying yall 5 in the map most important
1: survive and save your adc early game
2: be present in every gank possible and saves yall
3: wards vision on all map

@Artemis0567 - 17.08.2024 09:38

I play velkoz sup. When we win lane, its because i made it impossible for the enemy to fight or farm and i let me adc do nothing but last hit minions. Im basically laneing for my ADC so they dont have to. Definitely stops having an 0/6 bot lane and because im a midlaner on less gold I can team fight and ward and carry the team. WR is the highest i have ever had on any champ but the lack of healing and shielding means we can still lose. Lots of DMG, CC to engage or disengage and a massive ult to turn team fights. Why would i play anything else.
Best part is you CAN play Velkoz ADC, MID, JG or TOP if you get autofilled.

@carpiioo.806 - 13.08.2024 20:03

No Morgana mention, truly terrible!

@amyfalls - 13.08.2024 00:23

ashe support is underrated

@nitran8843 - 07.08.2024 19:45

The goal is to play a support that can survive by themselves against a two v one. Then, if your adc is just NOT doing well. (my usual measure is if they have died 6 times before 13 minutes.) You BECOME the adc and you take some minions while doing all the support tasks.

@fattydango6363 - 06.08.2024 10:27

Laughs in syndra support :<

@Surged-eu5fs - 06.08.2024 06:32

Everyone’s says support is boring until the poppy kills the adc 3 times in 7 minutes

@danielbatista8760 - 05.08.2024 01:18

Play zil everyone will see the zil diff

@KingChocobo - 04.08.2024 20:22

What I absolutely HATE as the support player, is whenever our team is losing, they type in chat the K/D of the support and say how I as the support don't have any kills and that I've died 5 times. They conveniently left out all 16 assists I had. Why, would I, as the support, have ANY KILLS!?

@everfreesnarrations35 - 02.08.2024 20:22

I went down an alternate path, I now main support Darius.

He's got a natural aura to players that know him, that cause a natural fear to back away whenever he takes one step forward.

He has a great counter to any divers, he's also really good at punishing bad positioning.

To top it all off, he's also just really fun to play lol

@thisthresh4248 - 02.08.2024 01:28

for real bro, for real.

@endrewslopes4014 - 01.08.2024 21:13

The only recognition a support will get (and needs) comes from the enemy team.

@manuelcavallo1393 - 01.08.2024 17:38

Ive had an evelynn congratulating my vayne for landing her hook

@juuzou1799 - 31.07.2024 02:35

i started at renata then i relized i hate all my adc mates now im a senna main

@Humanentity3888 - 30.07.2024 22:14

This what i call a good support guide
Edit : I am not joking

@AfricanSpearhead - 27.07.2024 17:36

As a support main, nothing makes me facepalm harder than killing the enemy bot, grabbing a plate, teleporting back to base and realising my adc just died because they got greedy and refused to listen to me when I told them we shouldn't overextend.

...and now they're blaming me.

@FoamingPipeSnakes - 20.07.2024 03:46

This is why I switched from Janna to Zyra

@Zthewise - 20.07.2024 00:51

Bot lane must be filled with masochists. You have the support who will be blamed for every mistake their ADC does, usually by their ADC. Your accomplishments are given to the teammates you help get kills. People notice the carry with the 14/0/1 but not the support with the 0/2/18. You also are extremely reliant on your team to carry, unless you sell your soul to the devil, I mean play Pyke.
Then you have the ADC who the enemy team will target the entire game, whether or not said ADC is doing well, and the moment they fall behind they are useless the rest of the game. Top lane can still split mindlessly and it works, mid can roam forever, jungle can steal game winning baron or elder, but if auto attack man can't auto attack then they are pretty much a minion that gives extra gold.
I wonder what that says about me as a former support main. I have stopped playing League and have felt far less stress because of it.

@striderfox71 - 19.07.2024 03:40

I figured out the cheat code to not being tilted by my own team... and its changing the chat settings to only showing my pre-made teams chat text. Changed my life.

@opheliebell22 - 01.07.2024 17:56

Yeah nah my mental health is great, and I at least don't get insulted and pressure into Cs and kills while getting gank. I like warding and healing, deal with your hateful channel and lies creep freak 😂

@admiralhotdog300 - 01.07.2024 07:41

This is why I go velkoz support i can give the kills just fine but if the adc is useless then oh boy am the carry now

@fliipsy764 - 14.06.2024 12:48

Not sure why this is labeled "a terrible guide to support". This was pretty much all on point.

@misterjae7565 - 14.06.2024 12:31

I love how every game my adc flashes under turret and goes afk because i roamed

@ThePhildozer89 - 10.06.2024 20:53

As someone that enjoys Zyra Support I can confirm that death is the best form of CC

@PSYAMEN - 09.06.2024 01:06

Why is this so relatable ???

@sogaria3561 - 07.06.2024 15:28

Master support main here, I hate every single second playing this disgusting role

@TalesDelma - 03.06.2024 14:49

can we all agree ADCS are worthless?

@kiwano147 - 02.06.2024 22:18

as support main since i started i can confirm that the evolution is real, I am now a pantheon poppy main :)

@bonfire1021 - 01.06.2024 08:25

As a Xerath main, I become the carry after my first item

@DEugene99 - 01.06.2024 00:56

So true, this guide actually IS useful.

@George-go8zt - 31.05.2024 23:52

You as swain or pyke supp when your ADC is useless (99% of the time): Fine. I'll do it myself.

@George-go8zt - 31.05.2024 23:48

the most "/mute all" moment of all league of legends

@barnykirashi - 31.05.2024 13:51

My Senna Motto: "We are the ADC"

@Mordikay211 - 31.05.2024 05:46

I know it's for comedy purpose but support has been the strongest role this entire season, it's not even in question. Even as a jungler keeping track of 9 billions things while trying to carry 3 lanes and not get invaded. 90% of the games won is often due to gigachad support players. It is extremly rare I honor anything but support at end screen.

@livingwikipedia1952 - 30.05.2024 18:12

Reminds me of a game when I was Blitzcrank and enemy was Tresh. I felt super bad for him, because his adc always positioned super bad and always got hooked by me. Meanwhile my adc was first-timing Jinx and kept saying "Wow why is the game so easy".

Or a game when I played Soraka and my Draven couldnt be even a second alone without dying and blaming me.

But some of my favourite memories are when I either saved my teammates ass and they thanked me or I killed the enemy by.. redemption. Too slow to run away.

@ocskopf - 29.05.2024 01:30

Everytime I play adc with a good support I make sure to commend them, since in the end of the day there's no adc diff. There's only better support next to a right clicker.

@NotLordAsshat - 19.05.2024 12:33

I love the concept the supports are elo boosted as though every game doesn't have two supports

@telliellupus2427 - 18.05.2024 04:57

You’re basically an underpaid nanny of a spoiled brat with a penchant for tempting fate while everyone expects you to have eyes at the back of your head and be the Holy Spirit somehow supporting everyone everywhere

@jacksond7956 - 15.05.2024 19:06

I think getting carried as a support can be the freest win ever, but it can also be the hardest to win with. It’s actually absurd how many people think support is the easiest role to climb with. Maybe for some people but it still takes a lot of skill and knowledge

@nobufelipe3969 - 10.05.2024 15:16

Play Pyke and kill steal.

@malfeetonlyfans807 - 04.05.2024 21:40

laugh in lux support

@dmonicplays8374 - 02.05.2024 18:17

just had my first support match as Pyke.... easiest S+ game ive ever had (tho Im not sure if tis cuz I was born to play this role or if Pyke is stronk)
