Hazard Zone is Dead! How To Bring It Back In Battlefield 2042

Hazard Zone is Dead! How To Bring It Back In Battlefield 2042

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@KamilYouTube - 18.12.2021 06:08

It’s very simple- where is my dedicated loot from that mode? Fuck give me chance to get Icebraker from it and won’t leave till I get it 🤘🏻

@Scanerboy1 - 18.12.2021 06:21

Solo and make something like escape from tarkov actually. Simple cause it works...

@lukeyezek2137 - 18.12.2021 06:31

No mic chat…..the shit is pointless. It’s taking up space honestly

@12mmratchet84 - 18.12.2021 06:59

What would save hazard zone is if it was a continuous live loby that had extractions every 10-15 minutes, like a gta lobby basically. Go around collect loot do your missions stay for as long as you want have a few lobby missions to do like bountys, maybe do a leveloution quest, get kills from higher up, survive in a vehicle the longest ect. Still needing to extract to keep it all to Be able to buy stuff out of a cosmetic shop with the points but also needing those points so you have to save up for future missions That would be awesome ea should hire me haha

@spamin8r - 18.12.2021 08:26

People won't play hazard zone until in game voip

@siddhantsharma1202 - 18.12.2021 09:29

Honestly, i was pretty sceptical about buying this game... All the negative reviews on the internet and all the bashing... your channel really has some positive content which is needed in the community tbh...

I'll be buying this game on the winter sale.
Thanks man

@Riviera501 - 18.12.2021 09:34

To the point of your vid, I haven’t tried HZ yet. I want to but so far it does seem like the least accessible mode at launch. The rest of BF is almost casual and HZ feels like it would be a demanding jump in skill cap.

@pebbles6247 - 18.12.2021 10:55

my problem with it is there is no risk. you dont even have to do well in the game to get a refund on the credit you spent on guns and gadgets, so a lot of people like me just end up with 20-30k credits and really have no incentive to keep playing. it would take hundreds of games just dying immediately to lose all my credits and get reset. so add more risk, make things more expensive and if theres no cosmetic point shop, everyones credits should get reset every week. Also i dont think vehicles belong in this game. Currently the meta is to just get a jeep with the 30m cannons and drive around farming other teams for the drives. Would play out alot better if the only vehicles were the tesla trucks and quads. As well as limit one ranger per team

@markgreen950 - 18.12.2021 12:35

I've been holding off trying it until they add VOIP. If you like the extraction genre and have a console then give Vigor a try, it's pretty good.

@jonasolsson3584 - 18.12.2021 13:14

I (on PS4) find the waiting in between games makes it hard to talk friends into it.
Apart from the things DICE can do to sell it in better, maybe a double exp-week?, I think you content creators can make a difference.

The game mode needs to be seen so players get to see how you play it and how good the teamwork works (when it works).

@lasserchris - 18.12.2021 14:08

Really like HZ, it's just frustrating if you have a team that goes in different directions or 3 have a scanner so you pick a medkit and NOONE scans. 😭.
I wish this mode luck, it must be super frustrating as a developer to put in so much effort into it and have it die after 4 weeks. Same happened to Firestorm. Tons of potential, cool map, no one liked it. The reward system for HZ sucks balls. I put in 600 credits for equipment and go even most games if I'm lucky. Wow.
If they would put out separate skins to earn for this mode like Zombies in COD, people would at least be motivated to play for that.

@Wheal1995 - 18.12.2021 15:02

Iv never even clicked on it on the menu before

@Graveyardbones-w2i - 18.12.2021 15:44

Because I want to play a battlefield not br it’s pure garbage

@KentWestergaard - 18.12.2021 17:02

It dies for me at the last update where the entire squad has to be alive and in the chopper to get a successful extraction.

@Python-wv5ly - 18.12.2021 18:59

I like HZ. You need four people on discord to be effective without voip though

@charleshawk6668 - 18.12.2021 19:28

It’s a dumb mode. Especially with no voice chat. The evidence that this game was supposed to be something else is overwhelming 🤣

Edit: how do you even put out a mode like this and not have voice 🤣

@charleshawk6668 - 18.12.2021 20:18

If the rumors are true about the next COD, 2042 is done.

@babyvet1409 - 18.12.2021 22:25

Hazard zone ? Never heard of her .

@boonedawg1506 - 18.12.2021 23:47

Hazard zone is actually really good. I like how it's similar to hunt and tarkov but not. It's worth it if you can squad up with people. It's like squad deathmatch with objectives and goals. If they make it free to play good God I would play all the time. I haven't bought 2042 yet. Playing the trial while they iron out the issues.

@Mriswith2k - 19.12.2021 00:10

I disagree!, I think the team play you are talking about is much closer to the team play in 4 man battle royal game then the team play people talk about in relation to battlefield.

And while true, saying that it's free to the people that already own BF2042 doesn't really matter much unless those players were interested in the more serious team based type of shooters that HZ is, and while there is certainly overlap I think many of those interested in that type of genre already have a good amount of battle royal/hunt showdown type of games that fill that niche.

I think hazard zone could've been a great stand alone game that could've stood on it's own, but it's honestly not developed enough, and like BF5-Firestorm it's a game in it's own genre that requires you to buy an different genre type of game to play it. (It reminds me of old fortnite, while there is certainly some overlap in the players the games are different enough to draw entire different crowds).

@Lukii666 - 19.12.2021 02:48

I agree

@bengoldsmith8520 - 19.12.2021 04:31

I'm sure it would be interesting if I could even get in a match, but I can't. Kicked to main menu everytime after 15 min waiting for players on ps5

@WuKuVex - 20.12.2021 08:08

ITS THE ONLY MODE I PLAY WTF!! ITS SOOOO AWESOME!!! last night I made Maria Falck the old bitch carrý a HUGE and an only Squad automatic weapon of our squad and holy shit when we got opened up on while in a really open space I made the bitch sing and ALL of my teammates got the hint and started to run towards cover, ab when my character actually yelled loud enough :I'M RELOADING, COVER ME and holyshitballs my whole team started to suppress the enemy like they are supposed to in a situation like that and i got to cover safely and when we madce contact with the enemy in the more cover oriented area we steamrolled them, :D
its the most fun ive had in YERAS man!! :P

@DY3R80LIK4L - 20.12.2021 22:21

Hazard zone is poo because of the coin system swapping drives for spends it's dead coz who wants to do all tht to get a gun when you can just play all out war and have every weapon.same reason most people rage quit when ya start a game with only a knife this why no one liked firestorm.

@neodjr - 21.12.2021 12:34

0 talk about gameplay changes to make hazard zone better.... i think you have more to offer than talking about it going f2p and having special cosmetics.... which has already been talked about for months.

@ClickBoom290 - 23.12.2021 10:19

I think people like myself will try hazard zone once we have VOIP returned to the franchise.
But really there's is just no point to it, its just a glorified game mode. there's no long term progression. No equity you can aquire or lose. It needs a Tarkov overhaul where u spawn with limited gear and you hope to find better or risk bringing your own. It would make each specialists gadgets more important to choose from

@Saaarmbii - 23.12.2021 11:59

I enjoyed hazard zone but my friends are warzone players and on console so I basically have to play with randoms and there’s no voice comms so playing this is virtually impossible. I don’t know which idiot at dice decided no voice comms in a bf was a good idea but they need sacking.

@jimp9458 - 24.12.2021 19:03

No chat and no discord on PS4/5 is hurting this. My clan really enjoys this mode. So much different from 128 player mayhem

@Quintonwashere - 24.12.2021 19:55

Hey let’s collaborate on a video

@Malignantt1 - 25.12.2021 20:50

I kinda like it but i extracted one time and basically was fully kitted for 4 games

@Malignantt1 - 25.12.2021 20:50

Also the game desperately needs voice chat for games like this, dont know why thats not in the game

@Statementdogorginal - 25.12.2021 23:29

Because its NOT a BR...🥴

@stew360 - 27.12.2021 11:32

I agree Hazardzone once you get use to it and knows maps , hotspots extraction mechanics etc.. is really fun way better than most poeples claim it to be i have tons of really good hazardzone games on my chanel and it could be improoved for sure have more squads in larger maps etc.. but the game mode itself is really good

@bananamanfrl - 27.12.2021 17:29

It's the only thing I like in 2042

@GhostHippiesElite - 27.12.2021 23:37

I love the game if you have a crew 3 other players it can be a lot of fun!

@TheVentrexian - 31.12.2021 22:11

Not gonna come in and rain on anybody else's parade if they like HZ but it was supposed to be the main game and br according to insiders and was retooled later. I personally can't stand the maps and specialists but it's really clear they were initially designed for these experiences. Turn it into the br it was supposed to be and let it go free is what I think they should do next.

@goaliepro1996 - 03.01.2022 08:38

On ps5 just got the game. Why does it take several minutes to find a lobby (conquest and HZ) and so much down time “waiting
for players to join” what’s going on? Is this game actually dead?

@robertroscoe2011 - 05.01.2022 00:15

I love HZ honestly!!!

@robertroscoe2011 - 05.01.2022 00:17

HZ with chat would def help and maybe just make it FTP (which is scary for hackers) but I think that would help a good bit. I like how u compared this to zombies is very accurate if Dice can actually see that.

@fahedelmais106 - 07.01.2022 02:49

Should be more risky .. like if u lose it doesnt matter .. there's no suspense, no tension, no anxious feelings while playin .. its a fantastic mode but dice didn't deal good enough for it ..

@robertroscoe2011 - 10.01.2022 22:41

Nah it takes the same amount of time dropping in cod shitzone.

@ChonkNatividad - 11.01.2022 12:38

Yes! finally someone loving Hazard Zone as much as I am.

@recon1986 - 12.01.2022 00:21

I feel bad cause I love battlefield but I have yet to play hazard zone because I dont have a squad

@L.Light14 - 05.02.2022 11:51

I can’t play it on ps5 , strange!

@mattbrown5457 - 24.02.2022 02:45

hazard zone is dead coz u need 4 abit like why destiny died abit coz they needed 4 for raids solo, duo's and trio's needed in hazard zone

@jordanmcfarland2131 - 11.03.2022 15:54

hey are you able to play with me on this i cant get in any games

@Jandrew1014 - 25.04.2022 17:43

agree completely, I've been around since the originals but the second they added anything new. the community would complain if they can't change it or ignore it if they can. I managed to get 2 games but it's definitely a mode with potential. like how most players hate specialist. tho they give us a massive chance to finally fight vehicles without vehicles bc 42 is vehicle heavy. change can only be a good thing if you give it support to develop.

@technicallyscared2346 - 11.05.2022 22:51

I kinda hate how I can’t get into a game

@lukeknight1133 - 08.06.2022 08:06

Does anyone else just sit in a lobby for even an hour and never load into the game and only have like 3 people

@Tretinoinn - 26.01.2025 00:39

I’m trying to play hazard zone and I just can’t find a lobby, literally waiting for 42 minutes and they put me in a empty lobby
