You meant MILLIseconds not MICROseconds, right? You don't go anywhere in a microsecond. If you're running at a fast pace of 100 m/10s = 10m/s = .01m/ms = 1cm/ms (ms = millisecond, m=meter, cm=centimeter) so 5 milliseconds corresponds to 5 cm or 2 inches (for those of us using antiquated units).
ОтветитьI'm pretty sure as running becomes more of a science it will become obvious the best way to stride is keeping both legs parallel as you move foreward . Obviously two legs are stronger than a single leg, so you have twice the power as you stride forward, and as you land on both legs together there is much less impact, thus you are much less prone to injury no matter where your feet land in perspective to your body. I understand this theory will be met with some skepticism but I feel confident it will eventually become the norm among elite runners. You ask do I have proof? Yes......I would challenge anyone to race against any other species that has adapted this method. With the exception of mabe a toad frog.
ОтветитьNice good coach running
ОтветитьBravo👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 this guys a genius😂
ОтветитьThe elites at the end are all overstriding. Bekele never used to heelstrike or overstride back in 90s and early 00s but when he switched to roads the unhealthy cushioned shoes changed his form for the worst. Thabkfully they fixed that before his marathon PB. Even elites can overstride, some of the fastest runners in my town have the worst heel striking form I've seen, more heel strike than a bowling alley so we can't go by how fast someone is. Just take off your shoes and you will learn everything you need to know how to run efficiently.
ОтветитьIgnition timing is also set before top dead and max force will develop shortly after.☝
And there's also control by rpm to slightly change the timing
Its weird watching footage and people trying to say the foot lands directly under you and they clearly are not. They will draw lines on the stills that are not correctly positioned to convince you
ОтветитьHow does footwear affect this - cushioned shoes vs minimal?
ОтветитьGostei muito das sua dicas, parabéns, gostaria de ver vídeos seu sobre fortalecimento para corredores.obrigado.
ОтветитьThis is why you should NOT try to consciously regulate where you foot land. It should only be the result of elastic recoil.
Focus on good upper body and pelvis counter rotation to create the needed recoil. Simple.
brilliant explanation
ОтветитьSee Pose Theory instead
ОтветитьYou have answered an important question for many runners. When I watch slow motion videos of elite runners, many of them seem to land in front of their centers of mass--sometimes by a couple inches or more. That was very puzzling. What you have said makes lots of sense!
ОтветитьDo you train Olympic athletes?
ОтветитьNice information
Ответить🤣🤣🤣! Sometime knowing a little is worst then not knowing anything at all!
I like the fact that your foot should be under your center of mass when the maximum weight is on it! But wait a second! I would not be surprised if this is also depending on the speed at which you are running or maybe not. a slow runner will simply push up more than a fast runner which push more forward as he can travel more than a slow runner while his foot is on the ground. Do I have it right?
So there seem to be something in common to all runner no matter how fast you run which is where your foot is when the maximum weight is on it.
I try to keep my feet of the ground as much as I can that way I keep out of trouble! Is that the right approach? The stride should always be extremely dynamic no matter the speed you are running at? The stride length will vary when you run fast which mean that the muscles at the hip level work harder faster you run.
Great video! 👍👍👍
To accelerate We must push back ! and this will not make us fall as you say! (perhaps I have not understood correctly the meaning that you personally want to convey) , As a 24-year distance runner at a high level, everything changes according to the mechanics of each athlete,
I try to improve each individual things! What can be seen simply through the cameras does not necessarily mean that it is correct in practice!
We must bring our first contact with the ground with our foot as close as possible to our hip from below in order to reduce as much as possible to "carry" our body backwards, (maybe again I have not understood correctly everything that is mentioned)
Also Kenyans as you show in your videos landing way out of body mass does not mean it is correct ! most of them even have a bad running technique!
The correct scientific term to explain this is "inertia". You don't actively "move" your body during this phase, your body moves itself at the speed you are running due to the inertia. Another aspect of this equation is the assumption that there's a delta time between your foot touches down the ground and the time when you can apply maximum force. Maybe in a ideal world or with someone with a perfect technique, the delta time could be 0 and the delta distance should then be 0 too, that means you actually land just below your body. But at all the other cases, when there is a time gap between your food touches the ground and when you can apply maximum force, there should always be a front "overstep" distance out there, simply because... body inertia and that time gap... Your video answered a long lasting question in my mind... However, it makes a new question of its own: is the "perfect technique" possible given the human physics? Should that be something that we should try to go near it as possible as we can, or it's just something that we can't? Any more insight on this? Really good information, really good insight, thank you!
ОтветитьHey coach ! I'm your new subscriber...Coach I have a race for the police job.. where I have to run a mile under 6.30 min..but when I run it feels difficult after 1km.. please guide me so that I can qualify in the race....❤
ОтветитьThanks for clarifying how complex the landing is during the running cycle. I've gotten the best results feeling a neutral contact while running, neither stubbing or clawing into the ground. A lot less blisters that way also! Haha.
ОтветитьFinally, some sensible and factual data explaining what I have been wondering and thinking about all the time over my last 55+ years of running.
ОтветитьOver-striding breaks your speed relative to the force you place on it. Equal and opposite force.
I just can't see why braking your speed while running is a good idea.
Finally a guy with a brain correcting the mass of idiots who clearly don't know what they are talking about! 🤣🙋🙏
Ответитьi never heared that. honestly.
But isn't the backswing velocity and the recovery limb moment also a big factor. At least for me it is.
Fun fact cheetahs are landing way in front of their COM! This supports your argument.
good info in the vid, here are my two cents on the "landing" thing.
I think you paused the clips a bit too early. I would count "landing" as "when your foot and leg are expected to support the weight and force of your next stride"
if you pause ALL of the clips at that point you will see the foot they launched from doing it's thing, and the same thing on the "landing" foot every time. If you ignore the foot the runner launched from, all of their posture looks like a casual step forward from a standing position. Like I said you have to ignore one leg, but it looks the same to me every time I pause it when their foot makes full contact and they "could launch"
After years of trolling the internet about running form etc, etc, etc... you've brought me back full circle and made me realise that I need to just run as is! Thank you and your content is refreshing and SENSIBLE!!!
ОтветитьI think you make two unsuppoeted assumptions... 1 that when CG is above foot, should be peak force. The ideal force vs position/time curve is very complex, and your passion is not supported by anything? it depends on so many other factor (x, y forces, speed, acceleration, in line, strike type, a hoe type, wind) but without having done any study, I can almost guarantee that your assumption is lot correct
ОтветитьI see alot of runners "jump" in every step.. I will never be able to run like that -my knees would break in just a few years. My way is a softer approach, because I want to be able to run even when I am 75.
Ответитьcool 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
ОтветитьThis content is Gold! Thank you for making this video! :)
ОтветитьYou can say what you want, but overstriding breaks your speed. One should focus on high heel lift and a knee drive. Try mirroring Kipchoge and you will understand
ОтветитьThis makes intuitive sense, as do the graphs. Curious if you have a graph illustrating the relationship between optimal forward foot landing in front of the center of mass at varying paces for runners of varying heights?
ОтветитьThank you for the video!
Is there any links for scientific studies about this maybe on pubmed?
You deserve way more views!
ОтветитьAmazing content. Thank you Fredrik...
ОтветитьAh! This kind of explains why I feel that I land farther forward in higher stack shoes!
ОтветитьAnother piece of puzzle filled in.
Very enlightening. Thanks
Very good video, its amazing this has to be thought to people I always felt this is a natural thing. But hey I know people who cant even throw a tennis ball.
Also the biggest misconception is that "forefoot" strike is optimal. Jeh maybe for short distance but anything else its most of the time is a bad technique.
Du e så klurig😊. Det borde betyda att de vanliga filmverktygen inte är nåt vidare användningsbara.