I Tested All Kittl Ai Styles So You Don't Have To

I Tested All Kittl Ai Styles So You Don't Have To

Philip Anders

9 месяцев назад

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@lory2videos - 17.05.2024 17:31

Can you upload a photo to the kittl ai to manipulate?

@CindySimpson-h8o - 17.05.2024 18:04

So happy to see this. I find I do not take time to investigate the different styles when using AI. This is a lot of help. Thank you so much, Philip!

@OG-ux8sf - 17.05.2024 18:15

I like the Kawaii.

@joseph-the-seventh - 17.05.2024 23:03

Kittl's AI tool is powered by Dall-E 3 (according to Kittl's own website). Would be interesting to see what prompting is going from Kittl to Dall-E for the different styles. One big advantage with Kittl is the SVG file download option for the vector styles.

@automaton111 - 18.05.2024 02:23

I am going to stick with Bing because it takes too many attempts to get just the right image. I can use Bing on my phone throughout the day, whereas Kittl is not Mobile friendly. Then I bring the image into Kittl to convert to vector. Sometimes I have to use a different tool because their vectorizer doesn’t do the best job with more complex images.

I like a couple of these styles, but I don’t think I would use them. I prefer to specify the style as part of the prompt I usually start with telling it to make a silk screen graphic, which gives everything more of a t-shirt graphic look to it.

@wpapme - 18.05.2024 05:36

Your taste it's so cool 😎

@bradholmes1832 - 18.05.2024 09:41

Danka shun Mien Hier. As you know, I love your flowing, informative, practical and succinct professional Presentations! Very well explained. It was good to know the similarities, as well as the differences! I would Greatly Welcome,an expanded video on this too please. Chooce! Brad H

@Hvhiew - 18.05.2024 11:23

Are images generated by Kittl compliant with Amazon Merch on Demand and KDP requirements?

@dalianodaliano7114 - 18.05.2024 14:09

How did you make so many boards with different images ?

@TigerChic - 18.05.2024 15:59

I'm just now getting to watch this, (I know-a little late) But I just started it and I'm immediately in awe of your little friend. What have I missed? Who is this little fur ball? And when did you get him?😍🥰

@P.O.D.C.A.S.A - 18.05.2024 20:42

Bro please give me promote??

@Dahlface77 - 19.05.2024 06:47

Yes! Thank you. I’ve been very curious about this. Thanks!!!

@Dahlface77 - 19.05.2024 06:50

What also would be cool is if you could post the comparison and example pages on your website....that would be so helpful to be able to reference to

@ibendivanno4270 - 19.05.2024 15:59

Cute puppy! Great video

@sandras8691 - 22.05.2024 05:55

I really feel like Kittl is more miss than hit. It seems I could put in the exact phrase and would still get a ship coming out of the forehead. Those tokens get eaten up fast trying to get it right.

@justcallmeneb8025 - 23.05.2024 04:25

My favorite from each section is, synth wave, pencil drawing ( with color added), and street art. I use pencil drawing in most of my prompts throughout all platforms.

@saturn959t7 - 24.05.2024 16:43

Love the oil painting. Found the Art Deco interesting.

@MissWeezeyUSA - 29.05.2024 23:44

I like the 'Dachshund'😍 the best!

@looklook6952 - 31.05.2024 20:04


@Hiran_Madushanka - 31.05.2024 21:12

Can Use for Print on Demand Free User??

@e-niche - 04.07.2024 07:08

It looks cool, but nobody is going to buy this as it screams "this is made with AI"

@timfrink9278 - 21.07.2024 09:25

Kittl's AI usually takes a lot of reworking and refining.

@hexamigo - 06.08.2024 10:21

Thanks for the demo. Tell me, what is the output pixel size for Kittl Ai generated images?

@MylphJonAgad - 13.09.2024 11:27

please make video tutorial also for kittl free version attribution please, love ya

@BeyondShirts - 17.09.2024 02:52

I liked the detailed drawing for the Pirate ship. I was playing around with Kittl AI today and thought that style might not print well on shirts. I'd hate to put out a great design like that then lose a lot of details when the image prints on a shirt. I think the details would carry over on a poster or wall art. I assume they have a smooth surface.

@melissascott3591 - 21.11.2024 07:34

this was awesome. do you have other generators you plan to do similar videos for? thx

@RishiRauli - 17.12.2024 14:24

Hi, great video as always. Are you able to share the art boards through PDF if possible?
