OFF GRID LOG CABIN: Inside Is Getting Setup

OFF GRID LOG CABIN: Inside Is Getting Setup


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@mariaotero5601 - 27.02.2020 08:18

Don't your dog get cold he should have a coat just saying and wondering!

@mariaotero5601 - 27.02.2020 08:20

Could be that Skeeter has ice between his toes!

@mariaotero5601 - 27.02.2020 08:20

Awesome cabin!

@Johnnyssilverscreen - 04.03.2020 07:24

I found this channel at Boss Of The Swamp Channel. Your doing great so far. I really like your cabin. You did a really nice job on it. I look forward to seeing more of your progress!

@davemi00 - 11.04.2020 19:59

Smart getting the tire chains,
They have Emergency Tire Chain Sets online.

@tomgrantham9992 - 13.04.2020 18:41

It is sooooo nice to see you two young people make this CABIN.
My dad built one in 1923 and another when I was born in 1946.
I had great times in it. It was on one of three small islands. We fished there on
Nickel Lake, Nova Scotia
, Canada, having the sounds of loons lulling us to sleep. So, I can relate to you guys enjoying the peace and serenity of your cabin in the WOODS.
I am very happy for you two .
And your sharing of the simple pleasures and living in nature is what is all about.
Thank you. 👏👏👏👏

@frpaddy - 14.04.2020 03:58

Loved this video. Thanks Kyle, Cierra and Skeeter!

@DougCanney1 - 18.04.2020 07:16

I was gonna ask if you had a snow machine or four wheeler. It would make things a bit easier. Looks like you got a good offer for one.

@woodspirit98 - 21.04.2020 19:54

I've been thinking about what kind of kitchen cabinets to get in my cabin and here I am 62 yrs old and I've built furniture and cabinets from milling my own trees and it never occurred to me to pick up somber and just DIY until I saw this video. Sometimes we are so busy looking at the big picture we miss the small important things.

@charlessessions7293 - 28.04.2020 20:23

Enjoy all ur videos !!

@billjensen1925 - 04.05.2020 22:18

Great channel - really impressed with how hard you work and what you're creating. The only downside is that you're a Vikings' fan. Boooo. Cheers from Wisconsin. :)

@Tbob17 - 26.05.2020 05:26

What is your dogs breed?

@Live-Life-Freely - 28.05.2020 04:32

-If you replace the rope on your sled for a thicker one it'll be less strain on your hands.
-Get a 2nd smaller sled so Sara can help out and you won't have to make more trips.
-Place a magnet on the door so have something to hold the latch. This will prevent you from grazing that latch, which I'm sure has happened more than once.
-Since you have the propane tank inside, when you're just about done with cooking flip it off at the tank, let that little bit of gas born off then turn off the stove. I've been doing this for years and it really saves you on gas, especially since your hiking it in.

@brianballard5509 - 30.05.2020 04:45

Rig up a harness for pulling the sled make life a lot easier and can pull more weight. I am a gunsmith by trade I'd be happy to help you with a nice hunting piece.

@wagnerrodrigues9029 - 22.06.2020 04:46

Adoro este tipo de vida , meu país o Brasil não existe este clima tão frio , deve ser lindo ver a neve cair e você está dentro de uma cabana de tora .
Adorei tudo .

@jazrobean1 - 06.07.2020 19:12

Thanks for sharing what you do!

@jazrobean1 - 06.07.2020 19:13

you may have said - - but - - from WHENCE do you get your WATER?

@mattcooper1123 - 06.07.2020 23:17

Need a quad with a trailer

@ubiratanoliveira692 - 07.07.2020 21:01

Uma cabana para a madeira cortada e um banco grande para sentar na porta da casa faz toda a diferença

@mikeupham963 - 23.07.2020 21:45

How do you guys do laundry ? I assume at this point you do not do laundry at the cabin?

@rajeevpushkar - 09.08.2020 22:10


@mikelewis100 - 12.08.2020 02:21

That propane tank should be outside. Very dangerous inside

@rrittenhouse - 27.09.2020 02:57

I'd sure love to know what thoughts are in that puppies head LOL. So cute and wild!! But trying to listen :) Catching up on videos, thanks for them!

@conspiracytheorist5408 - 16.10.2020 13:12

Dude needs a 4 wheeler

@geigertron3000 - 16.10.2020 22:45

AMAAAAAIZING CHANNEL!! SUB SUB SUB!!!! Thankyou for all this awesome content! INSPIRING !!!

@kevimc - 20.10.2020 14:54

nice cabin, where's the trail to the lake, thumbs up I enjoy your videos

@ivahill2280 - 23.10.2020 05:56

You are doing an awesome job , both of you , keep the videos coming

@brendamarshall1479 - 25.10.2020 18:06

I'm new to your channel really enjoy watching this 🙂

@jacobroubal238 - 02.11.2020 22:01

I've seen you use milwaukee, porter cable, and one or two other brands of power tools, what is your preferred tool?

@tiborhodosi9678 - 18.11.2020 18:57

hunting pleez

@appellantspark7773 - 26.11.2020 07:10

Hi like what your doing, Good Times!
Is there any oak in the woodland? It will burn longer and hotter. A good sized wood burner 11kw loaded with oak will burn through the night and you can get a nights sleep. Oh you need to sharpen or re-new your chain.

@Priscilla721000 - 25.01.2021 21:39

So cozy with the snow falling out the window! I could live like that soooo easy!

@brendaplotz4897 - 09.02.2021 05:52

I heard of dogs chewing on bones, but not your own leg bone! LMAO

@dianajones7999 - 12.02.2021 00:28

Love your videos

@stevemccoy8138 - 03.03.2021 09:36

Nice cabin.

@jerryjohns7358 - 07.03.2021 18:00

You pulling that sled: “ididatrod”

@vanvann2008 - 15.03.2021 11:08

Love it but your videos too short. Would like to enjoy 30min or 40min videos.

@helenhelps9619 - 27.04.2021 11:12


@trudidolder6122 - 24.05.2021 02:21

your cabin looks nice. One thing I would not like is, that the stove is right against the wall. Some space on the left would be a must for me. But, other then that, I think it should be great to live in such a cozy space.

@DaenaDanzig777 - 02.06.2021 20:49

Love the guys are living the dream. Wish you the best 😍!

@sueyates3555 - 23.07.2021 07:09

Your cabin turn out to be really nice. Your hard work has paidef off.

@Dashford2007 - 08.08.2021 14:48

Will the shed match the site’s specifications?

@sgrvtl7183 - 17.12.2021 08:23

You are doing it right!

@danbev8542 - 09.03.2022 03:16

Beautiful cabin! Great job outfitting it!

@hiennguyencong8190 - 25.05.2023 12:24

What causes diabetes?

@AdventureEric33 - 19.01.2024 03:48

found ya this morning and watched that smaller workshop cabin getting built, now im watching and liking from the beginning of your channel. cool to watch how this began

@deeanna5814 - 07.04.2024 03:16

I was going back to watch the beginning of your journey and realized this is the first vid of yours I watched. Been subscribed ever since and four years later, I still look forward to watching your journey. Thanks for sharing.

@williammeek7218 - 21.06.2024 06:43

Skeeter looks confused, whose leg is this he’s thinking.
