Vágner Love 2012 face By Rafael Ribeiro Elias for PES 2021 PC [ONLY PC/SOLO PC]

Vágner Love 2012 face By Rafael Ribeiro Elias for PES 2021 PC [ONLY PC/SOLO PC]

Mantis Modding

55 лет назад

1,093 Просмотров


Cómo instalar face para PES 2021 PC aquí/How install face for PES 2021 PC here:

Face Vágner Love 2012 By Rafael Ribeiro Elias.

Patch Base: ICMP Patch 2021 V3.0
Download ICMP Patch 2021 V3.0 here: https://bit.ly/3DmHFFt

*Color Piel-Cabeza/Skin Color-Head: 5,-1,5,-1,-3,0
*Físico/Fhysical: En el vídeo/In the video

Download the face here (SIDER VERSION): https://bit.ly/3ANalpl

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