ОтветитьThis channel is becoming my favorite review channel. You never fail to come through with a review I need, regardless how niche or obscure the movie/tv series is- you’re providing a review.
I appreciate that a lot.
I am looking forward to watching this documentary [Tomorrow!] Thanks for the review.
ОтветитьThe interviews in this doc take place in the weirdest spaces. It's different and adds to the atmosphere of a crime documentary.
ОтветитьI haven't seen this, but your critique of the positive and negative aspects of its content is interesting. I like documentaries very much as a rule, if they're well done. I don't mind some 'artsy' to them if they're presented in a manner that keeps the viewer intrigued, and don't simply come off as pretentious or amateurish. It sounds like you caught what the director got right - and didn't - in the making of this documentary series.
ОтветитьJust finished watching this. Very interesting. He definitely deserves an Oscar in my opinion. Not saying he was not unwell mentally but he knew what he was doing.
ОтветитьI got bored watching it . Ted Bundy documentary was better
Ответитьjust watch it, i recommend this documentary for true crime documentary
ОтветитьI knew Billy Milligan and yes his story is interesting. I haven’t watched the documentary but looking forward to how he was portrayed.
ОтветитьRepetitive, not well paced, overly informative and overstylized which caused a lot of distractions and made it dry and boring.
Re the story itself I felt his family and friends were overselling the backstory, one minute it's 'Oh No Not Billy, he would never ', next minute turns out he had an extensive criminal background some with similar charges.
Whether he has DID or not I dunno but I certainly found myself rolling my eyes at the footage of his interviews and being irritated by his family especially, who went from having no idea he had a mental illness to recalling instances in childhood where he apparently 'disassociated'. 🙄
I read the book back when it first came out and have been interested in Billy Milligan ever since. I found the documentary to be interesting and gave insight to what followed years after the book was published, along with details that were not covered. I too thought it could have been condensed but over all found it to be an interesting watch. I particularly enjoyed being able to view all of the video footage of Billy. A side note, I had a psych professor in college who had evaluated a patient for a trial who was attempting to use the multiple personality defense. The individual was rather convincing until upon closer investigation, they found that he had been housed in the same facility with Billy for a period of time. He basically had used his time with him to 'study' and was found to be a fraud.
Ответитьi would also add that the music is just overbearing in this documentary. it just never shuts up. i liked the soundtrack, but it felt like it was constantly in the background and it could get a bit distracting at some points.
ОтветитьAn alternate name of this documentary can also be
" Patriarchal and White Privilege at its Best". Gee wiz, he almost didn't have to do anything. Everyone around him literally created defenses for him, aided him in fleeing the state and helped him hide and evade law enforcement. Some people need to learn that you don't deserve for your comfort and happiness to come at the expense of others
I found this documentary very interesting. While I wish they added in the victims testimonies there is no say if they are still alive or if they even were asked and what they responded. I don’t think the documentary is to say that it’s ok for people to commit crimes if they have this disorder, I believe this is giving insight on a serious matter and that matter is child hood abuse and what it can do to peoples minds. I loved it it was very insightful!
ОтветитьI have D.I.D as its now called instead of multiple personality disorder. And prior to watching this on Netflix. I'd never heard of him before.
1 thing I will say is with D.I.D or multiple personality disorder (whichever you prefer) the individual is more likely to be of harm to themselves than others. Literally a conflict of interest within the headspace, between the alters causes too much controversy to harm other people. Yes I have less desirable alters that is true. But people without this disorder have dark days as well. My dark days are just depression and suicide tendencies.
So where I stand with Billy milligan is, everyone is different. I don't condone the actions he took. And what he did there after. I belive he was a troubled man. With alters that over stepped the mark on various occasions.
I believe he did have D.I.D if I'm honest. Just not enough was understood about it back in the 70s.
Awsome video though, this is. And i do agree with you on the points you made about the documentary itself. 👍
Top banana.
I found the documentary a bit contradictory. Billy was "asleep" according to his other personalities since he tried to commit suicide years earlier, but then Billy says he remembers some stuff from the months leading up to it. His family says he would never be capable of this, but then talk about his strange behaviors and previous crimes and how he dealt with that. Yeah, I think he had some mental illness and possibly DID, but I also think it was hyped up and exaggerated. I don't believe he was unaware of his crimes.
ОтветитьAlso recommend this documentary, and love your review❤️ Already subscribed !
ОтветитьThe way some of the scenes are shot we’re not great imo. Seems kinda cartoonish at times.
ОтветитьIf I had not watched this there's no way I would have believed this. The absolute stupidity of all those "educated" people who fell for this bullshit, felt sorry and sympathy for this guy, and assisted in his escape is obsurd. They should have been prosecuted. This psycho kidnapped and raped women, but all that was thrown to the side for some reason. Shame on everyone who didn't work exclusively to lock his ass up for life. I'm glad he's dead.