#warinukraine #hamasvsisrael #putin_zelensky #zelensky #зеленский #dmitrybykov #sjf #sjfc
Dmitry Bykov, the most outspoken Russian writer and poet currently living in exile. A poet in Russia is more than just a poet. If you are familiar with the Russian literature, you know that at the time when progressive forces were fighting tsarism in Russia, Nicolai Nekrasov wrote his famous poem entitled Poet and citizen. 150-170 years later, Russian modern writer, poet, scenarist Dmitry Bykov created a series of recurring performances named Citizen Poet paraphrasing the old poem, where he criticized the return of authoritarianism in Russia. His show was hugely popular, but Kremlin didn't like it. They have tried to poison Bykov in the same way they did it with other critics of the regime. Bykov has survived and he continues the fight today. His most recent book is a biography of Zelensky. You may ask - why should we care? Because it's not only a biography. In his writings Bykov raises a fundamental question important for the future of the whole planet. It is about the battle between dictator regimes, and free democracies. Ronald Reagan once famously said that the Evil must be defeated. And it was at the end of the cold war, but like in the Harry Potter story it returns again to Earth. We see conflicts in many points on the Globe, in Ukraine, in the Middle East, in Koreas, in the South China sea that are part of the global fight. Democracy in democratic countries including United States are sliding down. That's why we should care and wake up.
##warinukraine ##hamasvsisrael ##putin_zelensky ##zelensky ##зеленский ##dmitrybykov ##sjf ##sjfc