I love all these hits. That’s the game
Ответитьyou can't hit people hard in the nfl. automatic flag
Ответитьman some of these calls are awful, most of em are all shoulder
Ответитьjustin fields gettin targeted XD
ОтветитьIt’s like a yellow flag every play. Come on
Ответитьthese hits are average compared to rugby
ОтветитьAfter watching this video, I am now confused on what is and isn’t a legal hit
ОтветитьI am playing on my mom's Chromebook I play football I know what it feels like
ОтветитьMore flags than the Olympics opening ceremony.
ОтветитьProverbs 12:18
There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.
Picked up by slay huge take away flag is thrown on the play
Ответитьwhat a stupid and boring sport
literally just headbutts. none of these are tackles
you should do the best stiff arms of the 2022 2023 season
ОтветитьI hate it but I love it too....I feel bad for liking this 😂. But I do hope these players are all ok in the long term
ОтветитьNig on the thumbnail kinda look like lebron
ОтветитьIt’s kinda crazy how much of a better ref I would be
ОтветитьWhen you were a rb and tried to truck SOMONE but someone HITSTICK U BOOM and u got in a INGURY never try to truck big players but small pa,yers are still strong
ОтветитьThe hit on Robbie Anderson is catastrophic,if he was about 2 pounds lighter I think he may have broken into,his body is probably still crooked to this day
ОтветитьI don’t understand the rules of this game, but when the flag comes in does that mean the tackle was illegal?
ОтветитьYou know it’s a hard hit then my girl is in a deep Spanish conversation and randomly pauses and say damn that’s a hard hit the tv is on mute
Ответитьlook at all these hits.... not one of them suddenly collapsed...
Ответитьnotice the lack of cardiac arrests
ОтветитьThis is giving me a Woody
ОтветитьMy favorites are the ones where everyone in the hit walks away after. You never wish injury on your opponents.
ОтветитьHow are most of these flags. It’s the QB fault he’s leading passes straight into a man to get hit
Ответитьi feel like some of those hits Fields takes make it seem like he is not overly interested in a long career or possessing a full mental capacity twenty years from now
ОтветитьIt's almost always a flag thrown on a Good Hard Hit Now A Days. Soft-F-L
ОтветитьCan I do so close yet so far moments
Ответить金田一少年の事件簿 魔犬の森の殺人 七瀬美雪や親友の千家貴司らと共に廃棄と化した研究所に迷い込んだ金田一ー そこに生々しく残る獣の爪跡が告げるのは 伝説の魔犬 ケルベロスの復活か突如現れた狂犬の群れに
Ответить金田一少年の事件簿 銀幕の殺人鬼 不動芸術高校の映画研究部で 映画 大追跡お上映中 死 予告する不気味なメッセージがスクリーンに現れた メッセージの後には禍々しいサソリ座の文章が浮かび上がり 映研究部長 蔵沢光は サソリ座の惨劇 とつぶやいた あたかも サソリ座の惨劇の殺人鬼スコーピオンがスクリーンから抜け出てきたかのように 銀幕の殺人鬼スコーピオンは次々に映関係者お葬っていく 不動芸術高校の映画研究部の部長 蔵沢光 不動産芸術高校の映画研究部の企画者アシスタント 泉谷シゲアキ 不動芸術高校の映画研究部のアクション担当 真田剛次 不動芸術高校の映画研究部の映像の担当者 門脇安浩 不動芸術高校の映画研究部の役お演じる担当者 星野かなえ 不動芸術高校の映画研究部の美女の役お演じる担当者 黒河美穂 不動芸術高校の映画研究部の役割りの担当者 遊佐レイラ 不動芸術高校の映画研究部の皆お引っ張るスマイルアシスタント担当者川根理佐
ОтветитьThese videos should only show legal hits.
ОтветитьMcCains hit was clean...all shoulder...refs are trolling
ОтветитьDemontes ??? hit was also clean...
ОтветитьThat McCain hit was clean. Idc what anyone says.
ОтветитьPisses me off the refs and NFL are punishing the defense for doing their JOBS, its absolute BS.
ОтветитьYou know it’s a big hit when you see them tighten their chin strap
ОтветитьEphesians 4:30
And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Yeah, so I just watched "Rugby's Hardest Hits" Just no way. They really are tough athletes, but not like NFL level.
Padding REQUIRED at the NFL unless you want to end up in the ER (<-- Emergency Room @ closest Hospital).
RipTide out.
Back when the eagles could tackle
ОтветитьMost of those flags are not flags lol
Ответитьa lot of those were not penalties.....weak NFL
ОтветитьNot Devonte
ОтветитьCan't get it out on the streets, so I'll get it out on the field!!!