Finally a good video about my people 😊
Thank you for raising awareness on such an important topic!
Ответитьinteresting as the Tatars aren't native to Crimea. they took over the place when they were flunkies of Genghis Khan and the Mongols.
Ответитьthe Crimean, Circassian, Chechen and other Turkic and Caucasian people have endured so much pain. SO may Allah help the kind-hearted Ukrainians endure as he helped them endure.
ОтветитьAs a Crimean Tatar, we thank the Ottoman Empire for enacting the Refugee code when the Crimean war started, the Russians really hate us for no reason and their greed for Constantinople was obvious. That is another why my relatives and most tatars live in dobruja, Romania, the closest land from Crimea. That was a fun fact too. It was just one of multiple instances of the depopulation of the Crimean Peninsula.
ОтветитьA krími tatárok Ukrajna őslakosai – egy őslakos népet, de semmi köze az ukránokhoz! Hisz még akkor mér a krajna nevet sem ( jelentése határvidéki ) használták!! A krimi tatárok a kérész államok ( 1918 -1920 ) korában önállóságot akartak , de NEM ismerték el a globalisták, sem az antant sem az orosz.
Ellenben a lengyel kozákokat kiket jobban patronáltak a németek, az angolszász globalistáktól mégis kaptak önállóságot! Kezdetben ezek a lengyel kozákok védték a határt a krími tatárok betörésétől, majd annyira sokan lettek hogy már végül ők törtek be fosztogatni a tatárokhoz.
Ezek a kozák népek lettek az ukránok, hisz még a lengyel nyelv is közel áll a nyelvükhöz. Ez az ukrán harcos nép felbérelhető volt mindenre, a német és az orosz is felbérelte őket! Még ellenünk is 1956-ban ők jöttek be mint az orosz bolsevik rendszer fenntartója! Hisz ha nem így lett volna a több 2 ezer km miatt már az 56-os forradalom 57 lett volna.
A tatárok a nálunk tévesen tanult tatárjárás során kerültek a magyarokkal harcba, de tudni kell hogy a mongolok szövetségeseiként őket küldték előre! Hisz Dzsingiszkán apját a tatárok ölték meg, majd apja gyilkosain bosszút állva legyőzte a tatárokat. A lényeg mikor kivonultak a Muhi csata és utána, a tatárok nem mentek vissza már, hanem itt telepedtek le a bolgárok szomszédságában! Amúgy maga a pápa hívta be ellenünk a mongol-tatár sereget mert nem irtottuk ki a bogumil bolgárokat! Még a türk rovásul is üzentek a tatárok hogy nem akarnak csak áthaladni rajtunk, de mi védtük a labancot, a németet, sőt még a kunokat is. Sőt a kunok szövetségével lettek volna kiűzve, de persze a hitetlen kunokkal bűn lett volna, a pápa bosszújától félve! Pedig a tatárok a kunok testvér népe!
Mindenestre én a tatárokat mint a nagy Tartária ősnépe, a tudás ( bagoly zászló ) az nyugatiak eltitkolt talmudi történelme miatt nem is tanítják. Tehát a magyarok a tatárok, a bolgárok a közös gyökerek miatt még midig ( Irnik „Csaba” király, Dulo nemzetség ) barátságban vannak.
Oroszország többször is megpróbált kitörölni a történelemből. De a több évszázados gyarmatosítás, marginalizáció, diszkrimináció, a kur-tizán Mária Terézia ( a magyarokat is ) deportálásai és ma a megszállás ellenére a krími tatárok - minden valószínűség ellenére - még mindig a Krímben vannak!!
Yaşasın Turan
ОтветитьDo a story on the Crimean/Azov Greeks, they have been there for close to 3000 years in ancient Greek settlements and until the 2022 Russian invasion were 25% of Mariupol's population.
ОтветитьRussia is a prison house of nations and races of people.
ОтветитьI love how Americans like this guy never see the splinters in their own eyes, dumb western propaganda video.
ОтветитьI am crimean tatar. Thank you for video and paying attention to our proplems
ОтветитьI might be wrong but don't Crimean Tatars & Volga Tatars belong to the very same Kipchak group? Crimean Tatars have common ancestors with Lipka, Nogai, Volga, Dobruja, Kazan, Astrakhan and far more Tatars.
Tho I enjoyed the video. Left a like.
Thank you so much,as being crimean tatar itself❤❤❤
Yaşa Qırım❤
What autonomy? As a Ukrainian citizen I only seen Ukrainian goverment repressing them,attacking them prior to 2014 just like Russia did (albeit not this harsh) and they didn’t even teach them their langauge NOR Arabic script! They never renamed the towns,villages,they never had autonomy. The flag of the now republic of Crimea in Russia is the same as it was since 1992 or so. Even the coat of arms. Autonomy is nothing. But Crimea is better under Ukraine out of the two evils. Ukrainians and Russians hate Crimean Tatars a lot. They need independence or autonomy level like HK in China or a republic in Russia. Crimean Tatar Republic
ОтветитьSeems like you forgot to mention the previous inhabitants of Crimea, where the Crimean tatars came from, the Crimean-Nogai slave trade and what the Crimean tatars were doing during WW2
ОтветитьCan u please make video about South Azerbaijan.
ОтветитьDamn so stalin was no different to hitler
ОтветитьSelam aleykum! I’m Crimean Tatar from Romania and I’m more than proud to be part of this beautiful community❤️ thanks for this video, Free Crimea!🩵〽️
ОтветитьFree Crimea and end colonization
ОтветитьIt’s a pity that the Crimean Tatars were expelled from their native land;(
From Ukraine I wish the Crimean Tatar people prosperity!
Kremlin's propaganda need to be stopped. Anything of moscovite is a warcrime Peace to Ukraine! Hague for putin and his nazis.
ОтветитьRussia is teroris country this is a symbol of the occupying country, that is, russia.
ОтветитьThey are murmurers and terrorists Thèse people are praising regime of Putin and the atrocious crimes against humanity.
ОтветитьRussia is an aggressor, a terrorist country waging a brutal war in Ukraine. They kill civilians, women, children and the elderly. The Russians are shooting a green corridor, not allowing humanitarian aid to civilians in Ukrainian cities. This is the genocide of the Ukrainian people. As a symbol of their aggression, they use black and orange ribbon, the letter Z and V and the symbols of the Soviet Union. Do not allow Russian propagandists to glorify Russia's terrorist actions in Canada I'm signed because Russians killed 135 kids in Ukraine.
ОтветитьRussia invaded Ukraine, it's a terrorist country which always start war first, do a lot of propaganda, russians hate Ukrainians, Ukraine language, culture. And not only in Toronto, but everywhere in Canada. No to the Russian fascist events and symbols!.
ОтветитьSimply put, allowing such an event to take place would be an advertising and approval of russians' unprovoked war against all of the Ukrainian people Stop this madness! Stop the war! Stop the murderer of Putin and all those who support him! Slava Ukraine! kids, pregnant women, elderly - and thus against the whole of humanity.
ОтветитьThis event of Russian propaganda that spreads terrorism over the world and hide genocide of Ukrainian people There no place for ruzzian nazism in Canada!
ОтветитьNot only the symbols but the whole event must be banned. Because Toronto and Canada are strong supporters of Ukraine this event is meant to subvert that support. The Russians are insane and evil. This is Putin's propaganda, which results in killing civilians, children in Ukraine, and destroying the country.
ОтветитьThe russians sre terrorists and occupiers
ОтветитьHistorical myths like what ?
The peninsula has been russian simce 1783
Big thanks for explaining it so well) It's very important for our people!
ОтветитьThank you for the video.
ОтветитьHi! Thank you so much from my nation for making this video! ❤ We’ll always stand in Crimea, cause it’s our motherland. And necessarily Crimea and Crimean tatars will be free inshallah🙏 Good luck!
ОтветитьThank you very much from all our people, good luck in your business!!!
ОтветитьFrom the name of my nation - the Crimean Tatars I want to thank you for this video. Crimea is and will continue to be the land of the Crimean Tatars, despite all the difficulties that will befall our fate. We stood up then - we stand up again!
ОтветитьThank you so very much Fredo. It’s always educational watching your videos. Look forward to the next one. Stay well and thank you for educating us 🙏🏽
ОтветитьСлава России! Крым была и будет в составе России
ОтветитьHello !
Do the Crimean tatars consider any city in Crimea as their capital ? I am wondering as most ethnicities consider one city as their capital…
Have a good day.
Why not visit Crimea and actually talk to some tatars? Will likely take longer than five minutes, though...
ОтветитьTurks ahead! Crimean Tatars and Kazan Tatars will be free!
ОтветитьThis was really interesting! I love this format!
So I really hope I'm not offending you by knitpicking here, but some of those "P"s were really loud. Do you use a pop-filter when recording your voice?
Otherwise it was great as always and I can't wait for your next video!
I so love these videos. Really fantastic explanations. (And I loved the cheeky neigh! 🤭😂)
ОтветитьI would have added the Crimean Tatar alliance with the Kozak Hetmanate and the liquidation of the Hetmanate by Catherine
ОтветитьIs that horse sound that signalled Catherine the Great's appearance a reference to what I think it is?
ОтветитьSalaam alaikum brother thanks 🙏 hello from Somaliland peace ✌️ and love
ОтветитьTurkic peoples❤