This is the best outro ever. I have NEVER heard an outro that ties together an album like this one does
ОтветитьThis man is a musical genius
Ответитьtears at MY funeral
ОтветитьThis song makes me cry every time I listen to it
ОтветитьUnderrated Masterpiece
ОтветитьIt's how he dances or laughs everytime something finally goes right. Epic!
ОтветитьAlmost impossible for me not to cry. 😱
Ответитьthankyou so much
ОтветитьI just found this guy at a point where i was questioning my own musical jorney
ОтветитьStumbling on this video, 5 years after the album and i still consider this pure Art
Jon is a musical genius
Does mark has his own songs ??
ОтветитьDoes mark williams has a perfect pitch...
ОтветитьI love jon bellion
ОтветитьI love that the electronic chirp at the end of the song is the same as the one that plays through the beginning of “He is The Same”. It makes the whole album a perfect loop.
Ответитьwhy does the original song have so many dislikes..??
Ответитьbro how the fuck does a 20-something kid write such a masterpiece
ОтветитьThis is the best song I know. No matter how long and how many times I play it, I don't get tired of it.
❤️❤️ Jon Bellion
My best musical artist
The effect of time doesn't touch his songs
Hands down, and I do not say this lightly, one of the greatest songs of all time. Respectfully.
Ответитьnah when he said "in the" he knew it wasnt "in the" mark stoppppp
ОтветитьNot sure anyone will understand this thought but his genius mind and Lin Manuel’s genius mind remind me of the others. It’s beautiful and brilliant and I’ll never get over it
ОтветитьHe outdid himself on this album
Still one of the greatest for me till this day
If only this choir knew the greatness they were participating in...whoosh!
Ответитьtake down luv...impossible. thx for reposting. AND mostly for luving art
ОтветитьLiving legend. Love you Jon
ОтветитьIf I was on my death bed, and I can listen to one last song, this is the one.
ОтветитьI'm here 2023 ... Jon is a walking musical note. Can't say which note tho, has to be one very dominant
ОтветитьStill iconic
ОтветитьThis song evokes such a unique emotion, it literally makes me cry tears of joy.
ОтветитьThis 2023 and Jon Bellion’s The Human Condition is still the best album ever released on the planet!
ОтветитьI heard this song live in 2016 and still feel the chills I felt that day when I blast this song on the speaker
ОтветитьBest song I've ever heard at this point
ОтветитьI pay my internet bill for this type of content
ОтветитьWho’s here in 2024? 😊
ОтветитьI just discovered Jon’s music after he was on George Jankos podcast so i started watching his “Behind the Scenes” videos. His pure excitement of making a song is what inspires me to make music. He truly just LOVES it.
ОтветитьNah the way his shoulders are grooving while he plays the mpc. Shit is coming from the soul.
ОтветитьJon Bellion is still one of the most underappreciatedest artists on this planet❤🔥
ОтветитьThis will forever be the best song ever. True masterpiece
ОтветитьI just discovered this, but everything jon makes is beautiful. Im glad hes back
ОтветитьTy so much for re-uploading!
ОтветитьBeautiful ❤️ song
ОтветитьA mash up jon bellion songs i would play a thousand times 😊😊
ОтветитьUnmatched muzik skills
ОтветитьPlease come back soon Jon. U are my greatest artist of all time.... 6yrs please come back.
Love from Nigeria