ОтветитьThey are looking for a check from the hospital, the hood lottery. 🤑👍🏾
ОтветитьAnybody who donated to this, all your doing is helping to keep this black failure going. It's time for these female usual suspects to learn accountability.
ОтветитьThose poor children and that poor grandma.
ОтветитьSeeing young children pushing their siblings in a stroller is a common thing in the hood. Their mama are busy entertaining men at the house or probably in the streets running behind some damn man.
ОтветитьInsane. I’ll never understand how so many women lay up with different men; baring children for each one. No commitment. Then they proudly refer to these bums as “baby daddy.” It’s sickening. 12 children so I know I’m one of many footing the bill for their Medicaid, food stamps & free housing with my hard earned tax dollars. Women who know better do better.
ОтветитьMy sister who is 15 months older than me potty trained me, but only because my mom used M&M's as a reward for us to use the potty and she'd give my sister some too if I went potty. lol She's still self serving and scandalous.
ОтветитьAll of these father’s of her children could’nt come together with their resources to help these kids,But she gave them all babies.
ОтветитьWe need to STOP paying single women to have children they can't afford and aren't equipped to raise. We need to STOP rewarding bad behavior!
ОтветитьBirth control is cheap (or free if you can't afford it). Why wasn't there any mention of that?
ОтветитьUnfortunately, too many women prefer Uncle $am as their husband. He'll take care of them no matter how wretched they are. All he asks in return is that they vote (D).
ОтветитьGoFundMe seems to be the default life insurance policy for too many people.
ОтветитьAsia, you have a wonderful family and are a good example to others.
ОтветитьTommy singing🎤😂...
ОтветитьLove ,Tommy and ur content is definitely cool 😂🤙 Keep up the great work.
ОтветитьHey, buddy!!! I'm in/from Florida and lived in Detoilet for almost 4 years, so I know them both.....the D is waaaay more fuqkd up in sooo many ways than the worst parts of Florida. We have crazy stories about people in Florida but many of those people aren't even from here and the crazy stuff that happens in the D are so very common that nobody talks about it , definitely not the news.
Not sorry but what did she do for a living again??
ОтветитьDefund (Big Daddy government) Welfare.
ОтветитьMom, kid(s) and Grandma is NOT a family!
ОтветитьThat GoFundMe account should be assigned an administrator to ensure the money is spent responsibely.
ОтветитьGlad to see Tommy alive and well
ОтветитьI still wouldn't drink any tap water in Flint Mi.
ОтветитьA slave's greatest asset is its ability to make more slaves.
ОтветитьShe does not even look happy. No smile whatsoever
ОтветитьThis woman was promiscuous
ОтветитьMarry before you carry
ОтветитьIf you are not financially stable, you shouldn't be having kids.
Ответить“White Women” are you saying “No” to sleeping with other Races of Women’s, Men? Stop Judging “Black Women”! 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾
ОтветитьYall talk about Tommy?
Well ma'am my mother just passed away last Thanksgiving. Guess what group of ppl that has been constantly bringing up my deceased mother as a joke? Posting her picture for laughs? Say8ng they're glad she's dead. Telling me she deserved to die as death isn't a human condition.
That's right, it's been evil ass black women not Tommy.
I remember hearing this story over a year ago.
ОтветитьShe was in search of Donkey Man with the Python
Ответитьall the crazy people in Florida are not the Natives but come from up north.. We hate the transplants in Florida, whether northerners or Immigrants... It was once paradise, now it sucks..
ОтветитьMy aunt had a litter of children she couldn't afford, but it was from one husband! Her brother had to help care for some of the children!!
ОтветитьMost of this breeding is fueled by entitlements!!
ОтветитьYou can develop heart failure from having so many children!!
ОтветитьDetroit? Say no more...
ОтветитьDetroit is more in line with Chitcago!