Automating the Conversion of HTML to Word using VBA Macros

Automating the Conversion of HTML to Word using VBA Macros


1 год назад

431 Просмотров

This is a VBA macro that converts HTML content into a Microsoft Word document.

The macro first gets the HTML content from the active document, creates a new Word document, and then loops through each HTML element in the HTML document.

For each HTML element, the macro adds a new paragraph to the Word document and formats the text based on the HTML element tag. If the tag is a heading (H1 to H6), the macro sets the corresponding heading style in the Word document. If the tag is a paragraph (P), the macro sets the normal style in the Word document. If the tag is an ordered or unordered list (OL or UL), the macro adds a new paragraph for each list item and sets the appropriate list style in the Word document.

If there is an error during the conversion process, the macro displays an error message.


#convert_html_to_word #vba_macro #microsoft_word #html_document #document_automation #office_automation #programming #visual_basic_for_applications #vba_programming #word_automation
Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются
