Valheim Build Series | Ep 18 | Hearth and Home Bakery Pt. 1 - Construction

Valheim Build Series | Ep 18 | Hearth and Home Bakery Pt. 1 - Construction


3 года назад

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@chunt5584 - 20.09.2021 00:18

Oh! Nice, good to see a new build so soon after the update!

@aldegamer9311 - 20.09.2021 02:09

beautiful solution for the new crafting needs. Great design!

@nathanielgould5284 - 20.09.2021 02:23

Are you an architect if not you should be great looking work 👍⚒🏠

@Sh4dySam - 20.09.2021 02:36

Great work! I like that you include your thought process as you go!

@truenorthscalemotorsports527 - 20.09.2021 04:47

Great job, love your builds. If I may, add in another set of the roof dormers on the front roof panels to match the back, leave the middle section as is to balance out the look and maybe add in a loft area in the peak. Giving you bedroom areas in the lofts and living space on the "main" upper floor. Definitely like all the work so far. Looking forward to your decorating.

@Mactrizel - 20.09.2021 08:09

Hope you don't mind I altered it a bit

@mirathelofmirkwood - 20.09.2021 08:29

The new pieces look so beautiful! Great job! 😍

@IronDadGames - 20.09.2021 09:44

Holy crap, this might be my new favorite build showcase. Nice work!

@markjeacrisbernardo2571 - 20.09.2021 11:38

Love the build. Please make a fortress .

@beaker8111 - 20.09.2021 17:08

Dark wood... it's called dark wood. It's supposed to be dark.

@nozee77 - 20.09.2021 17:08

Very beautiful as always! 💚
When the shingle roofs came out, I was thinking it will be a pain to overlap them without it showing, seems I was right, unfortunately.
Totally agree on the 1m darkwood poles, we need them! Same for 26° and 45° angled beams.
The new look the new pieces give to builds is something I have to get used to, they look more modern and refined kind of. Hopefully not everybody starts to build in a similar style now that we don't need to make creative workarounds on missing pieces anymore...
My favourite new piece is the 1x1 as well, and the inverted pieces. 😆
I like the new pattern of the hearth, I wish they had given this to the stone build pieces too, though.
Cannot wait for part two!

@steadybacon1606 - 20.09.2021 18:28

Very cool video.

@jasonjudd4726 - 20.09.2021 20:31

I got everything built up as you have it layed out. Now I'm ready for your part 2 for decorating. Also, why is there still one wall inside on the 2ed floor that's not filled in. It's just left open

@pixiephix734 - 20.09.2021 22:06

Your Builds are Always SO lovely!! What Seed do you like to build on?

@xdxdxd8544 - 20.09.2021 23:09

I wanted to download your world, could you send me a file?

@MemoryPallace - 20.09.2021 23:28

This really is a classic game I love games that you can build a house in

@FlexSelectBeats - 21.09.2021 01:03

how u no clip?

@jball5288 - 21.09.2021 02:04

Do you share your builds on nexus or anything? Your builds are dope!

@drewfrizzlexd2273 - 21.09.2021 06:11

I just hope they figure out the stamina what they did makes the game feel so bad.

@brockybear2 - 21.09.2021 09:10

Wow, great job smitty, keep it up dawg.

@overseermarkus - 21.09.2021 10:19

Amazing narration. Love the chill style of orating hints and methods.

@Voeluspa45 - 21.09.2021 12:50

You are building this in the middel of nowhere? Won't monsters tear it down?

@boobbzob - 21.09.2021 13:00

Where is part 2 ? 😭

@bobdole3926 - 21.09.2021 18:48

Looks good, missed the windows in the gable dormer.

@gregoryquint7653 - 22.09.2021 01:22

Looks cozy and warm!

@CarlaDiMar - 22.09.2021 20:07

Hermosa casa!

@jantokar9211 - 23.09.2021 11:28

Very nice. Thx for info.

@RHodges - 24.09.2021 15:42

Does the hearth stay lit if it rains with the chimney top open like that?

@kardaine29 - 25.09.2021 20:10

Such an amazing build, the only issue I'm running into is that circular chimney, running into the red fall apart issue lol, I need to get on your level and this is great training. Thank you for doing this man.

@stanlis5408 - 27.09.2021 11:06

aesthetically your build is dope, but from a practical standpoint, it's shit. You're using a ton of resources where they are not necessary and space for all the crafting stations is unavailable prioritizing "looks"

@Thurban - 27.09.2021 19:46

"Grab a snack, grab a drink, and lets get into it," flashed me right back to Natalie Gold's channel.

@Thurban - 27.09.2021 19:46

Really nice build!

@scotthill4553 - 28.09.2021 15:32

My first video of yours and I loved this build! I love how you’re talking about the build as you’re doing it instead of just a time lapse video! Can’t wait to see the next video!

@PatrickCordaneReeves - 30.09.2021 23:58

My dude, it's "dark" wood. It's gonna be dark. The contrast is a GOOD thing.

@solfridschillplace - 03.10.2021 18:14

This build is just awesome You got a nice and calm voice that makes this tutorial so easy and cosy to follow. Also really like the way you have used the new pieces we got from H&H and how you use beams outside the beams to make it more 3D. So looking forward to continue with the decoration after building the bakery <3

@inukuji9294 - 04.10.2021 04:28

Hi Smithy! Love your builds so far! Is there anyway for me to buy the save files?

@PekarDaniel - 05.10.2021 13:58

Beautiful, THX for inspiration buddy !

@kxolsen - 11.10.2021 19:46

Nice build, would love to see ones that are real game play functional. Defenses made, Chimney's covered, etc. There are a ton of just creative build videos and they are pretty inspirational, but not practical for game play.

@sarahno4748 - 12.10.2021 03:20

Very cool build. I agree it is dark but you might say it a little much😅 hopefully they introduce another in between tone(^_^) it's hard to mix and match woods in the real world too:)

@satellite2696 - 30.10.2021 01:27

It’s not fun when you have an unlimited supply to play around with.

@samueldavehuhuhu7730 - 14.11.2021 15:47

Does it break by the rain

@lunas0leil278 - 22.05.2022 20:34

Try actually showing what you're building instead of skipping ahead. Super annoying if someone is trying to recreate it

@DorkieShorty - 02.06.2022 12:43

why is it that i cannot for the life of me place poles like that! seriously annoying! i have to first place the beams and place a pole below it, else it will be uneven or it wont snap right. Also why is it that for me shit falls down because its too heavy but for u guys it never happens? snapping halway like at 15.50 never gonna happen! There is no possible way for me to do this without a building mod or something. i rly need to dug next to it to make it possible

@sylvandryad6207 - 07.01.2023 19:04

I love this design!!! I really enjoy how you orally talk through a build!!. Could you share your seed? This game has a lot of beautiful coves and areas, that are unique to certain seeds. I'm excited to see prt 2!!

@NebucadLaVey - 22.02.2023 20:56

Texturepack might be helpfull if the color or pattern of an Item dosen't suits you.

@nekotsune3373 - 18.07.2023 08:06

I built along with you, making a few minor alterations along the way for my own decorative interests, but I will be happy to share it with you when finished.

@emilsulcs3170 - 17.08.2023 01:24

Annoys me a little that you didn't show how to build the most tedious part of the chimney, right after where you have to place the wood floor on the roof

@TheChurn2025 - 03.09.2023 22:43

Just such lovely work!
